Can the
Government STEAL Money From YOUR BANK ACCOUNT?
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 08:16 AM PDT
There are only 2 links to this quote from March 20, 2013 on the
web! You can be sure that no "normal media" you listen to is going
to cover this explosive quote either.
What Bernanke is doing is brazenly stating the "Plan"
of the "Powers that Be". We already know they are trying to break
the US dollar and the world currency system so they bring in the NWO. They
are purposefully trying to bring "contagion" so they can bring
"Order out of Chaos" (NWO that is). This quote below clearly
states that part of that plan is to raid the American people's bank
accounts and steal their money.
The only question is WHEN? soon as they can cause the
And remember - the financial crisis worldwide has resulted from
the unlawful deceitful thievery and 'banking' practices of the 'federal
reserve' headquartered right here in these United States - via their private
corporation 'banking system,' and all is proceeding forward nicely at YOUR
EXPENSE according to their (unchallenged and non-stopped) plan.
States Cyprus Style Depositor Haircuts Possible in US if Events in Europe
Become Contagious!
this afternoon’s FOMC Press Conference, in response to a question posed as to
whether the Fed would ever impose depositor haircuts as was attempted this
week in Cyprus, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke confirmed that
Cyprus style depositor haircut wealth confiscation is possible here in the US if
the Cyprus event or another event in Europe were to become contagious and the
people lose confidence in the US dollar.
At 3:18 PM EST Bernanke was asked whether a seizure of deposits could happen to US depositors as in Cyprus, if the economy gets worse? Beranke’s translated response: Only if the Cyprus event or another event in Europe were to become contagious and the people lose confidence in the US dollar. While QE to infinity will be pursued as long as possible, the entire Cyprus fiasco is now officially on the table when it comes down to it if unlimited counterfeiting fails (and gold revaluation which is the next tool in Bernanke’s toolbox). |
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 08:15 AM PDT
I write to only a handful of people who remain true to the
Lord and who have been heeding His words and instructions. My friends,
things are becoming dark and scary now. I and others have sent out
warning after warning after warning after warning. As I said at the
beginning of this year, the time for warnings is over. We have entered
the time of those warnings coming to pass. The message at the link below contains information from a bank
manager about what is soon to come to the banks in our country. When I saw this tonight, I wondered if it was the same
60 days that the Lord recently showed me. In other words, when I saw
myself running to and fro with a red neon high-rise sign blinking “60 days,”
was it about this very message? I wish I had retained more of what the
Lord was showing me, because there were other numbers, possibly even a
date(s), but my memory does not serve me well right now. The only thing
I do recall was that it made me think about where 60 days would land. I
remember doing this calculation in my head and it landed on May 16.
We’ve already seen what has happened in Cyprus, and this is setting the precedent for others
to follow. If you haven’t heard, Cyprus is debating on whether to levy a tax on savings accounts in order to
fund a bail-out, plain thievery! Anyway, they have decided to keep their
doors closed through the rest of this week until they can decide what action
they are going to take.
Who knows what the real story is now because there are
beginning to be a number of them. Consequently, details start to blur,
becoming twisted and confusing from one report to the next.
Nevertheless, the problem remains that “they” have started something
horrific, and this can easily spread and has already spread to a few other
countries like New Zealand, potentially Italy, and a handful of other
European countries on the chopping block. Additionally, they are considering the idea of setting controls on some type of “fixed
amount” that customers may withdraw as soon as they open their doors on March
26. (The 25th is another holiday—a real
one, not just a “bank holiday.” You’ll see this term more and more in
the days ahead.) This same concept is applied in the message at the
link below. At this point, it seems to me that no matter what action
they take, the result will be something that nobody wants (except the
elites). All that was needed was to instill fear into people that they
either would not be able to access their funds or when they do access their
funds, some of it will be missing. Of course, the greatest fear of all
is that the next time they are allowed access to their accounts there will be
nothing left. (See 3/19/13 scare: Chase—zero balances.)
Obviously, this is already in the minds of everyone who has been following
this story.
I know it is still so very difficult to conceptualize that
we are headed for trouble in “the good old USA.” The trouble is, our
country hasn’t been “good” in a very long time. Rather, good has been
replaced with evil in virtually every realm of our existence, save for the
controls we put upon ourselves individually and within our own spaces.
Anyhow, you must now force yourself tsequestration agenda). Obviously, none of their bailouts, Tarps, or QEs
have worked. And their continuous pumping of the markets have only
created a higher summit from which to fall. So, what do you think their
next step will be? Unfortunately, there isn’t anything they can do that
will rectify the situation. All it will do, no matter what action they
take, is just delay the inevitable. The inevitable will be a complete and utter failure, a complete
and utter collapse. Of course, their bottom-line agenda in all of this
is to transition us to some form of one-world currency, whether t becomes a total write-off.
Combine this type of reckless, deceitful, greedy behavior with
the national debt, and you have a formula for a mega-disaster, a disaster in
which TPTB (The Powers That Be) will do almost anything to rectify (witnessed
by their endless kicking the can down the road, QE infinity, and now the
sequestration agenda). Obviously, none of their bailouts, Tarps, or QEs
have worked. And their continuous pumping of the markets have only
created a higher summit from which to fall. So, what do you think their
next step will be? Unfortunately, there isn’t anything they can do that
will rectify the situation. All it will do, no matter what action they
take, is just delay the inevitable. The inevitable will be a complete and utter failure, a complete
and utter collapse. Of course, their bottom-line agenda in all of this
is to transition us to some form of one-world currency, whether that be in
fiat money or eventually only digital data—this is their ultimate goal.
I have heard it said a number of times that the soldiers will be
out on the streets to begin gun confiscation while declaring Martial
Law before the market crashes. The market crash,
potential run on the banks, and gun seizures will be the start of chaos and
civil war—what the government itself has instigated. They plan to
disarm veterans first because they harbor the greatest threat, due to their
skills, when it comes to defending our country, our rights, and our
freedoms. I think it is highly likely that any one of these events (and
other events not mentioned) are about to happen; they may even occur all at
the same time. There will probably also be something else that will be a
trigger point to start it all. Watch out for March 22 (322),
tomorrow. This number is the calling card for Skull and Bones (a secret
society—Google it), and there have been several predictions for something
evil occurring on this date, possibly another false flag and/or an
earthquake. Both of these and more have been predicted, and there are
countless tie-ins with the latest Batman movie and all the recent
shootings/tragedies in the last year. (I don’t have time to get into
all that.) I’m not saying what exactly will occur on 3/22, but what I
am saying is that I know something is going to hit soon. We are right on the edge of our world changing from
what we’ve always known and taken for granted.
Read the message below and, if you don’t believe what it says
and you don’t believe what I’ve said, then take it to the Lord in
prayer. He will never steer you the wrong way.
In the meantime we must all remain extra vigilant, sober and
in continuous prayer. Ask the Lord
what you must do within the next couple of months to protect your net worth. Also ask Him what other things you must do. He may want you to do something that you least expect.
You may pass this email on to anyone with
whom you are led to share. Just be sure to remove my email address
Posted: 21 Mar 2013 08:13 AM PDT
Just received a call
from a highly agitated bank manager who stated
that within 60 days, banks will be greatly reducing their hours, days of operation,
amount of withdrawals and a requirement to fill out "paperwork" if
the amount is questioned by bank officials. Unless the form is completed, money will not be
disbursed. What really irritated this manager is that after hearing our statements on the air, and receiving
years of assurance that our positions and contacts were so much bravo sierra,
now he hears from corporate people that it is apparently true after all. He
said, "screw them, grab the money while you can."
parameters given were banks open two days a week for four to five hours with
below minimum staffs, increased security and greatly reduced amounts of
actual cash in the vault. Amount of withdrawal will be held to $500-2000 per
day per customer account--not customer. So my account could
only have either my wife or I withdraw, not both. That level could change at ANY time.
There is no plan (at
least known) for automatic confiscation from accounts--yet, and he said that the banks hold the "ownership" authority and
final disposition of any items found in safety deposit boxes. (surprise,
surprise!) Withholding mortgage payments could result in expedited
(30) day foreclosures and 15 day Sheriff's locks on your front door.
Federal Reserve could and will initiate other more draconian restrictions on
all aspects of "private" banking and access to any property held by
banks. It could include forfeiture of your primary (paid for) residence if
your summer cottage has a mortgage and you fail to pony up to keeping it
current or any forthcoming restrictions on your accounts.
the only option is to close accounts or only keep funds that can be paid
instantly to keep electric, water, or other critical accounts paid. Cash will
be drying up---so, unless people hold precious metals, bullets (the new
currency) or medicines, etc., you are screwed. Barter will be king.
As the Colonel said
yesterday, "the universe is contracting into the black hole. There is no
way to escape its pull." (Political/economic/social order black
at 1545 hours
20 March 2013 The Lawman |
Build Your Retirement Through Real Estate Investments!

Dan Fink

In regard to this Great Book [the Bible], I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to men. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it. (Abraham Lincoln)
Comment from Erasmus of America - People have short memories! I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. A prestigious international organization once wrote me up as "The Einstein of American Economics." If the evil clique secretly running Wash., D.C. tries to crash the American economy by the above tactics, you quick make me the Economic Czar of America and very rapidly I will have your money and national prosperity restored to you. Corrupt Wash., D.C. will not because they are not loyal to the American people. I had a spy who was a private registered nurse to one of the top Satanist leaders (Illuminati) in America and I was told how she found out that the Satanists secretly controlled Wash., DC. and had much infiltration in many state legislatures in America. By the way, my group intercepted a communication from the Illuminati. They listed Obama as a middle level Illuminati official who has to take orders from higher authority officials in the Illuminati. The one called "Deepknight" has a higher grade ranking in the Illuminati than a common lower servant of theirs. Arrest him and you have a prime witness who can identify nearly all the higher rank Illuminati in America. He is at this moment trying to arrange my murder in order to silence me. The U.S. Justice Dept. in the 1960's started a murder program how to murder U.S. citizens and not have it trace back to the U.S. Justice Dept. One of the minor Justice Dept. officials once years ago boasted to me and I think five other witnesses including a lawyer there how the U.S. Justice Dept. arranges federal murders of American citizens without it tracing back to the U.S. Justice Dept. My report on Thursday will take of countless federal murder programs of American citizens starting from World War II up to and including "Deepknight" who is trying to give away my address nationally and inciting my murder by a non-federal if possible. If not, then a federal posing as an unknown murder is supposed to murder me shortly. All on his website and the owner of his website who is a lawyer from California as I understand it are under law now co-conspirators to trying to incite my murder by an old tactic of the U.S. Justice Dept. which has used this tactic many times to murder American citizens and not trace back to the U.S. Justice Dept. having incited or else arranged the involved federal murder of an American citizen who was too honest, a patriot, etc. of America. I will be releasing this week the assembled legal evidence that the U.S. Government bought off by secret interests allied with the Illuminati have arranged the murder of millions of Americans by designed federal policies in national health intended to hurt and murder millions of Americans on a regular basis. The F.B.I. murdered the original brilliant man who assembled this legal evidence on Wash., D.C. with names, dates, etc. and famous people quoted on this, but he told us just before he was murdered that he had been threatened by the F.B.I. to shut up or else. The day he was murdered, they cleaned out his house of thousands of DVD's all with the legal evidence on Wash., D.C.'s secret health policy designed to murder your husband, wife, son, daughter, etc. and you are supposed to be too dumb to know that Wash., D.C. did this to you. He got one copy of his assembled evidence on DVD over to me, a best friend of his, and his best friend who lived close to him. He let us know that the F.B.I. had just threatened him with implied murder which shortly happened and thousands of copies of his assembled legal evidence on Wash., D.C. in DVD format were all removed from his house the same day Wash., D.C. murdered him. They tried to arrange his house to look like he died of natural causes, but not knowing his life style, made mistakes which showed the federal murderers arranged the death scene incorrectly and identified themselves as his murderers. By Thursday I will be releasing nationally the legal evidence to show that these legal charges are valid and not made up.
you are mighty ignorant of law and don't know that you hold the final legal
power in America and don't need elections to clean the criminals and traitors
out of Wash., D.C. I think it was the first U.S. Supreme Court decision made in
America was that any jury in a criminal trial had the legal right to examine
not just the facts but the law or laws used in the case. If the law or laws
were unjust or fraudulent meaning unConstitutional, the jury could nullify the
law by not allowing it to be used in the government filed case and so dismiss
the criminal charges against the accused if they so chose. Articles V, IX, and
X of the U.S. Bill of Rights all state that you the American people have legal
rights under law that federal government or state government cannot take away
from you. In Article V, it states that you have the right in any grand jury
held in any of the 50 states and in any county of the 50 states to vote for
either presentment or else indictment of anyone for criminal acts under law for
the involved area covered by law. Presentment which the power elite don't want
you to know is your legal right with any grand jury in America whether federal
or state is you tell the prosecutor to step aside, you independently
investigate criminal charges you judge need to be investigated, and if you find
criminal conduct either in state government or else federal government, you
vote counts of presentment and present it to the prosecutor. He is supposed to
deliver legal papers to the accused to face criminal trial on the involved
criminal charges delivered by counts of presentment. If the prosecutor tries to
be smart aleck with you, you deliver these to the County Sherff to issue the
arrest warrants, etc. and the prosecutor may end up also charged as a
co-cponspirator to the involved criminal charges if he tried obstruction of justice,
dereliction of duty, stonewalling of legal processes, etc. to try and let the
guilty get away without facing the criminal charges they are supposed to under
"Deepknight" has been trying to block information from you that can
save your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter, etc. from being murdered
by secret federal policy in national health laws and policies, he can be
criminally charged for murder conspiracy by every grand jury in all 50 states
and from every county in every 50 states. Also, Eric Holder can be duly legally
charged with co-conspirator with DeepKnight to murder American citizens in
every county in all 50 states. "Deepknight" engages in malicious
slander which is a federal and state felony across America. For example, he has
told you how you have to be an idiot to believe such nonsense as I got a car up
to 94 miles per gallon as we all know such is impossible to do. He forgot to
tell you that several times in my national reports which he read I listed the
engineering book written by Shell Oil engineers where they took standard
commercial cars and got them in gas mileage over 100 miles per gallon, over 200
miles per gallon, and over 300 miles per gallon. Official results by top
engineers in Europe at the time of these high gas mileage tests sponsored by
Shell Oil over a number of years.
When I
release my bombshell legal evidence on federal murders of American citizens I
plan on Thrusday to release unless Wash., D.C. quick makes it peace with me, I
am considering releasing nationally the Illuminati document where they say
Obama in the White House is also an Illuminati official for the Satanists in
America but only middle rank of Illuminati officials, not one of the top
officials of theirs. He takes orders from them as they, not him, run the White
House and the rest of Wash., D.C. right now at the federal level.
"Deepknight" broke open the security of the Illuminati which secretly
run Wash., D.C., not you the American people. What suckers you are to think you
control Wash., D.C. which you do not. But the grand juries in America are your
power base. Use them with powers of presentment under law and you can kick the
traitors out of power like lightning as you mass send them away to prison until
all criminals and traitors in Wash., D.C. get the clear message the American
people have taken back control of the government of America and the Illuminati
no longer secretly control Wash., D.C. or some of the state governments. My
nurse spy told me of the secret meetings, etc. for the Satanists who like to
call themselves Illuminati meaning the Enlightened Ones. The Illuminati had
their original plan for world conquest written up by a former American general
shortly after the Civil War. He said that he had a demon spirit to help guide
him to write up this plan. First the Illuminati would engineer a World War I.
While the world was distracted, they would overthrow the Czar of Russia and
replace him with a Communist Government for Russia. Right on target! They
pulled this off in 1917. Then they were to pick a nationalist group in Germany,
put them in power to drive the Jews out of Europe into a return to the land of
Israel. Hitler didn't know it, but he was their picked boy! That is why Wall
Street bankers with secret Washington support financed Hitler into national
power in Germany. He put up a better fight than they thought he could and
almost won World War II which was not in their plans, but ultimately their plan
worked! Now using Jew and Arabs played one against the other, they will allow
no side to win but gradually build this into a World War III drawing in all
nations on earth. Using the World War III as their excuse, they trick the
nations of the world into a one world government. In the process they are to
kill off all the Jews in Israel and most of the Arabs in the Middle East. Then
the world must either worship "Lucifier" as their god as all other
religious are now illegal under plan of death or else heads roll in every
nation where the people do not now worship Satan called "Lucifer" by
them as their god. Insane plan! Absolutely yes! But as Russian intelligence
reported openly in print in Moscow in 2001, they estimate that the Illuminati
has over 300 trillion dollars as their secret fund to establish a one world
government with.
Now plans
don't always go according to plan! One of the nuclear powers had secret
meetings last year and they were supposed to annihilate America late last fall.
Because the Joint Chiefs of Staff refused to take back the oral military
intelligence charter given me years earlier by am earlier roster of Joint
Chiefs of Staff including Gen. Curtis LeMay, I acted with full authority of
national security and set up the Confederate cause angle last summer and fall.
Last night the F.B.I. recorded it as I outlined to two friends over the phone
how I saved America from being annihilated in a nuclear attack on America
planned for around late fall in 2012. When the phone call started, you heard
the clicks saying that the F.B.I. was legally recording this call. When the
details got out how America was supposed to be annihilated late last fall and I
saved America from total planned nuclear annihilation to occur before 2012 was
over, the clicks stopped and the F.B.I. of course listened but considered this
so top secret, they have no plans of ever using this to say that I was not the
most loyal American in all of America last fall in pushing the Confederate
angle to keep America from having 300 million dead Americans all killd the
first day by nuclear attack. I call upon now that personnel and officials of
the U.S. Justice Dept. who are loyal to the American people and not to the
Illuminati, send in payments to me until the federally stolen $525,000 is
returned to me which was done with full Justice Dept. approval and backing at
the time it occurred. Those of the U.S. Justice Dept. trying to return to me
the federally stolen $525.000, include your names, and when grand juries rip
the U.S. Justice Dept. to pieces over this and countless other criminal
violations of law, I don't think you will get prosecuted when the hardcore
criminals in the U.S. Justice Dept. will and you can be the foundation to
rebuild an honest U.S. Justice Dept. this time.
By the
way, the Catholic monk who wrote up my book so highly "The Early Roots Of
Apostolic Christianity" says that he has read through about half the book
now and thinks that this is definitely the foundation to reunify Christianity
on and all Christians should listen to me, not just Protestants or Catholics.
He said he now realized that he had been wrong on a few items he previously
believed to be true and he thinks that all Christians will find they need to do
some soul searching after reading this book. He says I was right to lead all
Christians back to the first recorded teachings of Apostolic Christianity and
all sides will learn much from what I dug up from the prime first official
writings of Apostolic Christianity. Because of the psychological warfare smear
tactics "Deepknight" and associates tried to use to keep the Christians
from listening to me, I will not give them a victory on tricking Christians, so
very briefly will allow those who order my book now to still get the bonus
offers released after I released the official book itself a few days ago. Of
course price still $25,00 plus 6% sales tax of SC if ordered by credit
card from my website
or if sent in by mail with check, etc. made out to NIFI and sent to NIFI, P.O.
Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Those ordering the book, I will let them also
receive my bonus report on the one page design using the experiments of four
inventors to come up with this simple free energy system so long as they send
me 20 cents now for copying expenses and a return stamped envelope for me to
use to mail this material back to them. I am putting a copyright notice on this
material because I will give out the secret where the free energy comes from
and even these inventors may not have known that. When in military school, I
was very scientific and did 44 experiments on gravity to identify what it
really was as physics knew it existed but did not understand why it worked as
it did. All free energy systems that work get their free energy from gravity
even thought most who succeed do not know why this is so in physics. I do not
believe that we can create energy, but we can transform by several tactics in
physics gravity into free energy for us. I do not know how to build a true
perpetual motion machine, but I do know how to transform gravity into workable
free energy. I secretly know what gravity really is and this follows all the
formulas of physics for gravity. Let me give you something to speculate on.
Drill a 10 foot wide hole through the center of the earth and so a hole goes
through the entire round ball of the earth. Throw a tennis ball down that hole
that goes from America to China or wherever you want it to. Does the tennis
ball go from America to China, or stop at the center of the earth? When you
figure out the many subtle scientific angles to this, then you may finally have
figured out what scientifically gravity really is! I know the correct answer.
but if you are scientificallly inclined, this is not easy to answer what causes
the tennis ball to go to and end up where it does. If I explain it to you, then
you think this is not so hard to understand. But it takes brains to figure this
out in science. I know the answer. Do you?
get my book the Illuminati through "Deepknight" tried all their tricks
to try and trick you not to see as it will free America if the people read it!
D.V.D. the F.B.I. thought they had destroyed all copies of, there is one they
did not know about. Dr. David Garst and I were good friends. I was the only
person he appointed to promote and sell his D.V.D. besides himself. I got one
copy that evaded federal destruction. The soundtrack was poor to it. I had an
electronic genius restore the proper soundtrack to it using Hollywood tactics
to restore poor soundtracks to old movies. Now the movie is so sharp and
powerful, I would not be surprised if it will not end up winning one or more
Oscars as Hollywood is liable to be stunned by it. Both conservative and
liberal Americans will be stunned by how powerful this movie is and I predict
from 90% to 98% of American adults will consider this their favorite movie seen
in 2013. Dr. Garst was brilliant in how he made this movie a parody meaning a
comic version or else a ridiculing version of what reality is under Wash., D.C.
It will be selling for $25.00 plus the usual SC sales tax of $26.50 as soon as
released. I will allow a limited number of those who bought my book and/or this
DVD to become dealers for it. Twice I set up marketing campaigns which did over
$100 million in sales the year I started the marketing campaign with around
$1,000 each time. I predict this will be my third $100 million in sales or more
within 12 months of release. I had a royalty agreement with Dr. Garst. I will
honor it and see that his mother or whoever else of his family is alive will
become rich because of Dr. Garst as I will honor my royalty agreement with him.
He had heard of my super success in marketing twice before and gave me a total
free hand how to handle my end of the marketing of this DVD. Right after he was
threatened by two F.B.I. agents, he let me and his best friend in the Roanoke,
VA area both know that he would not be terrorized by the F.B.I. that implied
that he would be murdered if he released these federal scandals of Wash., D.C.
He said if he had to die for the truth, then he would. I honor him as a great
American patriot and willl see that all of America soon knows of his greatness
as an American patriot. Also, I will honor as a great American patirot Mike
Kodosky who had his two feet chopped off by the U.S. Justice Dept. to try and
force him to tell them where the money was at that beloned to his clients in
America and abroad. He said that this money belonged to the American people,
etc. and not to Wash., D.C. So they murdered him and he died of a heart attack
as they chopped off his second foot as they said they would do if he would not
tell him where the money was at. He was a diabetic and they witheld insulin
from him so he would either tell them where the money was at or else he would
lose his two feet. I had two spies that told me everything the U.S. Justice
Dept. was doing as this criminal affair evolved into federal murder of him.
Illuminati is scared to death of passage of my Omni Law based on the idea of
James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution," which he said was
the smartest idea ever created by man in history how to protect his legal
rights from tyranny in government and force the government to be the servant
instead of master of the people of the nation. He said the creation of Roman
civil tribunes was the most brilliant idea for human freedom created prior to
the American Revolution of 1776. I copied the Roman civil tribune concept of
law, modernized it a bit for American use, and it is called the "Omni
Law" which you will find all written up and explained in my book "The
Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" By Erasmus of America (my pen
P.S. Copy and send this everywhere across America. I will be releasing this
week the DVD movie by Dr. David M. Garst which he called "Mad About
Alternatives." He spent $50,000 producing it. His only mistake was a poor
soundtrack. I owned a movie studio years ago, knew what the mistake was, had a
"Hollywood" soundtrack revival system on it as hgh expense to myself
and now it may end up winning one or more Oscars the people will love this
movie so much I predict once they see it. This movie guarantees my Omni Law
should be passed in America and fair chance this year of 2013. In the first
part of his movie, he shows the federal policies from Wash., D.C. to strip the
American people of all their legal rights under law. The second part of the
movie quoting from a Nobel Peace Prize winner, medical sources, etc. but done
in a very entertaining way called "parody," he shows the federal
health policies deliberately designed to injure the health of and murder
millions of Americans by planned federal health policy and laws, not by
accident. Wash., D.C. was bought off by corrupt interests and so did not give a
"damn" if they murdered millions of you by these cunning, totally
evil laws they passed to harm or else kill you, your husband, your wife, your
son, your daughter, etc. You may use this DVD to have grand juries all across
America by votes of presentment to have arrested those who try to block passage
of my Omni Law as only it, no other Wash., D.C. policies or laws will end the
present federal policy of killing off all the time millions of Americans. Dr.
Garst nailed the case down. It is a murder policy and clearly proven by medical
evidence and quoted sources. Pass this report all over America unless you like
being murdered by federal health policies designed to injure you for life in
health or else murder you outright by cunning traitors in Wash., D.C. in
Congress and federal agencies who laught at you if you are dumb enought to
believe they really care about you or are on your side. Enough s
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