Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Store Food/Water. Yellowstone May Blow.

Store Food/Water.
Yellowstone May Blow.
I noticed that the mainstream news media is trying to conceal 
the alarming truth about the growing danger of an explosion 
of the Yellowstone super volcano caldera. 
There was a herd of  bison filmed charging out of a sulfurous 
steaming, heating, or rumbling section of the Yellowstone 
National Park. 

The news media promptly issued a report that this film was a hoax, 
and that the herd of bison was charging INTO Yellowstone, not out 
of it. 

Now, it really takes an idiot to dream up a lie like that to pacify and 
distract the public. 
However, these idiots are also criminals, because as the danger grows 
that many thousands of unaware people may be killed in such a horrific 
catastrophe, those who chose to conceal this threat from the public 
must be charged with murder in the second degree.  

Type into your search engine: 

Yellowstone   April   2014   alert
Warn people, store food, water, medicinals . . . and google 
pollen masks, because volcanic dust particles are glassy and 
have sharp points which tear up lung tissue.     JD

 Thanks to Dr. Tom Termotto for sending this link. 


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