Thursday, June 26, 2014

An Act of Treason was Committed Tonight Barack Obama Elected President By the JESUIT ORDER

An Act of Treason was Committed Tonight Barack Obama Elected President By the JESUIT ORDER

An Act of Treason was Committed Tonight
Barack Obama Elected President By the JESUIT ORDER

An act of Treason was committed tonight, Constitutional TREASON against the very Constitution itself. The treason is this. A probable ILLEGAL ALIEN who has NEVER proven legitimate citizenship in this nation or his parentage, Barack Hussein Obama was made our new President against the spacific Constitutional requirement that a President be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the United States. This act of treason was comitted by a MILITARY order of the Roman Catholic Church known as the so called “Society of Jesus” or more popularly the Jesuit Order and their Coadjutors or more properly Quislings in the media, particularly the Tell-A-Lie Vision system, and in our court system through an economic collapse caused by Investment Banks and the “Federal” Reserve system which are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Jesuit Order and their inbred Illuminati Coadjutors. The purpose of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is to further the Jesuit Order’s purpose to enact and enforce the Roman Catholic COUNCIL OF TRENT in America and totally eliminate the Bill of Rights and the genuine Protestent Christianity based on the 1611 King James Reformation Bible both of which go against the Council of Trent whose basic purpose is to restore the Temporal (SECULAR) authority of the Roman Catholic Pope as SECULAR KING as well as spiritual leader over the entire world.
The goal of Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order which Obama is a Coadjutor for consists of the following.
1. A majority ROMAN CATHOLIC population in the United States through illegal immigration from Mexico and other Central and South American ROMAN CATHOLIC nations.
2. Repealing the Second Amendment which is the butress for the ENTIRE AMERICAN BILL OF RIGHTS in order to ease the enforcement through an American Inquisition or Holocaust the provisions of the Council Of Trent in America
probably through the ratification of an international treaty called the United Nations Mellenium Declaration which included MANDATORY gun grabbing and civil disarmament provisions.

3. To turn Bill and Hillary Clinton’s old AmeriCorps service organization into a Fascist style “Obama Youth” organization based on a revival of the Kibbo Kift, An organization based on Witchcraft, Fascism, One Worldism and Jesuitism founded by a man named John Hargrave in Great Brirain and Northern Ireland in the 1920s and ended
as a Fascist style “Social Credit” Party in 1951, And to make that organization MANDATORY for High School and Colledge students.

4. Destroying Free Enterprise in America through a modified system of “Social Credit” based on heavily progressive taxation to give a “national dividend” in the form of a PHONY “middle class tax cut” to non income tax paying persons therby increasing dependency on the increasingly Papal/Jesuit/Fascist American state.
It should not suprise us that Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order that manipulates him want to get rid of the
bill of rights and Protestent Christianity based on the 1611 King James Reformation Bible. The COUNCIL OF TRENT which both hold to one secretly and one openly is ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DEGREES OPPOSED to these things as is the later Roman Catholic “Secret Treaty of Varona” and the Papal “Sylibus of Errors” of the 19th century under which America was plunged into CIVIL WAR and its legitimate wartime President, Abraham Lincoln was Assassinated by an earlier DemocRAT/Jesuit plot called the CONfederacy aimed at keeping in Papal/Chattel slavery the very people that Barack Obama belongs to and forcing Jesuit Central Banking and USURY on both potential nations.

Now that we have the history of the act of TREASON committed tonight out of the way we will come to the main part of this post. I would like to announce the plan I feel that the genuine Patriots of the American nation should now follow to resist the Jesuit order now that they will have a government with virtually NO built in checks and balances at top that can commit any act of TREASON and INQUISITION it wishes. Before I present the plan know this this Jesuit/Socialist/Fascist system WILL FAIL even without a civil war. THEY ALWAYS DO. The plan I’m proposing is NOT for a civil war on our side BUT ONLY IN DEFENCE if we are attacked in the long held libertarian idea that true patriots NEVER INITAITE FORCE but only respond to it when it is used on us.
1. The first thing is there is one Check and balance left that the coming GENUINE one party state of Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order does not yet control. This is the JURY BOX. We can still JURY nullify any “law” that violates the BASIC RIGHTS protected by the constitution including those not mentioned there covered by the NINTH AMENDMENT. (I as a forinstance think that this would cover the ligitmate “non malitia” use of guns like collecting, hunting, and plinking/target sports. It may also cover the right to use cars without formal licensing as well IF one is competent to drive. The main reason for formal licensing is to test driving competency.) In fact I think this was why the founding fathes demanded a UNANIMOUS verdict in all criminal Jury cases and DOUBLE JEOPARDY protections against being charged twice for the same “crime”, so that this ONE check and balance would remain IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE if the ones that have been built into the State in the main body of the Constitution should fail which it now appears they have.
2. JUry Nullification should also be extended to COPYRIGHT AND PATENT law under the following circumstances.
a. When the object of an act of “piracy” (copyright violation) is a piece of computer software more than five years old and officially “abandoned” (no longer supported by the company that originally produced it either by the corporatist/consumerist doctrine of “planned obsolecense” or by the company in question going out of business.) or books, movies, Tell-A-Lie Veision Programs, photographs, songs, etc. over 28 years old (these were the terms for these items that the Founding Fathers originally put in place to comply with their own Constitution’s limited and patent terms policies. However I do think the term for software shoud be much shorter to prevent the rise of Jesuit/Illuminati monopolies like Micro$oft and to discourage the corporatist/consumerist doctrine of “planned obsolecense” currently plaguing the Computer software industry.
b. When a patent violation pertains to Software, Genetic Material, Business Models and other things that the Founding Fathers did not intend for Patent Law to cover.
c. when the company involved is either a voluntary or unknowing JESUIT COADJUTOR for promoting “gun control”, The United Nations, or any of the policies of the TREASONLUS Jesuit Order or the inbred Illuminati bloodlines
it controls.

3. We must have a GENUINE energy independence policy and not just from the Arabs or Muslems but forom the ENTIRE
Papal/Jesuit/Illuminati energy complex. In future articles I will detail how we can achieve this with GENUINE solutions to “Peak Oil” and other energy related problems. These will not be phony “perpetual motion machine” and “zero point” energy quackery that defy the proven laws of physics and are put on the internet by JESUIT COADJUTORS mainly to get people to contribute THEIR MONEY to their phony projects that would otherwise go to practical things like food, guns and ammo and GENUINE energy independence systems that obey the laws of physics. The projects I will soon be posting will be ways of using PROVEN alternative energy sources like Solar, Wind, and Water but using them MORE EFFICIENTLY and PORTABLY than they can currently be used and they will be published at The Unhived Mind forum, At the Liberty’s Flame forum and at the Patriot City blog FREE OF ANY OBLIGATION OTHER THAN A REQUEST THAT I BE CREDITED IF THE INVENTIONS ARE ACTUALLY USED COMMERCIALLY.

4. While we will still have our guns if we are genuine patriots and not SHEEPLE TRAITORS when the natural firtilizer hits the rotating device on this act of TREASON by Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order we may still face the fact that they will run out of ammunition in protecting our homes businesses and retreats from the assorted criminals, government dependents, agents, and “HOLY” OFFICE thugs that Obama and the Jesuit Order intend to unleash on us in the future. This will call for totally new types of weapons that keep the long range and lethality of the firearm but without the need of primers and powder and new types of ammunition for firearms themselves that is not dependent on primers and powder. Therefore also in the near future I will be posting on the Unhived Mind forum, The Liberty’s Flame Forum and the Patriot City blog proposals for how such weapons (and ammunition for what used to be firearms before the powder supply went dry) might be constructed.
5. Ultimately however it really won’t be carnal weapons that carry the day in restoring the Constitutional Republic after an Obama/Jesuit hyperinflation and martial law attempt that will ULTIMATELY FAIL. It will be carnal CURRENCY. Basically the first side that can restore some degree of consumerism though definitely NOT the unsustainable degree of it we have now is going to carry the day and be the one that re makes the country into either the “state” model (Pope/Jesuits/Obama) or the original Constitutional Republic model (The Patriots/1611 King James Reformation Bible Protestents) As we all know a stable currency has to be backed by something substantial and not be simply be another piece of paper, base metal token or credit account. Though Paper/Base Metal/Credit can continue to be used as the most convenient means of USING the currency the actual currency itself must be a certain WEIGHT of SOMETHING OF REAL VALUE. In the troubles we will be facing under the Papal/Jesuit/Obama single party regime probably the best thing to base a new Patriot currency on would NOT be the old stand by’s of Gold, Silver, Platinum and Copper because these are virtually owned and controlled by the by The Roman Church, the Jesuit Order, The Hereditary Illuminati and their Coadjutor lackies. Actually the best thing to base the new currency on comes from something I have often heard on the Patriot Survivalist web sites, even those run by Jesuit Coadjutors like Texe Marrs, Jeff Rense and Alex Jones. That little message is “You can’t EAT gold!!!”
My proposal for a new currency base is the POUND not of silver like in old England which is what also made the Pound their fiat currency unit when the metal backing was removed from it. I mean that each 1 unit note, token or credit ussued of the new currency would be for ONE POUND of the following storable staple FOODS:
Beans, Rice, Cereal Grains, Pure Cereals without additives, Any other long term storable edible.
Notes in such a system will be for one Pound to ten Pounds of the basket of foods backing the currency, coins will be tokens representing the appropriate fractions of a pound of these foods. say 1/10 pound, 1/5 pound, 1/4 pound 1/2 pound and 1/3 pound for appropriate coinage.
To support this new currency and themselves patriots should start FARMING privately again and separate from the Agra-Business corporations and their pesticides, poisonous chemical fertilizers and their poisonous “frankenfood” genetically altered and patented seeds. In this new age that the Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order will create it won’t be he who has the GOLD who make the rules, or he who has the OIL who makes the rules. Barring Chrisitan charity the gold and oil holders will STARVE like everyone else who hasn’t prepared for a FOOD based economy. It will be he who has the FOOD that makes the rules in the new FOOD based economic/currency order. So lets get back to farming and start building the currency commodity of the future.
So here is the program I believe can restore the Consitutional Republic in its basic form. More on the details to come.
By the Jesuit Order

An act of Treason was committed tonight, Constitutional TREASON against the very Constitution itself. The treason is this. A probable ILLEGAL ALIEN who has NEVER proven legitimate citizenship in this nation or his parentage, Barack Hussein Obama was made our new President against the spacific Constitutional requirement that a President be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the United States. This act of treason was comitted by a MILITARY order of the Roman Catholic Church known as the so called “Society of Jesus” or more popularly the Jesuit Order and their Coadjutors or more properly Quislings in the media, particularly the Tell-A-Lie Vision system, and in our court system through an economic collapse caused by Investment Banks and the “Federal” Reserve system which are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Jesuit Order and their inbred Illuminati Coadjutors. The purpose of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is to further the Jesuit Order’s purpose to enact and enforce the Roman Catholic COUNCIL OF TRENT in America and totally eliminate the Bill of Rights and the genuine Protestent Christianity based on the 1611 King James Reformation Bible both of which go against the Council of Trent whose basic purpose is to restore the Temporal (SECULAR) authority of the Roman Catholic Pope as SECULAR KING as well as spiritual leader over the entire world.
The goal of Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order which Obama is a Coadjutor for consists of the following.
1. A majority ROMAN CATHOLIC population in the United States through illegal immigration from Mexico and other Central and South American ROMAN CATHOLIC nations.
2. Repealing the Second Amendment which is the butress for the ENTIRE AMERICAN BILL OF RIGHTS in order to ease the enforcement through an American Inquisition or Holocaust the provisions of the Council Of Trent in America
probably through the ratification of an international treaty called the United Nations Mellenium Declaration which included MANDATORY gun grabbing and civil disarmament provisions.

3. To turn Bill and Hillary Clinton’s old AmeriCorps service organization into a Fascist style “Obama Youth” organization based on a revival of the Kibbo Kift, An organization based on Witchcraft, Fascism, One Worldism and Jesuitism founded by a man named John Hargrave in Great Brirain and Northern Ireland in the 1920s and ended
as a Fascist style “Social Credit” Party in 1951, And to make that organization MANDATORY for High School and Colledge students.

4. Destroying Free Enterprise in America through a modified system of “Social Credit” based on heavily progressive taxation to give a “national dividend” in the form of a PHONY “middle class tax cut” to non income tax paying persons therby increasing dependency on the increasingly Papal/Jesuit/Fascist American state.
It should not suprise us that Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order that manipulates him want to get rid of the
bill of rights and Protestent Christianity based on the 1611 King James Reformation Bible. The COUNCIL OF TRENT which both hold to one secretly and one openly is ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DEGREES OPPOSED to these things as is the later Roman Catholic “Secret Treaty of Varona” and the Papal “Sylibus of Errors” of the 19th century under which America was plunged into CIVIL WAR and its legitimate wartime President, Abraham Lincoln was Assassinated by an earlier DemocRAT/Jesuit plot called the CONfederacy aimed at keeping in Papal/Chattel slavery the very people that Barack Obama belongs to and forcing Jesuit Central Banking and USURY on both potential nations.

Now that we have the history of the act of TREASON committed tonight out of the way we will come to the main part of this post. I would like to announce the plan I feel that the genuine Patriots of the American nation should now follow to resist the Jesuit order now that they will have a government with virtually NO built in checks and balances at top that can commit any act of TREASON and INQUISITION it wishes. Before I present the plan know this this Jesuit/Socialist/Fascist system WILL FAIL even without a civil war. THEY ALWAYS DO. The plan I’m proposing is NOT for a civil war on our side BUT ONLY IN DEFENCE if we are attacked in the long held libertarian idea that true patriots NEVER INITAITE FORCE but only respond to it when it is used on us.
1. The first thing is there is one Check and balance left that the coming GENUINE one party state of Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order does not yet control. This is the JURY BOX. We can still JURY nullify any “law” that violates the BASIC RIGHTS protected by the constitution including those not mentioned there covered by the NINTH AMENDMENT. (I as a forinstance think that this would cover the ligitmate “non malitia” use of guns like collecting, hunting, and plinking/target sports. It may also cover the right to use cars without formal licensing as well IF one is competent to drive. The main reason for formal licensing is to test driving competency.) In fact I think this was why the founding fathes demanded a UNANIMOUS verdict in all criminal Jury cases and DOUBLE JEOPARDY protections against being charged twice for the same “crime”, so that this ONE check and balance would remain IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE if the ones that have been built into the State in the main body of the Constitution should fail which it now appears they have.
2. JUry Nullification should also be extended to COPYRIGHT AND PATENT law under the following circumstances.
a. When the object of an act of “piracy” (copyright violation) is a piece of computer software more than five years old and officially “abandoned” (no longer supported by the company that originally produced it either by the corporatist/consumerist doctrine of “planned obsolecense” or by the company in question going out of business.) or books, movies, Tell-A-Lie Veision Programs, photographs, songs, etc. over 28 years old (these were the terms for these items that the Founding Fathers originally put in place to comply with their own Constitution’s limited and patent terms policies. However I do think the term for software shoud be much shorter to prevent the rise of Jesuit/Illuminati monopolies like Micro$oft and to discourage the corporatist/consumerist doctrine of “planned obsolecense” currently plaguing the Computer software industry.
b. When a patent violation pertains to Software, Genetic Material, Business Models and other things that the Founding Fathers did not intend for Patent Law to cover.
c. when the company involved is either a voluntary or unknowing JESUIT COADJUTOR for promoting “gun control”, The United Nations, or any of the policies of the TREASONLUS Jesuit Order or the inbred Illuminati bloodlines
it controls.

3. We must have a GENUINE energy independence policy and not just from the Arabs or Muslems but forom the ENTIRE
Papal/Jesuit/Illuminati energy complex. In future articles I will detail how we can achieve this with GENUINE solutions to “Peak Oil” and other energy related problems. These will not be phony “perpetual motion machine” and “zero point” energy quackery that defy the proven laws of physics and are put on the internet by JESUIT COADJUTORS mainly to get people to contribute THEIR MONEY to their phony projects that would otherwise go to practical things like food, guns and ammo and GENUINE energy independence systems that obey the laws of physics. The projects I will soon be posting will be ways of using PROVEN alternative energy sources like Solar, Wind, and Water but using them MORE EFFICIENTLY and PORTABLY than they can currently be used and they will be published at The Unhived Mind forum, At the Liberty’s Flame forum and at the Patriot City blog FREE OF ANY OBLIGATION OTHER THAN A REQUEST THAT I BE CREDITED IF THE INVENTIONS ARE ACTUALLY USED COMMERCIALLY.

4. While we will still have our guns if we are genuine patriots and not SHEEPLE TRAITORS when the natural firtilizer hits the rotating device on this act of TREASON by Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order we may still face the fact that they will run out of ammunition in protecting our homes businesses and retreats from the assorted criminals, government dependents, agents, and “HOLY” OFFICE thugs that Obama and the Jesuit Order intend to unleash on us in the future. This will call for totally new types of weapons that keep the long range and lethality of the firearm but without the need of primers and powder and new types of ammunition for firearms themselves that is not dependent on primers and powder. Therefore also in the near future I will be posting on the Unhived Mind forum, The Liberty’s Flame Forum and the Patriot City blog proposals for how such weapons (and ammunition for what used to be firearms before the powder supply went dry) might be constructed.
5. Ultimately however it really won’t be carnal weapons that carry the day in restoring the Constitutional Republic after an Obama/Jesuit hyperinflation and martial law attempt that will ULTIMATELY FAIL. It will be carnal CURRENCY. Basically the first side that can restore some degree of consumerism though definitely NOT the unsustainable degree of it we have now is going to carry the day and be the one that re makes the country into either the “state” model (Pope/Jesuits/Obama) or the original Constitutional Republic model (The Patriots/1611 King James Reformation Bible Protestents) As we all know a stable currency has to be backed by something substantial and not be simply be another piece of paper, base metal token or credit account. Though Paper/Base Metal/Credit can continue to be used as the most convenient means of USING the currency the actual currency itself must be a certain WEIGHT of SOMETHING OF REAL VALUE. In the troubles we will be facing under the Papal/Jesuit/Obama single party regime probably the best thing to base a new Patriot currency on would NOT be the old stand by’s of Gold, Silver, Platinum and Copper because these are virtually owned and controlled by the by The Roman Church, the Jesuit Order, The Hereditary Illuminati and their Coadjutor lackies. Actually the best thing to base the new currency on comes from something I have often heard on the Patriot Survivalist web sites, even those run by Jesuit Coadjutors like Texe Marrs, Jeff Rense and Alex Jones. That little message is “You can’t EAT gold!!!”
My proposal for a new currency base is the POUND not of silver like in old England which is what also made the Pound their fiat currency unit when the metal backing was removed from it. I mean that each 1 unit note, token or credit ussued of the new currency would be for ONE POUND of the following storable staple FOODS:
Beans, Rice, Cereal Grains, Pure Cereals without additives, Any other long term storable edible.
Notes in such a system will be for one Pound to ten Pounds of the basket of foods backing the currency, coins will be tokens representing the appropriate fractions of a pound of these foods. say 1/10 pound, 1/5 pound, 1/4 pound 1/2 pound and 1/3 pound for appropriate coinage.
To support this new currency and themselves patriots should start FARMING privately again and separate from the Agra-Business corporations and their pesticides, poisonous chemical fertilizers and their poisonous “frankenfood” genetically altered and patented seeds. In this new age that the Barack Obama and the Jesuit Order will create it won’t be he who has the GOLD who make the rules, or he who has the OIL who makes the rules. Barring Chrisitan charity the gold and oil holders will STARVE like everyone else who hasn’t prepared for a FOOD based economy. It will be he who has the FOOD that makes the rules in the new FOOD based economic/currency order. So lets get back to farming and start building the currency commodity of the future.
So here is the program I believe can restore the Consitutional Republic in its basic form. More on the details to come.

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