Poll Shows Barack Obama’s Fall to Earth
on March 13, 2013 by Filed
under 2012
Election, Economics, Government, Government
Spending, Low
Information Voters, Politics

their latest poll, Barack Obama garnered only 45% of voter approval while 48%
of voters disapproved of the work he has done since November. This is the
lowest approval rating Obama has had in the McClatchy-Marist poll since
November 2011.
December 2012, Barack Obama was rated on his personal popularity. At that
time he received 53% approval and 44% disapproval on personal popularity.
Those figures have dropped 48% approval and 48% disapproval. Again, this
is the lowest since November 2011.
asked about the direction of the nation’s economy, only 34% of voters indicated
they believe we are headed in the right direction and 62% of voters said they
believe we are headed in the wrong direction. Guess what? Yep,
lowest since November 2011.
were asked if they believe the country is still in a recession or not.
Despite the government’s erroneously increasing jobs figures and the gains made
in the stock market, 34% said we were not a recession while 62% said they
believe we are still in a recession.
the future hold optimism or pessimism? When asked if they thought they
would be better or worse off in the coming year, 22% said better off; 36% said
worse off and 41% indicated they will be about the same in a year.
the only category that Barack Obama’s ratings were up was when he was compared
to Congress. When asked, only 26% of voters said they believe that
congressional Republicans are doing their jobs, and 31% said that Democrats are
doing their jobs. On the reverse side of that question, 62% said congressional
Democrats were not doing their jobs, and 68% said congressional
Republicans weren’t doing their jobs either.
one aspect of the poll that concerned me was the question of who bears most of
the fault for the sequester and the automatic $85 billion budget cut.
Only 37% blamed President Barack Obama while 45% blamed Republicans. It
seems that many of those polled fail to realize that the sequester was Obama’s
idea and he had the final say on it and had to sign it for it to go into
effect. President Obama stands up and tells everyone that it was the
Republican who refused to compromise when in fact it was Obama who refused from
the very beginning. He’s like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie
jar who stands there and blame’s his kid sister.
I didn’t understand in the poll is that even though more people blame
the Republicans for the sequester mess, 44% of the voters said they preferred
the GOP approach to handling the national deficit compared to 42% who do
not. Does it makes sense that more voters prefer the Republican way
handling the deficit, yet they still blame the same Republicans for the
sequester mess? It seems like reverse logic to me.
I’m thrilled to see that President Barack Obama’s shining gleam is rapidly
becoming tarnished. I wonder how much of that was due to the fact that
everyone’s taxes went up when all during the election he promised not to raise
them on middle and lower class Americans? More Republicans need to be
telling the idiots that voted for Obama that they told them so. They kept
warning them that Obama’s plan was raise taxes on everyone and the fools kept
believing Obama’s lies instead. Now look at the mess it’s gotten us into.
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