ALERT: Head of US Government Legal System
Spills the Beans
...About Silver Manipulation
Attorney General Eric Holder just testified before the Senate
Judiciary Committee that the investigation into Silver Market
Manipulation could not be prosecuted (or made public) because
it would have too adverse of an effect on the Global Economic
System...or something to that effect!
...About Silver Manipulation
Attorney General Eric Holder just testified before the Senate
Judiciary Committee that the investigation into Silver Market
Manipulation could not be prosecuted (or made public) because
it would have too adverse of an effect on the Global Economic
System...or something to that effect!
Eric Holder Admits Some Banks Are Just Too Big To Prosecute
"I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes
so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them," Mr.
Holder told lawmakers. Prosecutors, he said, must confront the
problem that "if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge,
it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even
the world economy. And I think that is a function of the fact that some
of these institutions have become too large."
"Mr. Holder, however defended his agency. Federal prosecutors, he
said, have been "as aggressive as they could be, brought cases where
we think we could have brought them," he said."
"After the hearing, the panel's top Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley
of Iowa, issued a statement calling Mr. Holder's remarks "stunning."
Mr. Holder " recognized that in effect, the big banks and their senior
executives have a get-out-of-jail-free card," he said."
NOTHING is by accident anymore and the huge increase in anti-bankster
rhetoric and visibility lately is no exception.
The facts surrounding the Silver Manipulation investigation are so blatant
and so damaging to JP Morgan there is no other Road for the regulators to
travel! That is WHY the case still hasn't been dropped after 4 years.
(Remember the head fake published in the Financial Times last August
that charges were being dropped? Well, they never were! F-U...FT you
criminal conspirators!)
For the ten thousandth time I'll say it again...
and Silver WILL finally be released from it's shackles.
This is the will of "We The People" and we will NEVER give up until
JUSTICE is served.
This is where this Road ENDS for the Bad Guys.
Bix Weir
If "nesara" is real, prosecute, jail and take back the ill gotten funds(for a majority of bankers that is most if not all of their funds).
It's not hard. Crash the system then reboot it with "nesara". This scaring of the people is foolish, unnecessary and really making me want more then just the money back. We might need to give them a forced reeducation to make their brains work right.
Because it's obvious they're crack addicts that need some forced detox for the next three years or more. And they can't be allowed to spend a penny or even look at anything dealing with the stock exchange or bank terminals.
Yerts might work...just send out some folks to keep them at the yert city, then force some reeducation on those fools.
The CFTC will do nothing. They never have and never will. Just another cabal run disinfo agency.
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