In the media were leaked no new details about the course of decrypting of the black boxes that have fallen near Donetsk with "Boeing" 777, MH17.
Long silence of international experts tells black boxes of "Boeing" look strange
August 3, 2014, 14:05 Photo: ITAR-TASS Lyrics: Olga Samofalova
It has been almost two weeks since international experts got black boxes that crashed near Donetsk with "Boeing". Britain promised to decipher them in 24 hours. But the public still has to learn about the data from the black boxes only from media leaks.
Malaysian media, citing a source in the group of international experts investigating the crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 that crashed in Ukraine, spoke about the preliminary data decoding of the black boxes.
They noted the absence of abnormality during the flight, the source said New Sunday Times. The last recorded conversation in the cabin was when crew began a conversation with terrestrial services of Aviacontrol. However, "to date has been established that the last voice that sounded in the air, the the pilot did not belong."
"At the same time nothing indicates that the pilots noticed or felt something" - the source said, without giving any more details of the investigation. Source from Malaysian publication says that it is still unknown, whether international experts were able to obtain from the Ukrainian side recording conversations with dispatchers related to the crashed jetliner.
Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, where the management of the accident investigation is, got to decrypt the black boxes almost two weeks ago - on July 23. Then the country's officials have promised to decipher them within 24 hours, if the black boxes were not much damaged.
And they were all right. First, the experts found no evidence or indication that the black box were manipulated in any way. And the next day, July 24, representative of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) said that the voice recorder onboard Malaysian aircraft shot down over Donetsk, is in good condition and is working on a parametric recorder.
Despite the fact that no damage black boxes was found, still there has not appeared any official information about what decryption process has showed. Given the importance of this investigation for the whole world, this looks at least strange. For while the international avioexperts were silent, the U.S. and the EU continue to blame, unfounded, the tragedy the rebels in Eastern Ukraine and Russia at the same time. And source these charges without still no actual evidence, the West intensified sanctions pressure on Moscow, entering sectoral sanctions.
Instead of formally introduce at least preliminary results of decoding of the black boxes, Western experts are silent. Until now, the public gets the information only through unofficial leaks in the media.
What can interfere with the officials investigating the plane crash near Donetsk, speak at a press conference and tell you with full responsibility that the work identified as black boxes at this stage?
Reason suggests that they have no evidence against the rebels, and in the minds of western politicians is tantamount to Russia's fault. And to confirm this fact clearly the West is in no hurry to because it would discredit in the eyes of the people it's stiffer penalties against Russia. Or it will plant the seed of doubt to the validity of the charges in the U.S. and the EU against Russia before the end of the crash investigation.
This is not the first leaked unofficial information about the situation with black boxes. First data on their explanation appeared on the fifth day after international experts got their hands on them. Western sources have told the media that data decryption Malaysian black boxes "Boeing" and the information from the crash site said that the aircraft was damaged by shrapnel exploding rocket.
"The missile has completed its task, for which it developed. It was hit by a plane, "- said an unnamed official from the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation. According to the official that did not give his name, evidence was found of substantial decompression in the plane formed by the blast.
International experts working at the crash site, according to him, found evidence that the aircraft fuselage in many places was broken by fragments of the rocket.
Unknown official Malaysian speaker than sid that that some preliminary details of what happened may be announced next week. But there is no officiall guarantee that this will happen.
Whose rocket
Meanwhile leakage of the decoding of the black boxes did not respond to the main question - if the missile hit the plane, an d whos it was.
White House spokesman Josh Ernest before her statement "implicitly acknowledged finding the Ukrainian air defense assets in the region of Donetsk, although they claimed that they were not operational," said a senior source in the Russian Defense Ministry. Moreover, the U.S. had confirmed the authenticity of satellite imagery data, presented at a special briefing at the Russian Defense Ministry on July 21, where it was stated that the grouping of defense armed forces of Ukraine near the city of Donetsk has four air defense missile battalion complexes "Buk-M1."
Meanwhile, Russia has presented a briefing on this objective evidence that the Ukrainian radar aircraft missile systems "Buk" worked (unlike the U.S.). So, on July 17 (the date of the crash) Russian agents have recorded nine inclusions of Ukrainian radar stations 9S18 "Dome-M1" in the region of Donetsk to detect and track aircraft.
A source in one of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine did not rule out that the plane may have been shot down as a result of incidents that could be originating from military air defense units of the Ukrainian armed forces during an exercise to test the lock removal from the missiles system launch. Ukrainian military have denied the charges.
And Kiev provided pictures allegedly denying the presence of Ukrainian "Buks" in the disaster area Malaysian "Boeing".
However, the Russian Defense Ministry two days ago, has officially announced that these pictures were actually made few days later, and Russians said that they were deliberately falsified.
In the Russian Defense Ministry estimated graphic materials that were distributed on July 30 by the Security Service of Ukraine, supposedly "refuting" the authenticity of the Russian satellite images of the presence of Ukrainian July 17 SAM batteries "Buk" in the disaster area of "Boeing-777", as well as evidence of the alleged shelling of Russia by Ukrainian territory armed forces, "- was stated in a statement on the website the Russian Defense Ministry.
After analyzing the images, the Office stated that "the first two slides of Russian and Ukrainian pictures are generally identical. However, it is important to note that the pictures presented by the SBU was taken a few days later. "
"More interesting to analyze are Ukrainian pictures on slides 3 and 4. They contain the shooting time that does not match the image. So, at 11 o'clock in the morning sun in the area was located in the south-east, and, accordingly, the shadows on it should fall only on the north-west. And the leadership of the SBU submitted materials on which shadows fall somehow in the north-east. Thus, these pictures were not taken only on some other date, but in the afternoon, and said they were deliberately falsified "- said the Defense Ministry.
There's also added that "in the shaded portion of the SBU shelterbelt naked eye visible distortion, made a photo editor." In this case, the Ministry noted that "on July 17 weather reports state that in the area of Avdiyivka was cloudiness of 70-80%, with height of the lower layer of about 2500 meters, which is easily verified by independent sources and mass can be clearly seen on the slide Avdeyevka executed Russian satellite. "While the picture 4 SBU on the same day and time is a clear sunny weather.
If you recall, on July 17 in eastern Ukraine crashed the Boeing 777 "Malaysian Airlines", which flew from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. On board the ship were 298 people, among them 85 children and 15 crew members. Survivors of a plane crash not.
IZAKOVIC http://www.deepspace4.com
1 comment:
I phoned 5 coroners offices in England a year ago asking if they recorded the deceasement of certain UK pax and they replied that there was no registration of the mentioned deceasements, accordingly the deaths should have been notorised by the appropriate coroners. The fifth office in London ASKED ME WHY I was enquiring to which I replied they were pax on the MH17 CRASHED IN UA. The female clerk said (if I were you I would leave it alone)The November black funeral procession in Holland concealed the supposed mourners behind a long massive curtain.The Dutch Connexion might be Shell , Chevron USA and Burisma a
ua Incorporation whos owners are all Americans incl the legal Director Hunter Biden son of the VICE PRES
Dissuades me from flying when the casualty risk appears so high and just effects us plebs.There exists 1.2 trillion cu tons of gas and oil in the area of the MH17 wreckage, Hydraulic recovery is legal there but the inhabitants who,d objected earlier have not left the area. For their sake I hope they live in peace and not be casualties of the foreigners stealing their lands and sabotaging their arterial roads using Naptha and heavy hydraulics to break them up and shut down communicative transport.
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