Wednesday, March 27, 2013

union states assembly call tonight

REMINDER: union states assembly call tonight 03/27/2013 9:00 PM est.
9:00 PM eastern  218-895-0970  pin 396109#

For those without unlimited free phone time, you may also listen in at LISTED AS unionstates. There you can communicate via the chat board as well.
Please join us - AND bring a friend
Tonight's agenda: - Divided into three segments:
 Segment 1.  Identify and recruit capable people in each of the original 13 states who will help organize a group of fellow state inhabitants to bring their lawful State government back and give Lawful Notice to the world.
Segment 2.  Identify and recruit capable people in each of the remaining states who will help organize a group of fellow state inhabitants to bring their lawful State government back and give Lawful Notice to the world.
Segment 3. Only after the above business is completed will other issues regarding the completion of this project will be discussed - just be patient if you have a topic relative to the completion of this project needing to be brought forward - you WILL be heard.

Here are some past recordings that will help introduce your friends to the union states project:  
800-858-6563 – 8 minute telephone introduction to union states. - A 50 minute audio overview and explanation of the union state project. - union state website containing documents and archived recordings of our assembly meetings.
Utube describing union states project
union states email:

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