Saturday, June 28, 2014

JIM WILLIE Fingers Bush Regime For 9/11 False Flag: “These Are The Neo-Nazis Who Brought Us The 9/11 Attacks… And They Are Running Out of Cards To Play” » Stage2Omega


Neocon is just a nice word for Neo-Nazi. So people need to wake up that when Bush Junior hit the office of the White House and his gang of Neocons came in with a lot of foreign passports (Note: Israeli passports),these were the Nazis. These were the Neo-Nazis who brought us 9/11. I fully believe they’re key players behind the 9/11 attacks.” – Jim Wille

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully believe you are right. I want these scum brought to justice, Every last damn one of them. Let's decorate the lamp posts now.