Wednesday, December 25, 2013

We The People Agreement to STOP WAR!

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

We The People Agreement to STOP WAR!
The Best way to agree to the Feds to turn our guns in is to Call Our Boys and Girls Home with a County to State to Federal Governments' AGREEMENT!
Order the President to;
Signed Documents with ALL countries and the United Nations showing our actions,
Call ALL our Military Personnel Home,
Stop ALL contracts to Manufacture any MORE Military Equipment, as Local Police have gotten much of this,
The Shut Down of the NSA, DHS, and others, and hand over that Responsibility to the States, if Constitutional,
Once that is 100% done then We The People will turn Our Guns In to the Sheriffs, and put on HOLD for any Possible Foreign Military Threat!

Therefore the ONLY persons that would have Guns are the Bad Guys!



Anonymous said...

Yes, that way only the bad guys could defend themselves from the good guys who might have knives! I get it! That makes sense. Really.

Dan said...

If the Seal Team 6 can use a Helicopter that “was built in the 1960s and last retrofitted in 1985” then we can use equipment that is only 5-10 years old if attacked!
The Sheriffs and Police would NOT need to use their SWAT teams to go into the wrong home or business, and they could be like Andy Taylor and only Grab their guns when they are Really needed!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Dan. I will not turn in my guns and leave my family unprotected as long as ONE bad guy has a gun in their possession.I don't believe the Feds lies any more and don't trust them as far as I could throw them. The Feds have to turn in their guns first. If they do this they can live in peace because law abiding gun carrying citizens would mean them no harm as long as they acted in accordance of the legal laws of the Constitution of the Republic.

Unknown said...

Dan, have you lost your mind? We we never give up any of our Constitutional rights. Who do you work for Dan? If you are a true red blooded American Dan, I can't tell.

Dan said...

Once you wake up the Americans then they will get the Lower Government entities to be taking the actions and NOT We The People!
You throw the thought out there and if the Feds ONLY want War then the Sheriffs will take the next steps, NOT We The People!
I am NOT the Police officer that Shoots his Gun First and Ask Questions Later.
I am the Andy Taylor type as you only have guns nearby and have the evil doers to stop their actions before I would take any of my own.
I was a Correctional Officer and had to deal with maybe up to 100 inmates in the Yard and I am the ONLY officer outside with them, and NO Gun!
I have Guts!

Anonymous said...

Never turn in your personal weapons for ANY reason. No deal!

Unknown said...

Dan, if we wanted a European style government, we would go live there. We don't need government deciding if we REALLY need guns. And, we don't need you deciding if we REALLY need guns. We are big boys/girls and can decide for ourselves if we REALLY need guns. And, with the likes of people, with opinions like yours, running around believe me we do need every gun we can get because people like you will get us killed.
There are parts of this country where people live, that law enforcement is an hour away. If a bad situation's all over with by the time the police can get there. Also, an armed society is a polite society, and every country that has been disarmed are at the mercy of their government and government opinions. I don't think people care to much for Washington D.C. opinions Dan.

Anonymous said...

Obozo, Congressmen, Senators, all of Washington knows that Americans will NEVER give up their guns.

I first felt the need to own a gun when I heard Bush Sr's new world order speech.

We need to protect ourselves from ALL criminals .. especially those we elected to office.

Anonymous said...

How many movies was John Wayne in where he didn't have the need for a gun ?

We will always need our guns.

Anonymous said...

Dan, you must be one of those useful idiots the Feds and commies like so much. We already have a Constitution, a signed document that was supposed to protect our rights, and we can see how well that has worked. The main reason we have the second amendment is to protect us against tyranny and genocide from our own government, not from foreign invasion. Who the hell gave you the right to speak for "we the people" anyhow. Your obviously mentally challenged to even think that something like that would work. Idiot. You should have taken the advice to remain silent, for now there is no doubt but that you are a fool, a commie or a moron, or maybe all three.

Anonymous said...

If you want to stop wars, then you need to disarm all the governments, not "we the people". When was the last time "we the people" declared war on anyone? You my friend, must have the brains of a dead snake to even propose such foolishness. You must be a government troll.

Dan said...

Well it appears I have Woken some People up to get their attention on a religious holiday even when John doesn't even have to work today.
He rejected some other emails which I gave him stories from another news site yet he posted this one.
And he posted my comments on other stories today, so please try to find them and you might like them.
The comment from the 1st person has been the only one to agree with me as you have to find the way to get the Feds to make agreements.
I am ALL for the 2nd Amendment, but it appears that you ALL STILL WANT WAR and our troops to DIE FOR PROFIT for the Cabal.
You have to start somewhere and Mine IS TO STOP ALL WARS, and Bring our Troops Home!
Then we have hundreds of thousands of troops here to take control of our Republic as nothing has changed in the last year when OUR Republic was started!
I guess the Federal Reserve Notes will Continue to be printed as of 12/26/13, with the year 2009 and NOT 2013, as the Cabal will NOT STOP!

Unknown said...

He comes in the spirit of Piers Morgan. Go home Piers Morgan, back to Europe, and take Dan with you.

Anonymous said...

Dan I get what you said. Perhaps the shills are on high since they only had coal in their stockings.

Anonymous said...

I have NO intentions of giving up my guns!

Anonymous said...

i feel you are right, trust is hard when history has always proven to repeat itself when it comes to greed,and power of the elite who con others to enjoy the fruit of the other blood and sweat to have a comfort of survival without the effort or risk.