Friday, August 15, 2014



     Our ad on inexpensive housing built in America was attacked the other day on our website . Also, attacked was our offer on the references in law showing why federal income tax is technically illegal according to the terms of the U.S. Constitution. The paypal button to that was also disabled by obvious federal hacker or hackers in order to try and censor parts of our website that they did not want the public to use with orders or financial backing. Also, our offer was disabled by hacking of the paypal button for our fast loan program for as low as $10 to help finance the fast passage of the Omni Law in America this year of 2014 and before the national election if the people will mass rally in time and put the political heat on the politicians to pass our Omni Law and now. The full name of the Omni Law as shown on our website is The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America and once passed gives the American people legal referendum authority over the federal government to pass federal laws and policies that we the American people want passed and to cancel federal laws and policies that our elected non-representatives want to ram down our throats instead of representing us in Congress, federal agencies, and White House as too many in Wash., D.C. today think that they are our masters instead of our representatives to run the national government as we tell them to and not try to tell us that we are their servants instead of their bosses over government and so pass laws and policies that they might want but we don't want made claimed laws against our national will.
      This budget way of building houses, churches, store buildings, even some manufacturing plants is based on systems that other people used to build what they wanted cheaply and yet still high quality in appearance and construction. Some of these methods may remind you of things that you saw at some time or another in such as Mother Earth News but even mansions have been used using some of these tactics and for a fraction of what you expected that you would have to spend to build these nice structures according to your designs and tastes.  I once knew in Wash., D.C. a man using some of these building tactics starting with a $500 investment and later becoming a millionaire doing this again and again at large profit each time! He was a college professor who left the university to make much more money in life than any university salary could ever pay him. I a couple of times used these tactics to take a ruined apartment building and with a $500 investment made it operational and sold at a nice profit later on. Also, took a small family grocery store building which I bought for $1 as it was a disaster in the eyes of its owner, invested around $5,000 and turned it into a showpiece small office building. The local banker down the street told me how I had turned this old building into a super sharp looking building which was now a showpiece for the town. He thought I had spent many times more on this building than what I did. I did this with two old buildings, but using some other basic building techniques used in this report, I could have built entire houses, buildings such as farm buildings or other type commercial buildings on vacant lots and made them showpieces spending a fraction of what people thought would have to be spent to build nice structures as these would appear to be.
      A couple I knew owned a lot out in the forest and built themselves a nice weekend vacation home complete with a swimming pool for maybe what you would make in two months worth of pay from a job. With such a system the potential exists that you could build a new home, building, etc. without need of a mortgage note or else take an older structure people think has no potential and with a small investment turn it into even a showpiece reborn structure you could sell for many times what you invested to create your masterpiece. The potential exists that starting with small money you could make yourself a millionaire off of these type tactics. I knew this university professor who become very rich starting with a $500 investment using these tactics. Also, I knew two young businessmen who started humbly with tactics like these and were now owning apartment buildings and houses in several sections of the city they lived in. I also knew of other people using these type tactics who were becoming rich fast using these smart practical tactics that people normally never think of. 
      These tactics are good for any type economy, but maybe now super smart in a tight national economy to make good money in business when many others are not doing good in business at this time.
      I am not sure why the federal hackers were targeting trying to block this budget building report from reaching you the American people, but since they felt that you should not have this report, I have decided to give this report away for free through the end of August, 2014. You order any product from my website or put in $10.00 or more in our loan program in our website to help finance the passing of the Omni Law this year of 2014 and request one copy free with your order. Give us your email and we will send this report free to you with any order from our website or else you put $10 or more into our Omni Law Loan Program. The $10 button is at the beginning of our Product listing or else for those wanting to do it larger scale, we have a separate section on our website listed as Omni law Loan Program. And through the end of August, 2014, we will send you this budget building report for free so long as your email is listed with for your order for anything else from our website. If any of you want this mailed to you instead of emailed to you, then reality requires that we have to charge $10 for this report to cover printing, postage, and hidden labor costs.  To help John out at Nesara News, we will give him 10% of what we receive for either the $10 button for the fast loan payment for our Omni Law Loan Program or else our regular larger button in options opened at our regular Omni Law Loan Program listed separately on our website. We fixed our three pay buttons hacked by the obvious Obama federal hackers, but we expose them when they pull criminal tactics like this. And if they were so determined that you should not be able to get this budget building report, that decided us that we would give away this report for free to you as our way of mocking their efforts to silence us if they could. They don't want you to back our proposed Omni Law giving back control of the federal government to the American people and we are firmly committed to pass this Omni Law and why not in 2014?
You also have good people still in the federal government but not in effective control where it counts at this time. You have paid off corrupt people in many positions in government and others who are placed in key positions of government because they are political and religious radicals who want to overthrow America and put you under a regime of terror and total police state if you allow them by not resisting them before they can carry off their plans against you. They want to have total power over you and then crush you like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union would have. In military intelligence work I met with many elements you never would have including a treasurer in the Mafia and a hit man for the Mafia. Who works in many key positions in government are people so criminal and evil, they make Mafia people even look like Sunday School Choir Boys in comparison.
     Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders sent in by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether one of our products or else our Omni Law Loan Program designed to help finance the passing of our proposed Omni Law and also pay you back later on for the loan money and even give you a pro-rata share of profit royalty off of some business options we have with enormous potential to them. The terms have been stated elsewhere.
     We have our ways that we penetrated the security of elements in America who savagely and utterly hate you the American people. They have plans how through the federal government as their front they want to murder even 50% or higher of all the American people. They are insane but promoted to key positions in the government through Obama and allies. Maybe "politically incorrect" to report that high treason is going on in Wash., D.C. but go to the White House and that is the center of high treason being supported and organized against you the American people. Better take seriously to pass our proposed Omni Law. We know how these conspiracies of evil are being organized against you the American people. Once our proposed Omni Law is passed, we will move fast and end of the conspiracies of high treason now going on against you the American people. We think that if we have differences in America, let us reason together to understand one another and work out good answers all sides can agree with so long as sti 

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival.  There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."   - Sir Winston Churchill   

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