Tuesday, April 15, 2014




     I spent eleven years in military academies and got involved with military intelligence activities. I scored many bull's eyes in military intelligence. I got the top ultimate weapon design left over from Nazi Germany and hidden from Soviet and American Intelligence. I got the most brilliant defense engineer of America in the Cold War and we completed the Nazi technology and ultimate weapon design. I nicknamed it "The Wrath Of God" as it is overwhelmingly more powerful than any ultimate weapon system possessed by America, Russia, China, etc. Any nation having this is then the undisputed military power of the world. This defense engineer of America had the same negative opinion of Wash., D.C. as I have and so we never turned over this colossal weapon system to Wash., D.C.
     When America passes my proposed Omni Law, then I have a way I will allow this ultimate weapon system to be built for America, but on my terms, not that of Obama or other traitors in Wash., D.C. It is not to be used as a weapon to conquer the world with, but only to strengthen the national defense of America with. I suggested to this defense engineer that we do a reversal of engineering logic. I have these systems of logic how to invent in engineering fields and this defense engineer thought my systems of engineering logic were brilliant and no engineering school had ever thought of these systems of engineering logic. We had the greatest ultimate weapon system in human history and then we figured out how to turn this Nazi technology into the most powerful air defense system seen in human history and used correctly could potentially stop all nuclear warhead missiles from any nation from ever reaching America.  
      Separately I had underground connections across the world and somewhere and somehow I located this defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies who did not notify Western intelligence services when he in disgust slipped out and left the Soviet Union then in power. He had a good military background and had once been given a tour of Cuban secret defenses by Fidel Castro when he met with him. Castro discussed with him how the Soviet Union could easily defeat America in a global nuclear war once started. This defector was not wildly pro-Western, just basically tired of Communism and wanted out of the rat race. He would not have done this for the Pentagon, but he liked my style of cynical thinking towards both sides in the Cold War and so turned over to me all the nuclear attack plans of Moscow then.
     Putin and I know the same nuclear attack plans of Russia against America. Moscow modernized some things, but the basic foundation is still the same  how to annihilate America the first blow when a nuclear war starts between Russia and America. This has to do with the Pearl Harbor doctrine first developed by Soviet military planners. Thinking unorthodox, I had him train me like a Soviet general so I could think like them in a nuclear war. I frankly judge I understand Russian military thinking better than the Pentagon. The Pentagon is good, but frankly not infallible against the Russians who also have some very smart people on their side. I saw recent moves by Russia setting up the planned annihilation of America and I saw no move by the Pentagon indicating that they ever recognized or understood what Russia had just done.
     Obama wants to make America a Communist nation. All the economics that he ever studied were from Communist teachers inside and outside of college level. I want to make America a serious free enterprise nation again. Pass my Omni Law, free enterprise wins in America and the economy skyrockets with jobs and prosperity for all. Don't pass it and the sleeping Americans will finally let America be turned into a Communist nation by Obama and those Democrats who are secretly sympathetic to Communism but smart enough not to openly admit it. Obama also wants to make America a Muslim nation. I want to make America a Christian nation in values again, but all are free to worship God as they will such as Jews, etc. and atheists can still raise their children as atheists, but they will know that the national culture has strongly moved into support and acceptance of Christian values that gave the world the great Western culture of science, engineering, representative government when not controlled by the corrupt, free enterprise is super great when done correctly for national economies and the world economy, etc.
     For those ordering from my website through the end of April, 2014, give me your email and I will send you my report on "Organic Farming Report" which shows you trick angles of brilliant people how to make organic farming so powerful in results as to overwhelm and replace GMO food, chemical insecticides and fertiilizers, etc. trying to replace God given principles of gardening from your yard on up to and including large commercial farms. GMO food is not smart for farming from the scientific information I have seen and I want it replaced by a return to the basic farming that has worked for mankind for thousands of years. 
     Our national website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our national email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com  . Our national mailing address for orders sent to us by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the order is for. Include your mailing address, email is possible, etc. Pass this report around in America unless you want Obama and his allies of corruption to run America instead of honest leadership raised to give America a future and a new branch of government created by our Omni Law as shown on our website which creates national trustees who can call national referendums for you to vote in whether you want certain laws and policies passed by elected officials who really do not want to represent you in Congress or else stonewall the American people over laws and policies you want passed and Congress is stonewalling you because they do not want to do what you want them to. Orders and our loan program shown on our website help finance our Omni Law Drive to get this passed as a constitutional amendment as soon as possible. We can win soon with your support but don't want the other side to know all our aces up our sleeves until ready to play them. We have a strong hand to win with behind the scenes. Without earlier support, we would not have a strong hand we can play soon. Your past support made possible the strong hand we have now but timing is also important for maximum effect to win a fast victory! Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that leader giving the enemies of America a real run for their money where they are starting to get the terrible feeling that they are going to soon lose to us as we restore true control of the federal government in Wash., D.C. back to the American people who it legally belongs to but was stolen from you by traitors in Wash., D.C. Also, they worked to carry out the plans of  those corrupt evil secretly backing them with finances and control of much of the news media.)

     I like to give free plugs to Messiah's Branch which copied this from Yahoo News and then I copied from their newsletter of May, 2014. Their address is 230 West 4th Street, Florence Kansas 66851. Send them a buck or so and ask for a free sample of their monthly newsletter which carries very interesting reports each month from other sources. They don't have the vast number of reports with them like Nesara News does, but they do get good reports that all Americans should see.

      Now quoting from the original release of Yahoo News 03.16.2014 .

     Moscow (AFP) - A leading anchor on Russian state television on Sunday described Russia as the only country capable of turning the United States into "radioactive ash," in an incendiary comment at the height of tensions over the Crimea referendum.

      "Russia is the only country in the world realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash," anchor Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly news show on state-controlled Rossiya 1 television.

     Kiselyov made the comment to support his argument that the United States and President Barack Obama were living in fear of Russia led by President Vladimir Putin amid the Ukraine crisis. His programme was broadcast as the first exit polls were being published showing an overwhelming majority of Crimeans voting to leave Ukraine and join Russia.

     He stood in his studio in front of a gigantic image of a mushroom cloud produced after a nuclear attack, with the words "into radioactive ash."

     "Americans themselves consider Putin to be a stronger leader than Obama," he added, pointing to opinion polls which then popped up on the screen. "Why is Obama phoning Putin all the time and talking to him for hours on end?" he asked. Kiselyov has earned a reputation as one of Russia's most provocative television news hosts, in particularly with his often blatantly homophobic remarks. But he is also hugely influential with his weekly news show broadcast at Sunday evening prime time.

      Putin last year appointed Kiselyov head of the new Russia Today news agency that is to replace the soon to be liquidated RIA Novosti news agency with the aim of better promoting Russia's official position. Kiselyov also made great play of Russia's so-called "dead hand" capability to fire nuclear-capable intercontinental missiles automatically in the case of attack.
     The system, also known as Perimeter, was in use during the Cold War but its use in post-Soviet Russia is not officially confirmed. But Kiselyov appeared to claim it remained active, giving Russia the chance to strike back even if its main command positions were taken out in a strike by the West.
      "Even if people in all our command posts after an enemy atomic attack cannot be contacted, the system will automatically fire our missiles from mines and submarines in the right direction," he added.

      The channel's graphic showed the line of a Russian missile heading towards the Pacific coast and the United States. Pro-opposition news site slon.ru did not mince its words in describing the implications of Kiselyov's comments. "This evening...Dmitry Kiselyyou threatened the United States with a nuclear strike if the conflict over Crimea deepens," it said.

      Russia and the United States are reducing their Cold War missile and nuclear warhead arsenals under the terms of a the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that entered into force in 2011. (End of quoted report from Yahoo.News.)

      A comment from Erasmus Of America. I watched an elected official in Moscow indicate that he was happy for this New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty when passed. As he explained it, America had a good advantage in nuclear warheads over Russia then. By the treaty, America would be pulled down to the same size nuclear arsenal as Russia then and make it much easier after that to defeat America if a nuclear war came. I know the Russian tricks with nuclear attacks including the wiggle missiles that confuse computers how to calculate how to intercept nuclear warhead missiles, the missiles that disappear from the radar screens, the missiles designed to withstand EMP attack, and other clever tricks of theirs.
     However, if my Omni Law is passed before this World War III erupts Obama seems to have such an itch to start, I will show the Pentagon a clever trick from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. The Soviets were quite ruthless and their own tactics can be used against Moscow itself if necessary. Use one bomb correctly and you annihilate an entire continent. This was planned for America, but it can be done to Russia also. If Moscow knows that the Pentagon is now taking orders from me due to the Omni Law now being passed in America, there will be no nuclear war between Russia and America then. Our differences will be solved peacefully then and not by a dumb nuclear World War III. I can save 300 million Americans from all dying in a dumb nuclear war. Obama is dumb in military and does not know how to do this. 
     I am in a strange situation here. I do not wish to see Russia destroyed. I descend from a minor branch of the royal line of Czarist Russia and I am not interested in seeing the people and nation some of my forefathers founded be destroyed by a bad move in military. I am not picking a war with Russia and once the Omni Law is passed in America, I will build bridges between America and Russia and make it economically smart for both nations to work together rather than act as enemies towards each other. But even Russia must understand this about me. I am a man of honor and if I am in real control of the military policy of America during a time of crisis, I am honor bound to defend America by all means possible if necessary. If it was required that I was bound to save America by defeating Russia, by my code of honor though I would hate to do this, I would defeat Russia if necessary. But understand this also. If I had been the Czar of Russia, then I would have been honor bound to defend Russia by all smart means necessary and not allow Russia to be defeated by any power on earth. I would in that case be a real czar and woe unto any enemy who was dumb enough to pick a fight with me! That is my character bound by a code of honor that I doubt that Wash., D.C even understands as I don't see a code of honor being upheld by the current leadership in Wash., D.C.           
     Russian intelligence reads this statement of mine above, they will automatically analyze I know how they play their hand and it would be national suicide for Russia to start a war with America if once my Omni Law is passed in America. If I lead America, there will be no nuclear war between America and Russia. And once hot tempers are calmed down, we will end up with a great relationship between America and Russia and both nations will greatly benefit by economic deals that we will make with one another.
     Once my Omni Law is passed, America will suddenly become incredibly strong in military overnight. There will be no reason for Chinese military to try and plan how to militarily defeat America in a nuclear war. I grew up with some Chinese and know how the Chinese think! I have great respect for the Chinese and wish China no harm or evil. But if required, I would defend America from any Chinese military plans against America and with my hand of super military technology, I would automatically win against China. But I want peace and not war between America and China. I got a copy of his address. One retired Chinese general talked about Chinese plans how to take over North America, kill off two-thirds of all Americans and make the other third of Americans the slaves of Chinese coming over the Bering Straits to colonize and annex North America to China. Under Obama he is so evil and also so amateur in professional talents, maybe China could carry out and win with such a plan. But once my Omni Law is passed in America, America will never be conquered or annexed to China. Also, your plans for colonization of America will be stopped and then. I read what you planned and I will not allow this to happen to America. Putin is a real leader for Russia. I am a real leader for America. And I was very surprised years ago when connections of mine told me that American intelligence rated that I would be the strongest leader of this age for America and I would stop any enemies from taking over or destroying America after that.
     I don't like war but peace. But I know how to play the game of war if required and win at it! When growing up, I was a pacifist by nature and would still be a pacifist if I believed this world was governed by basically good and not evil. But the evil still control too much of America and the world, so what they understand is strength, not appeals to decency and values of a civilized society. If I smash a determined enemy, after that he will be easy to reason with and want along with me peace and decent moral standards to run society and nations with. It is easy to reason with people who prefer evil rather than good when you are too tough for them and now see the light that maybe letting good rule over society instead of evil is not such a bad idea after all! - Erasmus Of America
P.S. For those with short legal memories in Wash., D.C., the Nuremberg War Trials of Nazi Germany in 1945-6 called it "Crimes Against Humanity" when Hermann Goering and Hitler outlawed during peacetime Jews and other Germans from moving their money freely and without legal permission from Nazi Germany put money into foreign investments and purchase of property outside of their nation.     

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