Sunday, August 3, 2014

Steve Forbes: Return to Gold Standard Would Give Dollar 'Stable Value'

Watch video with Steve Forbes!! Talks about Argintina failing? The Stabilization of the dollar!! 


A return to the gold standard would stabilize and strengthen the U.S. economy, says Steve Forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media and a former G...
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Anonymous said...

Why did not Mr. Forbes make this claim years ago. Wouldn't this not have already been self evident or have we all been that dumbed down? Didn't we learn anything from the Kennedy years and his untimely death Nov. of 63?
Guess not.

Anonymous said...

1. Steve Forbes is wrong and one must assume he has an axe to grind, i.e., he is a gold hoarder or is being paid by the gold producers.

2. It was a mistake to honor the $35 exchange.
3. Gold is the most hoarded commodity, i.e., it is, therefore artificially priced (high), i.e., think about if only 20% of the hoard was released into the market.

4. All the gold that has ever been mined is still here. i.e., production could end, now, and there would be enough to last a hundred years.

5. Commercial: "if I were to give you $50,000 of dollars or $50,000 worth of gold, and you couldn't do anything with them, which would you choose?" lol
Duh...., one will not put the $50,000 to work?

To be a sucka or not to be a sucka, that is the question, whether 'tis nobler in the mind to hope and fantasize or take up arms and run away from gold.

NOTE: The single greatest human frailty is than one tends to believe that which wants or needs to believe.

One should not rely upon luck or hope.
