Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mr. Obama.. Your making a grave mistake just as those before you who gained power and lost that power due to CARPET BAGERS

Mr. Obama.. Your making a grave mistake just as those before you who gained power and lost that power due to CARPET BAGERS after the Cotton War aka CIVIL WAR. I don’t know if you are familiar with that portion of American History.. if not; You should be. 

Mr. Obama.. Your making a grave mistake just as those before you who gained power and lost that power due to CARPET BAGERS after the Cotton War aka CIVIL WAR. I don’t know if you are familiar with that portion of American History.. if not; You should be.
When your people came to my home in Iowa in 2011 asking me to return to the WHITE HOUSE, I refused as you are aware. The reason I was told that I was needed at the WHITE HOUSE was that “I knew the Law of the Land, and History of this Nation.” I remained adamant in my refusal to return.
This is not a BLACK AND WHITE issue, Mr. Obama. It is not a Christian vs. Moslem issue.. There can be no issue between the two religions as they both worship the same God of Abraham, the Sovereign God Almighty of the Universe.
THE ISSUE IS GLOBAL CORPORATE ENSLAVEMENT OF US ALL, AND THAT INCLUDES YOU, YOUR WIFE, YOUR CHILDREN … You are just a PAWN on the CHESSBOARD.. The sooner you realize that you are nothing but a PAWN.. and reverse your position.. the quicker these “Corporate global banking, financing and economic ‘hostage’ taking” can be stopped and Global Pease attained.,
Mau Mau fighters raped, castrated and beaten in Kenya’s uprising against Britain get £14million compensation but no apology Jun 06, 2013 By Staff – See more at:
THESE LONG STANDING HATREDS OF WHAT WAS IMPOSED BY BRITAINS “CROWN CORPORATIONS” ON THE PEOPLE IN KENYA is not a valid standing issue to take this hatred out on the States of the Union of the Republics of the United States of America!
If “Mr. Obama” and others he has gathered around him in his “hate the whites” group would direct their attention to the Crown Corporations i.e., the very corporations which ex president G.H.W. Bush sold this nations infra-structure to in 1992 by Executive Order 12803 which reads:
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure that the United States achieves the most beneficial economic use of its resources, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order: (a) “Privatization” means the disposition or transfer of an infrastructure asset, such as by sale or by long-term lease, from a State or local government to a private party.
(b) “Infrastructure asset” means any asset financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government and needed for the functioning of the economy. Examples of such assets include, but are not limited to: roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons, and hospitals.
(c) “Originally authorized purposes” means the general objectives of the original grant program; however, the term is not intended to include every condition requires for a grantee to have obtained the original grant.” continues at source
IT CAN NO LONGER BE SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET. WE HAVE AN INDIVIDUAL WHO WAS BORN IN KENYA AS AN UNQUALIFIED PRESIDENT OF THIS NATION who is hell bent and intent to disarm the American Citizens while hostiles are allowed to cross our borders with weapons provided by AG Holders “Fast and Furious” contingencies.
First.. know the history behind all this “hate” by the KENYANS-Kikuyu. Read:
Second.. research the Tribal Affiliations of Mr. Obama, Mr. Obama’s Father, Erik Holder and others in the current administration..
When one thinks of the Mau Mau uprising, the images are of African natives slitting the throats of white settlers and farmers in their sleep, and of Jomo Kenyatta, the famous Burning Spear who later became the first President of Kenya.
“In past years the civil rights leadership would mau-mau the government or the corporate sector of the white ”
In 1963 a theory arose that “Mau Mau” was an anagram of “Uma Uma” (“out out”), a codeword based on a secret-language game the Kikuyu boys played at the time of their circumcision. General China, a former Mau Mau leader did not support this theory and supposed instead that the native word for “Oath” is “Muma,” but because of its pronunciation the Europeans wrote it as “Mau Mau.” The leader of the movement, Dedan Kimathi, was opposed to the use of the term Mau Mau to describe the guerrillas. He preferred them to be called the Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA)
The British used a form of psychological warfare in the way they wrote about and spoke about the insurgents. Caroline Elkins explores this in Imperial Reckoning, Henry Holt and Company, NY, 2005. She says:
Like most wars, Mau Mau was as much about propaganda as it was about reality…Equally powerful as the photographs distributed by the Colonial Office was the language used to describe the Mau Mau…the “white” and “enlightened” forces of British colonialism were in stark contradistinction to the “dark,” “evil,” “foul,” “secretive,” and “degraded” Mau Mau. These descriptions spilled over into the Kenyan and British press, where the sensationalist accounts juxtaposed white heroism with African, or Mau Mau terrorism and savagery.
In Winning Hearts and Minds – British Governments, the Media and Colonial Counter-Insurgency, 1944-1960, Susan L. Carruthers points out that the Foreign Office Information Research Department (IRD) tried to spin the Mau Mau as Communist backed but the Colonial Office Information Department would have none of it as there was no evidence of Soviet meddling. IRD was the British black propaganda unit set-up after World War II to counter the Communist threat.
The United States followed the uprising with great interest and Time magazine featured a two-page spread on the Mau Mau with a picture of a dead cat hanging from a tree with a note written in blood that any person who works for whites will be destroyed. The New York Times reported that the Mau Mau movement was a result of the frustrations of a savage people neither mentally nor economically able to adjust itself to the swift pace of civilization.
Other forms of psychological warfare included the British distributing radio sets to villages so that they could listen to pro-government propaganda broadcasts. They also published a number of propaganda newspapers such as The True News that branded the Mau Mau as spies, thugs, ruffians, gangsters, thieves, murderers, barbarians, and bandits.
Of course, the real story of the insurgency is not quite as “black and white.” The British had ruled Kenya for many years and although they are generally considered among the more enlightened colonialists, the people of the occupied nation certainly desired and deserved independence. As in almost all such cases, the people and its political movements split into a number of different groups, some wanting a peaceful reconciliation, others believing that blood and terror is the only path to freedom. The Mau Mau was a breakaway wing of the main political party in Kenya, the Kenyan African Union (KAU). You might think of it like the Irgun, the terrorist wing that broke away from the Haganah (The underground Jewish Army) during the Israeli rebellion against British rule in Palestine. The president of the political party, Jomo Kenyatta, was imprisoned by the British in 1953. He had been arrested along with other Kikuyu leaders on 20-21 October 1952 as part of Operation Jock Scott. This had about the same result as jailing Gandhi had in India. In fact, Kenyatta, who campaigned for independence through non-violent means, was the one man who may have been able to stop the violence. He had a habit of appearing in public with a leopard skin and a spear, and this did not help his image in the West. Kenyatta was arrested and sentenced to seven years of hard labor for “managing the Mau Mau,” incitement to violence and subversion. Three months before his
KAU is not a fighting union that uses fists and weapons. If any of you here think that force is good, I do not agree with you. Remember the old saying that he who is hit with a club returns, but he who is hit with justice never comes back. I do not want people to accuse us falsely – that we steal and that we are Mau Mau. I pray to you that we join hands for freedom and freedom means abolishing criminality. Beer harms us and those who drink it do us harm and they may be the so-called Mau Mau. Whatever grievances we have, let us air them here in the open. The criminal does not want freedom and land. He wants to line his own pocket. Let us therefore demand our rights justly. The British Government has discussed the land problem in Kenya and we hope to have a Royal Commission to this country to look into the land problem very shortly. When this Royal Commission comes, let us show it that we are a good peaceful people and not thieves and robbers.
The British controlled Kenya as early as 1890.There were over 30,000 British settlers in the country by 1930. By 1945, 3,000 European settlers owned 43,000 square kilometers of the most fertile land, only 6 percent of which they cultivated. This small minority ruled over a million Kikuyu tribe members. The African population of 5.25 million occupied, without ownership rights, less than 135,000 square kilometers of the poorest land. Many British farmers became wealthy through the growing and shipping of a fine African coffee. In order to protect their exclusivity, they banned the growing of coffee by the natives and introduced a hut tax. They also made it extremely difficult for those without land to purchase and hold a plot. This led to many of the Kikuyus leaving the rural areas and flooding the cities. This will always lead to unrest and political activism.
Map of Kenya
One became a Mau-Mau by taking the blood oaths. The power of the Mau Mau oath is hard to realize in our western culture. We have heard of the German Army’s oath to Hitler, but that relied on the concept of honor. To the Kikuyu, the oath was not a point of honor; it was magical and had the power to kill. When two Kikuyus had a dispute they were brought before a witch doctor who had them both take an oath that they were telling the truth. It was understood that if you lied while repeating the oath you would die. So, the British realized that once the Mau Mau oath was taken, the terrorist would not willingly leave the group. That was why they had to use the same sort of “black magic” to invent a counter-oath that would free the individual from membership in the group.
There was also a great deal of peer pressure to take the oath. The leaders understood the power of personal relationships and tribal bonding and used it to force men to join the secret society. L. S. B. Leakey says in Mau Mau and the Kikuyu, The John Day Company, NY, 1952:
Mau Mau followers were forbidden to invite non-members to drink beer, or to attend their dances; they were not to help them in building huts or in any other tasks where it was normal for a man to call on his neighbors to give communal aid. Thus, many who had been reluctant to join the Mau Mau in its earlier days, were more easily persuaded to do so as time went on…
Although there is little mention in the literature of the actual oath, it is known that the ceremony began with the new members taking a vow to honor the old religion of their tribal ancestors. Once past that stage, it is impossible to know how much of the oath is real and how much is British propaganda. The colonial secretary, Oliver Lyttelton, wrote in part:
The Mau Mau oath is the most bestial, filthy and nauseating incantation which perverted minds can ever have brewed. I have never felt the forces of evil to be so near and as strong as in Mau Mau. As I wrote memoranda or instruction, I would suddenly see a shadow fall across the page – the horned shadow of the Devil himself.
Major Frank Kitson (later General)
In Gangs and Counter-gangs, Barrie and Rockliff, London, 1960, Major Frank Kitson mentions a Mau Mau raid where body parts of an old African were taken to be used in the oathing ceremony later:
The gang, frenzied by the thought of blood, slashed around with their simis (a Kikuyu sword) and fired their guns. One old man, slower than the rest, was caught and hamstrung. He fell at the feet of his pursuers, covering his face with his arms to protect it from the slicing swords, but a mouse in a mechanical mincing machine would have had a better chance of survival. One terrorist hacked off a foot, and another sliced off his testicles to use later in an Oathing ceremony. A third gouged out his eyes with a staple and put them in his pocket for the same purpose. When they had finished, most of the gang came by to cut and stab the twitching corpse. They then licked the blood off their simis and moved off into the night, having first set fire to all the huts they could see.
Other writers have stated that there were at least seven stages of oath-taking, which might take several days or weeks to complete and which could include the drinking of blood, eating portions of human flesh, cohabiting with animals, and ingesting bits of brains from disinterred corpses. After the seventh stage of the oath-taking had been reached, the members had to repeat the cycle and reinforce their vows by beginning again.
There may be some truth to the use of sex and perversion in the oath. Some experts believe it was a form of psychological warfare used by the leaders to assure that the soldiers could not fall under the control of their village elders and chiefs. Sexual perversion is taboo in all contexts so far as the Kikuyu tribe is concerned. By forcing the members of the Mau Mau to perform such sexual activities, they were filled with guilt and self-loathing and ashamed to return to their village. It tied the fighters to the insurgency forever.
Other sources make the oath sound more conservative. One gives an example of what he thinks the oath probably was:
I swear that I will fight for the African soil that the white man has stolen from us. I swear that I will always try to trick a white man and any imperialist into accompanying me, strangle him, and take his gun and any valuables he may be carrying. I swear that I will offer all available help and further the cause of Mau Mau. I swear that I will kill, if necessary, anybody opposed to this organization.
A second source claims that the oath was as follows:
I speak the truth and vow before God
And before this movement,
The movement of Unity,
The Unity which is put to the test
The Unity that is mocked with the name of ‘Mau Mau’,
That I shall go forward to fight for the land,
The lands of Kirinyaga that we cultivated,
The lands which were taken by the Europeans.
And if I fail to do this
May this oath kill me…
The members took one oath when they joined and another when they went into the forest and away from their villages and homes. The second oath allegedly was:
I speak the truth and vow before our God:
If I am called to go to fight the enemy
Or to kill the enemy I shall go,
Even if the enemy be my father or mother,
My brother or sister
And if I refuse
May this oath kill me…
After a time everyone was forced to take the oath again. Soon, the oaths began to lose power because of the constant repetition. Even worse for the guerrilla, each time they took the oath they were charged thirty or forty shillings for the privilege of joining a society of which he was already a member. It became clear to many of the disenchanted fighters that this magical oath was just a way for the leadership to raise funds. Worse for the Mau Mau leaders, as the members left the organization and did not suffer a painful and agonizing death, it became clear that the oath had no magical power and was just a myth.
There was also a leadership oath. It is mentioned by Donald Barnett in Mau Mau from Within, Monthly Review Press, N.Y., 1966:
I swear before God and all the people here that…
1. I will never reveal the leader’s secrets to a warrior or any other person not a leader.
2. I will never run away or surrender leaving my warriors behind.
3. I will never abandon the leadership of my people but I will go wherever my people world send me and do whatever they ask me to do in my country’s name.
4. I will never disdain and leader in the presence of warriors.
5. I will never by any means cause or plan the injury or death of another leader. continues at source:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ms Durham: In all due respect, muslims and Christians DO NOT 'WORSHIP THE SAME GOD.' I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but YOU ARE WRONG!!!! 'allah' is recorded as being the moon god which YHWH is NOT. 'allah' continually contradicts himself in his writings. While islam presents itself as having similarities with Chritianity, there are too many differences between the personalities of 'allah' and YHWH to be the same person. Please reconsider your research and your matter of fact statements as they are in gross error. The Koran teaches only one - 'allah' - while Christianity professes both the Father, YHWH AND His Son, Yeshuah/Jesus and their teachings are positioned from a foundation of love for humanity. muslims don't have a savior - remarkable difference between islam and Christianity, 'allah' and Yahweh. http://www.bruce vlieger. com/library/HowareYahwehandAllahdifferent.html;

Secondly, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE AMERICAN MILITARY?? THERE ARE MORE THAN TWO SEMILOADS OF EVIDENCE RIGHT NOW TO ARREST, TRY AND HANG BO AND HIS ENTIRE ADMIN. WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN DONE? Forget about writing BO - contact the make believe 'government' and press them as to WHY this has not been done? You will then find out who the REAL TRAITORS are. THEN write your report and submit to this blog for posting.