Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bank Wars - Everyone needs to see this!

Watch and forward as everyone needs to see this and learn from it.
This is a very important video...
It tells exactly why we get into wars constantly and the
people need to boycott these wars and not let ANYONE
be exploited by the BANKSTERS.  


Dan said...

Maybe an official document for ALL 535 members of Congress to sign or be immediately arrested on the basis that the 16th Amendment, the Income Tax, was Unconstitutionally Ratified, and once they do sign it saying it was NOT legal, then they are to be removed from office as they have VIOLATED their Oath of Office, as the funds that were collected for their spending was an ILLEGAL TAX!

JWalker said...

OPPT - One People's Public Trust.. get involved and STOP PAYING THE BANKS... THEY 'OWE' YOU!!