Vinman:Prosperity packages being delivered today.
Watch for international treaty being signed by Obama
regarding asset backed currency.
Looking for new prime minister.
D.C. meetings finished.
New patents and technology taking off/being released (some
are 100 yrs old!)
Meeting to sign currency treaty going on now.
Idiots fighting over the future of the dollar in D.C. (is
idiots redundant?)
Time is quickly running out......
We're in the red zone...first and ten...our goal is in sight
Gt: Last Clues......
China's adding additional Backing
Prosperity Packages are being delivered AGAIN TODAY (how
many times has that been)
World Agreemnent being signed by President O guaranteeing
Asset Back Currency (ABC)
Omegaman:currency treaty signed by the
"president"....TRNS to be live very soon; the rest falls like
dominoes... into our laps like a lap dance from heaven...
HOW is bozo signing ANY treaties right now?? Thought he and the cabal corporation(s) were supposed to be extinct when the RV takes place, along with the Federal Reserve fraudulent 'banking' system to be replaced by the REAL Treasury of the united States of America? Are we being lied to yet AGAIN? Can ANYone tell us the TRUTH PLEASE?!
If I ever see any money out of this I will buy me a real lap dance.
Our muslim socialist president will NOT do anything that will help America and Americans. We are the enemy
Appearances can be deceiving, can they not? Could it be that those WITH us (the People), are much more and greater than those with FRB?
'tis my opinion what is now hidden will soon be brought into the light- transparency abounds & increases moment-by-moment, 4 those with eyes 2 see, ears 2 hear... We are indeed a most blessed generation 2 BE participating in bringing of heaven to the earth ("on earth as ... in heaven...")
WE the People are creators (in Creator's image) of our world, our government, our Life by our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and actions emanating therefrom; each chooses what one creates...
We the people can indeed save AMerica, but we must choose to participate in peaceful lawful solutions from positions of heartfelt wisdom, learning and embodying Truth, Love, Justice, Liberty & much more of the Light than most currently reflect. BEing and DOing is Life, becoming more as one learns more & expands accordingly (like an accordion?)
48 states have now lawfully voted to reconstitute the administration of common law grand juries at the county level, which can indeed create the America we the people would like to truly live in & help to share with the world; come join us in resurrecting the "hidden fourth" branch of government that is truly the real power here and abroad, whereby we can assist in bringing heaven upon the earth in very practical ways. Prepare to be enlightened & empowered to Be the change U wish to see in the world....
Blessings to ALL always in all ways.... freemom7 :D
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