fears of snakes, death and public speaking are closely
followed by another very common fear...
Body Odor.
worse yet, "HBO" -- horrible body odor.
we spend small fortunes on personal care products including body washes,
anti-perspirants, feminine sprays, deodorants and perfumes. Because nobody
wants to stink and we're willing to do just about ANYthing to avoid having
someone shout, "Febreze it!" in our direction.
the problem is that people are spending so much time (and money) searching
out the latest BO disguisers, while completely ignoring the primary
cause of the odors...
toxic you are on the INSIDE.
is the by-product of your body cleansing itself and eliminating toxins. So
the more smelly inner toxins you have, the worse your outer aroma is.
all the nice-smelling sprays, creams, gels and powders in the world won't
change that.
take a little crash course in...
Body Odor 101
body is masterfully designed with a series of metabolic processes that help
keep it clean inside.
include urination, bowel movements, exhaling carbon dioxide and other
toxins through your lungs, expelling mucus and dust through your nose and...
toxins through your skin.
skin is your largest organ, so you do the math and figure out what part of
you plays the most significant role in purging toxins.
you may be wondering, "Where
do all these toxins come from?"
things like environmental chemicals, smoking, pollution and medications all
add to your internal garbage pile, far and away the biggest sources of
inner junk are eating processed "non-foods" and poor digestion.
the scoop:
Bad food and digestion
= BAAAAD odor
body is meant to be nourished by real foods--things like vegetables,
fruits, meats, whole grains and healthy fats. It has enzymes that break
down each kind of food, it assimilates the nutrients from them all, and any
excess unusable residue is easily eliminated as your bowel movements.
when you instead exist largely on processed, packaged junk--aka
"non-foods" that have never occurred in Nature--putting it
bluntly, your body has no freaking clue what to do with them.
tries to break them down as best it can and absorb whatever scant
"added vitamins and minerals" might be in them, but they mainly
just end up as acid wastes and toxins that your body has to try to get rid
-- nasty BO in the making.
digestion is another culprit that makes you smell like you're
"smuggling onions."
typical modern American meal is a smorgasbord made up of every kind of food
under the sun and that's about as easy for your system to digest as eating
an old tire.
your digestion can't be accomplished like it should be, not only does that
lead to acid waste accumulation and you smelling like Pepe Le Pew,
but poorly broken down food molecules that enter your bloodstream can also
lead to inflammation and food sensitivities too.
let's not forget the fact that you're probably also suffering from gas,
bloating, constipation and acid reflux on top of stinking.
How to smell REALLY
if you want to make it so that you're not clearing out the elevator every
time you step on, you have to acknowledge that smelling good on the outside
comes from clean insides.
are three simple steps you can take to make your innards squeaky clean and
keep you smelling naturally sweet:
1) Exercise
another reason to get your heart pumping at least 3-4 times a week.
Sweating during exercise is a tremendous toxin-releasing process.
with regular exercise cleaning out those inner toxins and burning up some
fat, not only will you smell better, your waistline can shrink too.
2) Drink water
helps to flush out wastes and toxins and keep your entire system clean. So
drink up. 6-8 glasses a day.
3) Efficient digestion
is by far the most important thing you can do to end BO for good.
don't worry--having efficient digestion is not difficult or boring. You
just need to eat real foods in easy to digest combinations and give your
body a little help if needed.
A- The food piece of
smelling good
The Great Taste No Pain
system can show you how to eat to smell better.
GTNP manuals teach you why specific foods and food combinations cause poor
digestion and the resulting BO.
all based on simple biology and chemistry, but I explain it in a simple way
that will make perfect sense to you.
also guide you on how to put together meals that digest like a breeze, and
give you loads of delicious recipes to enjoy. You'll be shocked at how good
you can feel after eating for a change.
you will be fresher and sweeter-smelling too!
Note: If you have gluten
sensitivity, Great
Taste No Gluten is for you.
learn the same digestive principles as in Great Taste No Pain, plus get a gluten free survival
guide and a collection
of scrumptious gluten free recipes.
systems are available for FAR less than what a bottle of perfume costs.
B- Enzymes help you smell
only does the modern diet mess up your digestion and make you stink, but it
also uses up LOTS of enzymes in the process. Eventually your body's ability
to produce adequate digestive enzymes may be diminished and that can mean
are essential for your foods to be broken down like they need to be,
because when they're not, look out. Even your washing machine will revolt at the smell of
your shirts.
inadequate breakdown of foods leads to poor nutrient absorption, which can
cause you to overeat (and pack on pounds) or develop deficiency diseases
like osteoporosis.
were among the concerns we had in mind when creating Digestizol Max.
the last 50 years increasing numbers of people are suffering from enzyme
deficiencies and all the health challenges they cause. This directly
correlates with our increasing dependence on processed foods and fast
the thing is, once your body's ability to produce enzymes is diminished,
that's it! You can't magically create more.
That's why older people
often tend to smell...well, not so good.
Not enough enzymes!
it's important to give your body a little help if needed with a superior
digestive enzyme supplement like Digestizol Max.
can say goodbye to nasty BO by eliminating its REAL cause.
yourself sweeter on the inside and life will be a whole lot sweeter for you
on the outside.
your sweet smelling good health,
PS: We're now on Facebook!
Like us here:
PPS: Jen is seeing all kinds
of great changes!
Hi Sherry,
About two weeks ago I thought
that ill-health and pain was to be my way of life for the remainder of my
life. I now know this is not true.
Although always plagued at
crucial times and events throughout my life with debilitating raw stomach
pains, nausea, vomiting, migraine and bouts of constipation, nothing
compared or prepared me for the extremes suffered over the last two years
when symptoms dramatically increased.
I am fifty-seven years old and
I have always worked professionally and to my full capacity, which demands
ambition, energy, tenacity and sound judgment to survive.
I considered my diet to be
fairly good and thought that my state of health was due to anxiety,
pressure of work and inevitability with increasing age. I approached
doctors, and quite quickly I could envisage a route between hospital,
sick-bed, ineffectual medicines and an early retirement due to failing
health prescribed for my future.
I decided to find another way.
I have often been afraid to
eat at work or with friends because of intense and seemingly unpredictable
reactions to food. Exhaustion blighted every day, with simple tasks and
ability to cope with everyday pressures too much to bear. Every day was a
struggle. I felt ill.
Through a process of trial and
error I began to try to heal myself and eventually sourced your
Taste No Pain plan.
It arrived and after one day I knew I had the answer in my hands.
I am getting stronger and more
adept at combining each day. This way of eating is now my cornerstone for
the rest of my life.
Here is what I have
experienced so far:
- Pain and vomiting stopped
after 1 day
- Sleep became sound
- Aches in my joints have
- Relaxed and focused approach
to life
- Breathing less congested
- My shape is changing
- A zest for life is rapidly
As toxins are being discarded
I have had some uncomfortable, but short periods of distress throughout.
Realizing that this is the body healing relieves anxiety and afterwards
there is a feeling of rejuvenation having taken place.
Your plan is clear, understandable
and workable manuals for contemporary lifestyle and I have no hesitation in
my highest recommendation.
Again, thank you so much for
your help.
Jen B.
Check out
THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.

Want the best probiotic on
the market today? Then learn why Super
Shield outshines all the rest here.
Got low energy? Brain fog?
CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out
of four people are. Read more
about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Years of junk foods, meats,
alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to
produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas,
bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your
diet is! Digestizol
Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14
plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of
digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about
Digestizol Max here.
Gluten has been linked to
hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are
gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten
can do for you. Great
Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160
of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of
your gluten-free life. Learn
more about Great Taste No Gluten here.
Want case studies? Here are a few THOUSAND
health turnarounds for you to marvel at.
taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?
Why not? Get over to
and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.
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read past articles? Here they are.
Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
copyright 2013 Holistic Blends
FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email
are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes
only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor
for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of
this email.**
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