Wednesday, August 27, 2014

RV & GCR: News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions -Wednesday Morning

News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions - Wednesday Morning

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and Global Currency Reset News | Dinar Chronicles



August 27, 2014 at 9:42am

the rates are on banks screens RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!

june carrieri > EXOGEN
August 27, 2014 at 9:47am

administration hold?

August 27, 2014 at 9:47am

The Zim went live for the First Time yesterday and people went to EXCHANGE while it was live but the bank could not unlock as new xxxxxxxxx software system has codes. We can post what rates are on here DAILY if we wanted to. Even Hourly. But it means NADA until you are in the bank so we do not do it. Others by the time they got to the bank it was back on Administrative Hold

August 27, 2014 at 9:48am

Why do you think this is first thread EVER starting with a Zimbabwe flag (HINT HINT)

wilbur grodan
August 27, 2014 at 8:13am

Ag up a little
USDX down a little more
WEDNESDAY is over for 60% of people

wilbur grodan
August 27, 2014 at 8:50am

USD prices of commodities continue to rise
BRICS development currency complex waits
Au up a little overnight

August 27, 2014 at 9:00am

The reasons why it not has happened;
1. The new PM has not been sworn in.
2. The ministers of the cabinet have not been named.
3 The new Govt is not fully formed and seated.

Until all of that happens there will be NO RV.


Tues night update

Posted by Zara spook on August 26, 2014 at 11:30pm

Hey guys! Just going to give you a brief update to where we are at the moment. A lot has happened in the past couple of days. Iraq is ready! Their PM is seated as well as the GOI, all we are waiting on is the formal announcement.

Abadi has postponed this announcement twice now but hopefully will announce publicly on Wednesday. The CBI and the IMF both are ready to roll out the RV and the GCR. There are many countries coming to Iraqs aid in the defeat of the ISIS organization.

I think this statement is one of the most important statements of the day! Being said that, the US sees that these countries are willing and very well capable of providing Iraq support. This could very well be a turning point for the US! The US is under extreme pressure from Iraq, IMF, and a few other countries, (china being the main country) to stop the stalls and release this to the world!

With all the information floating around, it's hard to believe who is telling the truth. Well, let me try and explain a little more. 9 out of 10 gurus provide you with updates each and every day. Just bc someone says that it's going to pop tonight May or may not be true.

I know that a few guys have called it the last few days and it actually was suppose to be released, however, the US found a way to stall once again. This has happened two different times in the past 5 days.

I personally feel this will continue till made to do otherwise, however, I do think if the RV and the GCR is released it will be within the next two weeks.

There's just so much great info floating around and very little negativity! Let's all hope that the US will get on board soon and bring this to an end!

The good from this well outweighs  the bad 1000 to 1.



Could this finally be over? Could this long ride be almost done? We have waited so long. So hardened we’ve become. Friends and Family have often called us insane. But we have always stayed the course, despite their disdain. I see the proverbial light, at the end of the tunnel. Where all the delays and frustrations can finally be funneled. The Light’s getting Brighter with each passing Hour. Our moment is upon us Dinarians. Our dreams will soon Flower



BGG & Chattels:

1203 was the market price reported yesterday, it is 1201 today...less is more and closer to the 2% variance supposedly desired by the IMF .


More good news.

That is big. First time that has happened. The published "market rate" is what is dropping - not the 1166 (auction rate)... the fact that the market rate and auction rate are getting closer together is pretty good news...this is one of the precursors put forth by the IMF before Iraq can gain entrance to article 8 - and international acceptance. 

first two days it is realistic...which doesn't absolutely mean it will happen tomorrow - just that it CAN.

[So they are now in compliance or close to it?]
as I understand it - today they are.

I would suspect the IMF wants to see some stability at such a marker - JMHO.



"Central action keeps the money of depositors and shareholders"

This is a good "pat on the back" article as they say they have done a good job stabilizing the dinar/reducing the spread of late and implementing new policies and procedures with the auctions. I like how they end it in essence saying...despite this accomplishment, they have more work to do. Yes...we are waiting on that.

...they probably have fulfilled the IMF requirements and are in compliance now. That does not mean they will request Article VIIItomorrow. In fact, the IMF may make them demonstrate they can sustain it for a period of time as well as they still need to form the GOI, pass stalled economic and banking laws and get some stability regarding the ISIL threat.

So it still could be a while.

But today is a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Could this finally be over?"

All anyone can do right now is make up stories or guess.

St Germain has not pushed the button yet so NO it is NOT over yet.