Sunday, March 24, 2013

Short Update / Drake Weekend Link

From: Bill Mee
After reading what Carrol A Doyle AKA Carrol Beams had to say, we could have announcements today or Monday. We’ll see. She said Fines and Penalty money is going out now and they have 72 hours to get it delivered. She said we will go under Martial Law for about three days so that the dark hats can't leave the country and so that key government positions can be taken over by the military. If we get an announcement expect a short banking holiday. She was told to have some cash on hand. She said there are about 170,000 arrests that will eventually happen. She is not sure on O. She said either he is going to be forced to resign or they may let him stay. If they let him stay he will be closely watched. She seems to lean more toward the former. This makes Drakes call very important. Since things are imminent he might have some really good intel for us today. –B

Drake's Vital Weekend Update – Sunday
1pm Eastern, Noon Central, 11am Mountain, 10am Pacific

Sunday: 559-726-1300 Pcode 489454
Replay Line: 559-726-1399 Pcode 489454

Press 4 to rewind, 5 to pause, and 6 to fast-forward while listening to replays
If there are technical issues you can always listen with this number 646-716-4984 no Pcode. 


Anonymous said...

link doesn't work

Anonymous said...

Interesting, its been almost exactly 1 year since the first time Drake's predictions of mass arrests. What is it that Drake always says??...Oh " Horse Hockey ". That's what this sounds like.. more Horse Hockey. The Drake Cool Aid is old.

Anonymous said...

Not this time 6:24. No not this time, can't you feel it in the air... you will. It's all coming to a Poof type conclusion and I am so ready. Poofs' "C" is Collapse , as in freedom from bankers tyranny, and return to commodity-backed currency... 100% backed...Basel lll anyone? Reagan Mitterand Protocols, Nesara, etc.

ymp135 said...

No I believe Poofs C is for change. Collapse can't be in the atmosphere. But there could be change in the stmosphere, such as pressure..... Namaste