Friday, August 1, 2014

PressTV: United States wars show internal crisis

PressTV: United States wars show internal crisis

Posted on by Jean

Activists protest against US spying policies in Washington. (file photo)
Fri Aug 1, 2014 4:38AM GMT
By Harry J. Bentham
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There is a new Cold War, we are told. Because wars are the creations of paranoia and deafness, the absurd situation being claimed by fossils of the last Cold War like US Senator John McCain is indeed so.
This so-called new Cold War is not taking place in Russia or Ukraine, but in the United States, and its future will be decided there. The US regime is decaying, degenerating as it violates its own people’s civil rights and starts wars for the distraction of its own people. The new Cold War is a desperate attempt to reinvigorate the ailing regime by appealing to a new phantom enemy – exactly as happened after the 9/11 attacks. Nightmares are once again being invoked, because America’s dreams appear have been disrupted.
The true enemy is clear. As the rational responses of conscientious individuals like Edward Snowden have proven, patriotic loyalty to the US regime is under threat from the regime’s own internal crisis. Unless the crisis itself can be brought to its rightful conclusion, all of us in the West are condemned to an endless cycle of war against phantom enemies imagined by the US regime to distract from its own internal crisis.
The internal crisis is forcing the dying US “superpower” to lash out at the whole international community, starting with the unremarkable Russian Federation. This means patriotic loyalty to the US regime is at this time becoming a form of inexcusable warmongering, and every parrot repeating Washington’s fevered condemnation of Vladimir Putin falls into the same despicable category.
It is not an exaggeration to say that supporting the dictates coming from the Washington regime is a heinous crime against freedom, worse than anything being perpetrated by any dictator or despot at work today. This regime already violates everyone’s civil rights on a daily basis, introducing into our lives a form of monitoring that had been avoided by even the worst totalitarian abominations in history. This regime’s oppression is so great in scope that we are even told to tolerate it in other countries like the UK, “which now feel as if occupied by foreign tyrants.”
Present US ideology promotes the regime’s right to violate basic humanitarian laws and norms, and this is why it has led to the worst crimes in recent history. Violent as it sounds, history has shown that death is often the only sweet relief for this kind of blind loyalty to a murderous regime. The US regime possesses the most malignant of all variants of nationalist ideology – one that sacrifices its own people in the shallow wars of cowards and hypocrites.
US people have been confused, brainwashed to accept a false dichotomy between two hollow political parties that believe in the same lies, and thus led into thinking that patriotism is at all times both the solution and the problem of the regime. There is only one solution to the US regime. That solution is the betrayal and destruction of the state, unequivocal and merciless, by those who have recovered their minds from the pit of stupidity carved by the regime and its waning corporate propaganda machine. The final blow will be delivered by further conscientious acts from the regime’s own insiders, when they realize how inimical the regime’s crimes are to freedom.
No doctrine is more insane than to persist in obeying a regime whose repeatedly proven arrogance and hypocrisy have led to it violating its own constitution, as the US did when it chose to spy on its own people. As a result of repeated violations of the freedoms that the regime claims to defend, the regime has exposed itself to be unworthy of support and faith from US residents. Calling US people “citizens” is regrettably a little too rich at this stage, as they now seem to have no rights afforded to them by their nasty regime which regards them as “little more than crumbs” in its indulgent game of global control. Until the present corporate-owned state is removed by one strategy or another, there will be no citizens.
If a regime cannot safeguard its own constitution, it cannot safeguard anything, including its own security and the loyalty of its own people. It might as well be under foreign occupation. The reason Edward Snowden turned his back on the Washington regime is that it has no legitimacy, and it will be betrayed again and again by insiders for as long as it fails to inspire loyalty. The regime defends nothing, it represents nothing, it commands nothing, and so its future is nothing. How can patriotism be possible, under the command of such a hollow and cynical regime?
Since the end of the first Cold War in 1990, the United States has had ample opportunity to demonstrate that it possessed the supreme system and could govern the world better than others. Even in the face of zero competition, it failed. US people have been left with a backward and archaic leadership from “parties” who promise only new forms of bigotry, ignorance and mythology that have no connection with logic or reason. The regime is not only incapable of “governing the world” as it has declared. In fact, the United States is now incapable and unworthy of ruling its own territory.
US “patriotism” let us face it, is the ideology of an ignorant past. Clinging to an ancient ideology of stupidity and selfishness does not entitle the US to rule the world, but rather entitles others to destroy them and liberate the “uneducated masses” of the US to join modernity.
The US seems to survive as the world’s saddest pit of ignorance, racism and confusion, unaware of other cultures and ways of thinking. It is time for Americans to end the delusion of superiority, and join the rest of the world. Consider that in Europe, the US breed of flag-waving and nationalistic chants are typically met with cynicism or condemnation. So shall it be in the crumbling ruins of the murderer state that declared itself to be the legitimate regime of the US.
The politest way that I can say it is as follows: the United States has a long way to go, intellectually and in terms of civilization. It is with no pride that I mention Britain, but the British are probably “twice as advanced as the Americans in terms of intellectual development,” and even in the UK there has been a “deterioration of education.” So, is the US regime really the one ready “to govern the world”?
Eventually, let us hope a more educated and talented generation of youth in the US will see the doom of the foolish old “patriots”, and the latter will be taken away as the dangerous madmen they are. The world’s most dangerous nationalist regime, the United States of America, will have to be erased for the sake of modernity. It is time to accept that US patriotism is a self-defeating concept, because the top injustice is the existence of a regime that places so much value in its own authority that it is willing to murder the world for the sake of power.
The regime has forced us all to make a choice, and it isn’t a very difficult one. Whose side will we take in this new Cold War? Will it be the allegedly “repressive regime” of Vladimir Putin in Russia, or the regime that has used torture and spying on an industrial scale? The entire world has an enemy: the US regime, violating your rights on a global scale at every moment, never letting your personal life out of its sight due to its infinite paranoia?
This latest Cold War launched by the violent regime in Washington is not about Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, or any other violent conflict zone in the world today. It is about the ugliness of the US regime, alone in its ignorance and pride, and the urgency with which we must all work to destroy it. Furthermore, eliminating the United States is not about saving some other regime from its aggression, but about serving the march of progress and human rights. Mankind has marched inexorably out of the grasp of tyranny, and it is now striving to escape the US regime’s grasp too.
There is no hope or future for the regime in Washington – no light at the end of the tunnel of arrogance and blindness it has chosen. If we take care to ensure disaster in its paranoid wars, the failed regime will fall from the global stage within decades, because it is not sustainable. Every netizen seeking the truth, rejecting the self-appointed patriots and senile senators whose burials are overdue, is helping to abolish this fanatical regime. Nothing will replace it. The world will be safer without it.

Harry J. Bentham is a British political futurist writer. He is currently on the advisory board at the Lifeboat Foundation think tank and his work can be found at a number of online publications, including the radical newsletter Dissident Voice and the transhumanist publication h+ Magazine. His work, which has been favorably received by readers, has placed emphasis on global economic disparities and the benefits of technology-driven social change.

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Anonymous said...