Thursday, June 26, 2014

Michelle and Barack Obama Cash In On Human Trafficking of Children

Subject: Time past for Neuranberg Trials for both of these two !!!!

Michelle and Barack Obama Cash In On Human Trafficking of Children
© Forensic News Service - Oct. 2012
Michelle Obama and Barack Obama are on the campaign trail again. Every day, rain or shine, they press as much flesh as they can to raise the One Billion dollars the Democratic National Committee claims is needed to re-elect President Barack Obama to a second term. But, not all of the money raised to elect candidate Obama was spent on the 2008 election. For the first time in American election history, presidential candidate Barack Obama kept $15,466.043.00, approximately two percent of the overall $750Million contributed to elect Barack Obama president.
If President and First Lady Obama keep two percent of the contributions to re-elect President Barack Obama in 2012 as they did in 2008, they will keep an additional $20Million. "$35.5Million is a pretty good return for four years of what’s supposed to be public service," stated forensic investigator, Zed McLarnon, who alerted Forensic News Service of the considerable money the Obamas kept and did not spend on the election for which it was contributed.
"After becoming his party's nominee, presidential candidate Barack Obama strategically declined the Federal Election Commission’s public funding of presidential elections and the spending limits and other regulations that come with it, making candidate Obama the first major-party candidate ever to reject taxpayers' money for the general election. Why would he do this? "To be free of federal caps regulating how much money he could raise, and how much he could keep for Michelle and himself without spending it on the election, or rolling it into the next election" explained McLarnon.
"In reality, the $35.5Million is a pay-off to the Obamas from the legal industry for enabling the abuse and divorce industries to continue to use federal funding to operate malicious prosecution for profit racketeering schemes in state courts with a guarantee of no oversight from federal courts and the Obama administration," said McLarnon to FNS. At the same time Barack Obama was promising Americans that he would run the most ethical most transcparent administration ever, he was conspiing to cashin on the human trafficking of shildren. Mr. McLarnon is director of forensics and media for and is arguably the foremost authority on the corruption of the abuse and divorce industries (bio) and the federal funding that drives the corruption. "The President and First Lady were financially rewarded for continuing massive federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) funding to police departments, prosecutors, courts and Child Protective Services for the unlawful arrest, malicious prosecution and unlawful incarceration of one group (men) in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of "equal protection," the Civil Rights Acts that guarantee "equal rights" and hate-crime legislation that outlaws ‘targeting’ on person or one group," McLarnon explained, ‘VAWA obviously targets and funds the prosecution of men to destroy the traditional family."
"VAWA has as much to do with preventing abuse of women as the Patriot Act has to do with patriotism," stated McLarnon, "Nothing, they’re just words! VAWA funds the abuse industry, which overwhelmingly prosecutes innocent men such as the Duke University lacrosse players and the systemic prosecution of fathers via false allegations of abuse by the divorce industry to obtain custody of their children, with which to plunder federal funds."
"Here’s what’s really going on," McLarnon explained to FNS, ‘When Barack and Michelle Obama, both elitist constitutional lawyers, chose lawyer Joseph Biden as their vice presidential running mate, they knew they were appointing the author of the unconstitutional and hate-based Violence Against Women Act and that they were sending a coded, hidden message to the legal industry to continue the malicious prosecution of innocent men and fathers as a boon to the abuse and divorce industries – at the same time they were promising ‘to return to the Constitution and the rule of law.’ As a result of the coded message inherent in the appointment of Joseph Biden, the recipients of VAWA funds in the fifty states contributed to the election lofBarack Obama for funding the following agenda;
- women, social workers, CPS workers and lawyers are encouraged and trained to use false allegations of abuse to plunder federal funds and/or gain custody of children via malicious prosecution;
- police departments are trained to arrest the man and not the woman on domestic violence calls to plunder VAWA funds, as there are no funds to arrest the women;
- women and social workers are never prosecuted when caught using fraud and perjury;
- judges are trained to operate courts as criminal enterprises in which they issue restraining orders against men in secret hearings where no probable cause is demanded of the woman and no emergency exists. The only criteria is the woman saying she is "in fear" in defiance of the law that requires the "imminent threat of serious physical harm" to issue an order;
- court clerks are trained to illegally alter court records to condemn fathers to strip them of custody, and batterer’s centers are trained to accept women with no physical signs of abuse – to pad statistics of abuse and plunder VAWA funds; and,
- Child Protective Services are trained to secure their jobs by ‘creating’ abuse where none exists by using false allegations of abuse to take custody of children and plunder federal funds."
As a result of candidate Barack Obama’s calculated message to lawyers, judges, police, social workers, prosecutors and other recipients of VAWA funding, lawyers and law firms reciprocated and contributed a percentage of the financing they earned from cases based on false allegations of abuse to presidential candidate Obama. Legal professionals donated the largest percentage of the $750 Million donated to the campaign to elect candidate Obama to the presidency.
Federal Election Committee data reveals the Obamas kept $15,466,043.00 of the campaign contributions, $1,372,863.00 went to the adminstrators of his campaign and $618,203.00 "disappeared" with no accounting record, whatsoever! Where did this money go? Did anyone pay income taxes on this money?
Mr. McLarnon is perhaps the country’s utmost authority on the rampant judicial and attorney corruption of the abuse and divorce industries. He is credited as "the first person to prove judges and lawyers alter transcripts, doctor dockets and manipulate case files and impounded files" to usurp the judicial process and deny victims of lawyer-run racketeering schemes civil redress. Since then, McLarnon has exposed what he calls "the lust to obtain VAWA funds that induces courts, police departments and CPS workers to use false allegations of abuse and alter records to criminalize men and obtain VAWA funds."
During the Duke lacrosse rape case, Mr. McLarnon was the first and only entity to identify that Mike Nifong, the State’s Attorney that maliciously prosecuted the Duke University lacrosse players for six months after he discovered the lacrosse players were innocent – did it to plunder VAWA funds. As a result of Mr. Nifong’s malicious prosecution on the taxpayers dime, the families of the falsely accused lacrosse players had to raise $3 Million to defend their sons, which of course destroyed them financially. "This was another example of innocent citizens transferring their savings to the legal industry to protect themselves from malicious prosecution,’ declared McLarnon. The Duke lacrosse case, and all cases of malicious prosecution on web site represent a large financial benefit for lawyers, judges, clerks and social workers that profit from bill-able hours, court investigators and experts also gain financially, and so forth.
The agenda of transference of wealth from the falsely accused into the legal industry coincides with Michelle and Barack Obama’s credo as lawyers, "the business of the law, is to make business for the law."
The reason the Duke lacrosse "rape" case caught the attention of so many people and media outlets is that the malicious prosecution of innocent men is occurring all across the country, and people were interested in why a prosecutor would suppress evidence to destroy several students and their families. The media reported that State’s Attorney Mike Nifong was "eager to be re-elected" and ‘was overly aggressive in his prosecution" as a pretext as to why he maliciously prosecuted the innocent lacrosse team players. "This is a lie" stated McLarnon, "fabricated to divert attention from the fact that Mr. Nifong’s State’s Attorneys Office and state’s attorney offices across the country regularly prosecute innocent men solely to plunder VAWA funds.
The Violence Against Women Act funds legal professionals across the country as it carries out the Feminist/Gay/Lesbian/ Transexual community’s stated agenda "If women and gays are to be equal, we must DESTROY marriage and the traditional family." VAWA is hate legislation fnded to destroy families by getting rid of the father.
It’s interesting to note that when Michelle Obama made the statement when Barack was elected president that it "was the first time I was proud of America." A very disturbing statement for a woman who was educated as a result of affirmative action. But, her statement becomes clearer when one realizes that she and Barack kept $15.5Million contributed for the election. "Wouldn’t you be proud of America when you just had $15.5Million transferred into your bank account," asked McLarnon.
"In what other country does the President and First Lady benefit financially from the human trafficking of children they were entrusted to protect," asks McLarnon, who first gained notoriety when he proved his son was kidnapped in court under color of law by six Massachusetts courts that illegally altered court records to falsely condemn him as an abuser to unlawfully remove his parental custody.
"The Obamas don’t seem to self identify as black," said McLarnon, "They identify as lawyers, as they condone the use of VAWA funds to maliciously prosecute black fathers, that destroys traditional African-American families - as long as they get paid by the abuse and divorce industries through campaign contributions," added McLarnon.
McLarnon was the sole "expert" that exposed that State’s Attorney Mike Nifong maliciously prosecuted the Duke Univ. lacrosse team members to plunder VAWA funds – "just as every prosecutor across the country does,’ claims McLarnon, which mainstream media failed to report leaving the public uninformed and unable to use the case to end malicious prosecution of men for profit and the human trafficking of their children, a
racketeering scheme designed by lawyers for lawyers and the abuse and divorce industries they operate with funds from VAWA, an unconstitutional hate-legislation written by degenerate lawyer Joseph Biden to help the abuse and divorce industries fund their malicious prosecution and kidnap for profit schemes
On April 12, 2012, Tim Pawlenty raised the money to pay his campaign debt He did this to comply with the election campaign laws. And, former vice presidential hopeful, John Edwards is currently being prosecuted for misappropriating $1Million in campaign funds, but the Obamas
allowed $500,000.00 to "disappear" with no accounting whatsoever, and without being prosecuted and without anyone paying income tax on the one-half million dollars that "disappeared."
The Obamas are members of the elite legal profession that runs not only the Judiciary and Congress in defiance of the intent of the original Thirteenth Amendment, but also the White House when we elect lawyers such as the Obamas, or the Clintons. Forensic News Service was born out of the fact that lawyers also control corporate news outlets to prevent the public from finding out what goes on in our courts that are no longer courts of law, but criminal enterprises where innocent men like the Duke lacross players and millions of fathers across the country are destroyed by false allegations of abuse! This is media treason," claimed McLarnon.
For example, Chris Mathews of MSNBC’s Hardball claimed people that don’t like Obama don’t like him because "they are racist" and "their dislike of Obama is racial hatred," noted McLarnon, "Even though Obama is involved in the kidnapping of children under color of law for profit and the only President and First Lady that I know of that profits from the human trafficking of children for profit," railed McLarnon, "which represents a national shame of catastrophic proportions. Yet, Kidnapper in Chief Obama criticizes other countries as being "corrupt. There’s no one more corrupt than President Barack Obama and his fellow attorney and co-kidnappers, First Lady Michelle Obama and Joe Biden," stated McLarnon. "They are typical degenerate, scumbag lawyers that profit from the human trafficking of children. Does that make me a racist," asked McLarnon, "I think not, Chris Mathews!"
* McLarnon’s forensic documentaries focusing on state sanctioned kidnapping which traces the corruption and funding of family courts from local county courts up through state courts federal courts the Dept. of Justice, Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama are posted on @ Forensic Zed
Kidnapping in Arizona -
Kidnapping in Maryland - Part 1 -
Kidnapping in Maryland - Part 2 -
Deconstructing America – Part 1 -                                                                                              
Deconstructing America – Part 2 -
Soviet Refugee American Refugee -
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