Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Justice Department Confirms Lost IRS Emails Are Stored On Backup Drive

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

Why Should We Pay Taxes To A Private Corporation?
Justice Department Confirms Lost IRS Emails Are Stored On Backup Drives!
If the IRS, which is controlled by the Federal Reserve and the White House, does NOT have to reveal ANY emails to Congress, the DOJ, or the People of the USA, even by an Administrators (Judges) Order, then it is surely NOT a Mandate for the People to pay ANY Taxes to the IRS for Corruption of their doing!
Everyone so far with the IRS has Lied to Congress as they claimed the emails did NOT exist, but now they do, so they Lied to Congress, but Still do NOT have to Reveal those Hateful Emails?
Maybe some of those were Death Threats?
I would say to the People that ALL Taxes be Halted until the Case is Settled, so that means that Congress and the DOJ Don't get paid till the case is Completed, Constitutionally!
Also, maybe Obama better NOT go to War with ISIS over Syria without Syria's Approval and the Completion of the IRS case!

Jaw-Dropping Revelation: Justice Department Confirms Lost IRS Emails Are Stored On Backup Drives
DOJ attorneys and the IRS are now scrambling to offer up an excuse for why they shouldn’t have to show them to the American public
 by Mac Slavo | | August 27, 2014

For weeks the IRS and Obama Administration told the American people a carefully crafted narrative regarding the whereabouts of emails containing information surrounding the targeting of specific groups and individuals based on their political party. The Obama administration vehemently denied that such targeting had taken place or that they had any involvement whatsoever. For their part, IRS heads testified that the thousands of emails belonging to director Lois Lerner, who headed the IRS Exempt Organizations Unit, simply disappeared when her hard drive was thrown away.

Most Americans simply couldn’t believe it. How could an agency that deals with billions of pages worth of tax returns simply lose emails, especially from a department head? Moreover, how is it possible that these emails were not backed up somewhere?

In June we opined that there must be secondary copies of these emails, simply because the government keeps records of everything. Could you imagine what would happen to the IRS if their main email or data server was destroyed by some far off event, and all of the government’s tax revenues for an entire year were lost? Of course not! It’s simply not a reasonable scenario.

It turns out, according to a new report, that the government does have backups.

The Department of Justice has confirmed it.

But there’s a catch. DOJ attorneys and the IRS are now scrambling to offer up an excuse for why they shouldn’t have to show them to the American public.

If you’re not upset at government overreach and lack of transparency yet, then this should seal the deal.

The government says that the problem with accessing the emails is that it would be too “onerous” of a task. Yes, you read that right. They do not want to source the emails because it would be difficult and burdensome.

Or, is there a second possible explanation for their lack of motivation? Could it be that pulling the emails would result in handcuffs and stiff prison sentences for officials involved in the conspiracy at not only the IRS, but the Treasury Department, the Department of Justice, the Federal Elections Committee and even the White House?

The records exist. Now they need to be shown to the American public, and if there was any wrongdoing, people need to be sent to prison, up to and including the President of the United States.

The full report is posted below courtesy of Lily Dane and The Daily Sheeple.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton broke the news today:
Fitton spoke to Fox News about the revelation:
Video also included.

Peace President Plots War on Syria
The Obama administration is reportedly preparing to begin air strikes on Syrian territory without the consent of the Syrian government
 by Daniel McAdams | Ron Paul Institute | August 27, 2014

The Obama administration is reportedly preparing to begin air strikes on Syrian territory without the consent of the Syrian government. The pretext is the rapidly expanding US war on ISIS, but in fact this is the long-desired US attack on Syria that was temporarily thwarted, reportedly by popular opposition last year (but more likely by US knowledge that its claims the Assad government was behind the chemical attacks at Ghouta had no basis in reality and would not stand up to even superficial scrutiny).



Anonymous said...

Of course those of us who works in and around IT knew this, and knew this all along.
People, think for yourself, use common sense. This goes for all the urban legends of records being destroyed in buildings that were demolished. Records have been backed up via digital, and offsite storage for decades.
God help America and God help us get the Illumi Naughties out of prominent positions so that we can have great lives

Anonymous said...