the beef?
years on, and no one has managed to find a collapsed or leaning building in
Sendai, the city hardest hit by a 9.0.
If you are hitting this site now,
you probably already know that the Japan tsunami was the result of a nuclear
detonation in the Japan trench, and that the earthquake was weak and man made.
But aside from the seismograms which prove it, the best evidence that not much
shaking happened in Japan at all can be found in the Sendai damage report.
the original Sendai report has vanished from the web. In the new linked report
it is important to note that though it at least shows no buildings fell, it
focuses on tsunami damage.
Sendai, a massive city
which was located near the epicenter of this supposed 9.0, even two years after
the quake, reports as a result of the quake zero
collapsed structures, and zero leaningKobe, a similar city in Japan, was struck by a different earthquake in 1995 which measured only 6.9 (1/100th the intensity of a 9.0) And had over 150,000 collapsed and leaning structures.
tell me, HOW does a 9.0 which reportedly lasted six minutes produce ZERO
collapsed or leaning structures, when a 6.8 which lasted 20 seconds produced
The scam of a 9.0 is so
transparent that even the smallest kitten scratch on the surface of the topic
lays waste to the official story; it takes a real stroke of sheeple style
blindness to overlook the fact that it was ALL TSUNAMI DAMAGE because the
earthquake never happened as stated at all. And if there was no significant
quake, WHERE ON EARTH DID THAT TSUNAMI COME FROM?In the official USGS quake report, which shows the five top ground accelerations measured, it clearly shows that the peak ground acceleration happened at station MYG004, which is 70 KM inland, yet puts the epicenter out in the ocean, where there are no stations to record it. The station closest to the reported epicenter, which the USGS painstakingly omits, shows that on the Japanese coast nearest the purported "epicenter", the quake registered a 5.63 on the richter scale which corresponds to a total ground thrust acceleration of approximately 0.08 G's. Look at this USGS report carefully, which puts the ground acceleration at station MYG004 at over 12 g's. To put this all in perspective, a quake that produces even 1 g of ground acceleration is considered to be one that virtually NO skyscraper, highway over pass or bridge can survive. Why then did a 12 G monster do virtually nothing at all where it was measured INLAND, FAR AWAY FROM THE OCEAN?
picture below is NOT the USGS report, CLICK THE LINK ABOVE or Here,
the USGS report is a PDF.
Take a look at the REAL
richter readings in the photo below, which were provided by the various seismic
monitoring agencies in Japan, which prove beyond all doubt the USGS lied. 
Furthermore, I got numerous shill backstabs claiming that no damage happened inland because the ocean absorbed the quake. If the ocean really could absorb a quake (it cannot) it would be irrelevant if the USGS charts were true, charts which show peak ground accelerations of 12 G's, 3.18 g's, and 2.7 g's, ALL TOTALLY APOCALYPTIC READINGS, happening hundreds of miles apart ON THE JAPANESE MAINLAND. The lack of damage outside the tsunami zone proves beyond all doubt that the USGS lied with their charts, and is therefore complicit in the lie that gave creedence to the Fukushima disaster.

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