This week the Drudge Report has linked to an explosive story in the London Daily Mail newspaper that reports that the Benghazi terrorist attack would not have occurred had Barack Obama not switched sides in the War on Terror.
The report indicates Obama's support for al-Qaida aligned rebels fighting in the Syrian Civil War prompted the attack - adding to previous allegations that the U.S. was using the Benghazi diplomatic outpost to help arrange for the funding and arming of the al-Qaida-aligned rebel fighters.

This report reaffirms that it is more important than ever for us to step up our ad campaign alerting the American people to the truth about the Benghazi scandal, including the coverup and lies by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Do not let those four Americans who lost their lives on that fateful night of September 11, 2012 be forgotten, swept under the rug by Democrat politicians who don't want the American people to know about the lies and cover ups surrounding that horrific terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Please review our TV ad below demanding that Barack Obama be held accountable for the Benghazi cover up, and if you want us to keep the pressure on the Obama administration for this scandal, make a contribution to our TV ad campaign - HERE.
You can help us keep these ads running on the airwaves by making a contribution of any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.
To make a contribution online - JUST CLICK HERE.

Ever since the Benghazi terrorist attack the Obama administration, with significant backing from the liberal media, have attempted to hide the truth about what happened. To cover their failures in combating terrorism, they told lies saying it was not a preplanned terrorist attack, even when they knew that to be an absolute falsehood.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and countless members of the Obama administration have lied, concealed and attempted to cover up not only the truth but their failures. As has been his pattern of appeasement in the face of Islamic terrorism, Obama himself would not even call this an act of terrorism.
Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said it didn't matter whether Benghazi was a terrorist attack or whether she and the Obama administration had lied about it.
The Obama administration has dishonored those who lost their lives on that fateful night of September 11, 2012 and now they say it doesn't matter because it happened "a long time ago."
It's time to hold the Obama administration accountable for their misdeeds.
We know the media will try to whitewash the seriousness of this issue. We need to get the truth out as soon as possible, so please make a contribution to our TV ad campaign that holds Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton accountable - CONTRIBUTE HERE.
Again, you can contribute any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed amount of $5,000.
You can also make a contribution online here:
Conservative Campaign Committee ATTN: Benghazi Ad Campaign
P.O. Box 1585
Paid for and authorized by the Conservative Campaign Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
Even Hilary's handlers are trying to do something about her psychosis of indifference ...
"WASHINGTON — Former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s handlers were so desperate to “humanize” their boss’ wooden image that they encouraged her to appear on the cheesy ’90s sitcom “Home Improvement,” according to newly revealed documents."
This is the State Departments legacy and why Hilary and her corporate handlers will be eaten by the dogs of Syria - treat people with respect, they are really you - see strikingly vivid gut-wreching image:
The last thing a 3-year-old Syrian said before he died: “I’m gonna tell God everything”
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