Saturday, April 26, 2014



    Karl Marx said in Brussels that unlimited free trade should be pushed by the Communists as it would lead to the bankruptcy of America and other capitalist nations and make them Communist! He was referring to inciting total price war between ruthless capitalist sources until they drove out all profit from their nations and collapsed them into Communism through Communist organized national bankruptcy of America and the rest of the capitalist nations.
     The above information is taken from "The Poverty Of Philosophy" by Karl Marx, pages 176-208: "Address On The Question Of Free Trade" delivered by Karl Marx before the Democratic Association of Brussels, Belgium, January 9, 1848. With an Introduction in the book by his associate Frederick Engels"...for this reason, and for this reason alone, did Marx declare in favor of free trade."
     Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I learned the importance from military intelligence of knowing what the enemy is up to so you can block him from victory because you know what his scheme is to defeat you. Unless an enemy is truly stupid, it is best not to underestimate him and so pay no attention to what tactics he is using trying to defeat you.
     Driving through South Carolina and many other states and seeing many abandoned industrial plant buildings shows what Congress did to the American economy by allowing Wash., D.C. to carry out the Communist plan to push excessive free trade instead of fair trade as a way to systemically pull down the American economy and then finally bankrupt it!
     The U.S. Congress is a giant politicial con game government so committed to political power at all costs that something called national statesmanship no longer exists in Wash., D.C. It has been replaced by cheap politics as the claimed answer to all the major problems of America. Due to excessive phone calls interrupting me while I was composing my previous report "Old 1959 Opel Goes 376.59 Miles Per Gallon!" From Erasmus Of America - April 23, 2014 and posted on Nesara News April 24, I was sidetracked and did not complete a key example how corrupt and committed to con that the U.S. Congress really is. Adding the punch line to a key statement in it, this section now reads and forcefully shows how Congress is committed to the con of the American people: "When the official "energy crisis" started in America, I visited a federal research center (a friend got me invited in) where they were supposed to find a cheap substitute for gasoline from coal and water. When I talked to their technical staff, they were frank and said that this was all a con of Congress on the American people. This was so that Congress (both parties) could pretend that they were trying to solve the Energy Crisis of America. This research center had frankly told Congress that they could likely create a substitute for gasoline from coal and water, but it would probably cost at least $40 a gallon for this substitute gasoline. That was exactly what Congress wanted to hear so they could create a fake front of trying to solve the energy crisis of America without seriously trying to. They funded this federal research project that they knew couldn't work as the substitute gasoline would be so expensive as could never be used by America. I step on big toes with information like this to the American people who are the intended con victims of Congress, White House today, and also federal agencies.
     I was a young finance consultant in Wash., D.C. then, but after talking to the White House, they were supposed to meet with a delegation from my side showing various answers for the energy crisis since President Nixon had asked anyone with an answer to the energy crisis to promptly contact the White House. My delegation of business people was supposed to meet with federal scientists across the street representing the White House so they could advise President Nixon of what they thought of our technical answers. When my delegation arrived, they were told by the federal guards to leave or else they would be arrested by White House order. At the same moment, President Nixon met at the White House with representatives of the oil cartel in America. So much for the seriousness of Wash., D.C. from 1973 through 2014 to honestly try to solve the energy crisis of America for 40 years and have not even yet set up serious engineering answers to solve the energy crisis of America. Wash., D.C. including Congress is pure con and nothing more towards you the American people. 
     When living in the Wash., D.C. area, I got around a lot and had some top connections in Wash., D.C. the public knew nothing about including the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon and even members of Congress did not know how good my connections really were. I was a top ace in military intelligence and some sources patronizing me did not want the rest of Wash., D.C. to know that they were secretly backing me. I did a better job than the F.B.I. in cracking the top security of the Soviet spy ring in Wash., D.C. and also the top leadership of the Communist Party in America at that time. Things I learned back then are still relevant to what is happening in America today. Also, I never stopped developing secret connections across America and abroad all the way through 2014.
     When in Brussels, Belgium, I met with a secret connection there who briefed me in on the secret plans of Western Europe without Wash., D.C. knowledge to invade the Middle East and conquer the offending nations there trying to draw the world into World War III over oil in the Middle East in 1973. I met with Israeli intelligence when in Israel at the same basic time. I had a secret meeting with a key oil representative of the Middle East in Knock, Ireland who briefed me in on the Arab plans for war in the Middle East. Another time I had a contact from Lebanon who informed me of the current invasion plans of the Soviet Union then as they had to brief their Arab allies as they were planning to invade the Middle East, defeat Israel in three days according to their Soviet generals, and then they were going to doublecross their Arab allies and seize all their oil in the Middle East. That in their eyes would mean that they had just conquered the world including America as that much oil control meant that they would now control the economy of the world and who lived now or else perished under bankruptcy as nations on the earth. I based upon this secret information set up an intelligence operation feeding Arab and Soviet intelligence information that would make them lose their nerve to start World War III as had been planned by them. I was successful in stopping World War III then! 
     I know far more than what I am admitting in this report what all is really going on in America today. Obama is the most evil leader ever to arise in Wash., D.C. He will sell out America in a minute if he thinks that he can get away with it. He fulfills the old proverb, "If treason prospers, then none dare call it treason!" But he is the biggest traitor ever to have power in Wash., D.C. and is like having a rattlesnake placed in charge of the White House. He is a Trojan Horse who will surrender America to foreign military occupation in a minute if they are the ones that he wants to take over America. Probably everyone or nearly everyone in military intelligence in Wash., D.C. knows that Obama was not born in America but in Kenya and is not even an American citizen. He is pure con in all that he does. Congress can immediately remove him from the White House as he is illegally in occupation of it not being allowed to run for the White House under the terms of the U.S. Constitution, but Congress does not give a "damn" about any loyalty to the U.S. Constitution nor the American people nor America as a nation. All things done in Wash., D.C. are done for cheap politics and no statesmanship allowed in the federal government which is controlled by corruption, treason, some genuine idiots in Congress, cowardly leaders such as in Congress, and maybe a few leaders in Congress, etc. that privately would want to serve the American people honestly and correctly but too cowardly to do what is right for America as Wash., D.C. will crucify them if they try to be honest leaders for the American people in our corrupt times of 2014!
     A rare totally honest report on the corruption of the American nation by Congress, etc. was released back in 2006 and based on the observations of Dick Lamm as a former Governor of Colorado. He was stating how a cultural revolution was being organized across America due to Washington policy but especially by Congress that would end up destroying America if not stopped before it was too late to save the nation and the American people. His stunning speech was called "Destroying America." I plan to release it later but in this era of quick fix hamburgers and quick read reports, I will not attach it to this report at this time. 
     I will make one more quick comment to illustrate how worthless and con artist in nature is the U.S. Congress in 2014 (and has been earlier!). 
Back when I lived in the Wash., D.C. area, an aide to one of the members of Congress was telling me how corrupt that Congress secretly was and still is. He gave me an example how members of Congress pulled tricks on the American people when they do not want to do the will of the American people. Back then opinion polls said that around 90% of the American people wanted prayer and the Bible restored to the public schools of America. Congress did not want to do this, so would pull a con like this if public pressure got too intense on them. They would have a secret meeting of key leaders of both parties and set up a secret strategy so prayer and the Bible would not be restored to the public schools of America. It would run like this. Senator "Sam" says to Senator "Joe" to set up one version of restoring prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America. Senator "Jim" is to set up another version of restoring prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America. Senator "Tom" another version. Then the leadership of both parties would tell their members which version to vote for so no version ever got a majority of the vote. Then all members of Congress would go home to their states and tell the voters there that they tried to pass a bill to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America, but couldn't get it passed in Congress. The aide didn't mention this one, but "tie a bill" up in committee so it can never be released for a vote is another of their con tactics to fool you the American people. 
      Another of their cons is like this. They tell you that the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools and since this is the law according to the U.S. Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, nothing can be done. This is pure con. President Thomas Jefferson when in office used federal revenues to finance the evangelizing of American Indians to Christianity so they could join "the American culture" according to his statement as Americans were predominately Christian then. He also while in office as President pushed that the Christian Bible and the Christian Watts Hymnal would be the required textbooks used in all public schools in America. His good friend James Madison who was called "The Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights" saw nothing wrong in this and so did not protest this stand of President Thomas Jefferson as being contrary to the U.S. Bill of Rights. Also, several times the U.S. Supreme Court in earlier rulings showed that prayer and the Bible used in public schools was not contrary to the U.S. Bill of Rights. When the U.S. Supreme Court finally outlawed prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America, they used the version of law written up by the Communist Party of America as the new version of the U.S. Bill of Rights to be used in America. In other words the U.S. Supreme Court used the Communist version of the U.S. Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution as the changed version of law to now be used in America! Welcome to Soviet America Folks thanks to the Communist led U.S. Supreme Court which had no legal integrity towards the legal principles America was founded upon in 1776! After all, the Continental Congress fighting the American Revolution of 1776 said that Jesus Christ was the Lord of the American Republic and Benjamin Franklin was the one who instituted Christian chaplains to lead Congress in prayers thereafter before opening sessions of Congress. Congress called for a national day of repentance for the sins of America in the name of Jesus Christ so that God would forgive America its sins and bless America with victory in the American Revolution. This Continental Congress fighting the American Revolution ordered 20,000 copies of the Christian Bible to be given to the soldiers fighting the American Revolution and stating it was the "political textbook" of the American Revolution. Also General George Washington in a message to his soldiers in the Continental Army called them all soldiers of Christ fighting for their King Jesus Christ in the American Revolution.
     One of the slick cons of Congress on the American people is passage of huge bills that most of the time most members of Congress have never read such as 1,000 to 3,000 pages of legal garbage and technical language too boring to ever read! They are told to vote for the huge bill that they have never read and with total lack of integrity to the American people to only vote for bills that they know the contents of , they vote for laws they don't even know what they really are! This is the usual system how to pass highly corrupt law the White House or other corrupt sources use to pay back for large political contributions or other big favors privately owed to sources trying to buy control of Wash., D.C. Also, this system of passing huge bills no one reads who passes it and knowing that the public will never read such massive legal nonsense, this is how they slip in so falsely claimed law out to outlaw the U.S. Bill of Rights or other sections of the U.S. Constitution the dishonest leaders in Wash., D.C. don't like and want to get rid of by statute law instead of by constitutional amendment which is legally required to alter any part of the U.S. Bill of Rights or the statue power sections of the U.S. Constitution. They also use this system of massive bills to try and outlaw common law in America which is supposed to be protected from interference with by the U.S. Bill of Rights.     
     One member of Congress during the Kennedy Administration collected a list of Communist objectives to win in Wash., D.C. and Wash., D.C. did carry out nearly everything on the Communist wishlist of around 45 Communist objectives to secure in America through Wash., D.C. Read this list of Communist goals for America from 1963 to 2014 at: THE COMMUNIST TAKEOVER OF AMERICA - 45 DECLARED GOALS. RECORDED FROM CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - JANUARY 10, 1963. POSTED WITH RENSE.COM . Also, the current environmental movement pushed by Obama, etc. is the new front for Communist takeover of America and the world. Communist quotes, etc. shown on the following link  We have lived under a highly Communist influenced Government in America and under Obama the finishing touches to make America a truly totally Communist government and nation and people are now just inches away from becoming reality  in America because Obama stands for Communist objectives in America. If anyone has a copy of it, would like a copy of Gorbachev's private letter to American Communists boasting how the Communists secretly controlled the environmental movement in America and this was the new Communist front for the takeover of America from within the federal government of Wash., D.C. He told them to push the environmental movement as the way to make America a total Communist nation as it was their front to impose Communist laws over America.
     As Khrushchev once boasted to America over American TV during the Eisenhower Administration, someday the American people would wake up one morning to find their grandchildren living in Communist America. I had access to the secret Communist publications, some of their top leadership, etc. and they have nearly totally won in their goals for America. They had a secret committee in America called in codename "The Hundred Columns" and as I understand it, they picked Obama years ago to be the one they were going to later run for the White House. This was basically confirmed by an operative for the Defense Intelligence Agency of the Pentagon years ago in Moscow was told by a woman Communist official there that America would become a Communist nation because they had secretly picked a young Black man by the name of Obama to run for later President of America and they would put him into the White House. After he was placed in the White House by secret Communist support, he would make the government officially Communist in the end and then all of America. He was being trained for this future goal to win America over to total Communism. She boasted that nothing could be done to stop America from being later taken over and made a Communist nation. 
     My proposed Omni Law shown on my national website is my proposed answer to make sure that America does not go Communist as a nation and make sure that the future of America is based upon smart free enterprise and a great future for America in that case. A historical principle that impressed me when a history major at a major university is that no movement wins without leadership and there is no movement in any nation without leadership to it. Since others are so scared to seriously stand up for free enterprise, sound constitutional government, the American national culture returned to its original Christian cultural roots of 1776, making America too strong militarily for any nation to consider trying to start a world war with, etc., I am for better or worse a leader who stands solidly for those values listed above. I know I am serious in what I stand for and already very talented people want to join with me in giving America a serious and sound future to it again! To me building my proposed Camelot Project as the biggest research and development center in the world is what I would intensely enjoy doing. To me also involving myself in a political movement standing for the right values for America and other nations is necessary because others do not want to stand up and supply the leadership to fight against those who for whatever reason seem to hate the human race and want only evil for them on earth. I am tough enough to stand the heat in the political kitchen. Too many are weak and would run at the first time a serious fight begins between which side is going to win America or not. The evil are willing to fight for the victory of evil. So it is time that the good are willing to fight for the victory of good in society instead of evil.
      Pass this report around as America is ready to fall to Communism like a ripe apple ready to fall off the tree. My national website is My email is My mailing address for orders or loan payments which help advance the financing of the Omni Law Drive in America and not placed through our national website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. The full legal name of the Omni Law is "Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America." This is the American version of what James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution" and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights" endorsed as the smartest idea of ancient man how to protect his legal rights and prosperity from tyrannical government over mankind. He thought that America would not become corrupt enough to need to use this ancient Roman legal concept of government. He was too optimistic that the government could not be corrupted enough to need this extra legal defense of the legal rights of the people against bad government and also insured that the people held the final control over government instead of the government holding the final control over the people of the nation. The people of ancient Rome walked out of Rome and said they would found a new nation if this legal power was not given to them over the then existing Roman Republic. The elders of Rome agreed and the people walked back and resumed being citizens of Rome. This legal reform kept the Roman economy in good shape for the people and businesses for hundreds of years and protected the people from tyrannical government for centuries as well. The Roman idea worked like a charm! Time for America to use a smart Roman idea called "civil tribunes" meaning legal trustees over government to force it to respect the legal rights of the people and respect that the government had to carry out the will of the people instead of decreeing that the people were the peons and serfs of government and had no right to even be heard in government what they wanted from their government. This is the best representative government that man has ever seen on earth and the Old Testament confirmed the God-given legal right of referendum of the people over government when the tribes of Israel by referendum decided whether to accept David to be the King of Israel or not. From that time on, it was always understood that the people possessed final authority over government and so the governments of Israel could not ignore what the people wanted for their government. They could change it by referendum vote any time they wanted to. Kept the government much more honest that way! 
     A quick comment here. I have been taking these Tree Of Life seeds for awhile now as one seed a day to be eaten either with hull intact or else removed. I eat the crushed seed each day. What originally impressed me with these is the impressive background of many centuries how they maintained good health and cured many bad ailments with those who used them. This matches my theory that good nutrition is your best answer for good health and block diseases and ailments from taking over your body and ruining your life. I was impressed with the stunning reports in search engines showing such massive nutrition in these seeds as to overwhelm anything else from nature I know of.
      A few days ago a senior woman I see occasionally commented that I looked like someone famous that she knew from history. She thought a few moments and then said that I looked like Albert Einstein. I also had heard one or more earlier comments apparently similar from elsewhere. The wind had stirred up my hair and when I got to a mirror, I was surprised and saw I did look rather like Albert Einstein. When I figured it out, my hair had returned to a curly appearance I had as a young man. My hair had due apparently to these seeds become younger and so this curly state my father had as a young man and then I had as a young man came back. I started thinking and realized a number of things with my body had improved very rapidly once I started taking this one seed a day. The injury to the back of my hip was gone! The pinched nerve in my back had suddenly disappered after many years! The injured right shoulder was no longer injured which had been that way for a long time. My eyesight had improved, my sleep was the best in years, and a few other comments I will not bother listing here. I will sum it up by saying that I feel a level of health I did not earlier feel. I am impressed with these seeds as this is the only thing I changed in my diet or style of living.     
     If any of you are interested, we list these Tree of Life seeds on our website in bags of 100 seeds. Using one a day, this is to me a nutritional supplement of just straight natural nutrients for 100 days and I assume helps supply key nutrients I don't get enough of by eating the fast foods and other decadent things we eat daily in our diets. And I don't take these for this reason,  but this may be the cheapest nutritional supplement of anything available in America today as only one seed a day is needed as a planned supplement for natural nutrients God has given for our good health and long life on earth!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that person raised by his father to respect the wonderful gifts that God has given us for our good health and long life on earth! Also, I happen to respect freedom as the key to a good and prosperous life on earth, so am militant that our proposed Omni Law be soon passed in America. Just contacted many elected officials in one state about the Omni Law and waiting for the state side of government to swing into support for our proposed Omni Law and get it passed in America in 2014!)


Anonymous said...

Moringa seeds have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Medical missionaries throughout the world have used them to both clarify and purify their drinking water for years and are still using them. In fact, I believe they are used or being considered for use in water purification plants in certain areas. Every part of the tree has commercial value.

Our public schools were originally established so that the children of the Puritans and Pilgrims could learn to READ THE BIBLE. Hello!! That was the primary reason for their existence. Furthermore, Harvard University was originally established so that young men could study for the CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. How far (and how sad!) we have fallen away from its original purpose for being!! And, if we don't wake up as a nation soon, we will pay a steep price for this falling away!

Anonymous said...