Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Truth will set you Free

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


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Our Earth is governed by a number of Laws and Principles at various levels. These laws help to carry out the way of life in a particular age. So when Earth moves from one age to another, the principles of living also undergo a transition to suit the ways of life of the next age.

The shift in these laws and principles does not happen automatically, but is initiated and monitored by the Rishis. Such a shift occurs in the transitory period between two Yugas, where the principles and values which suited the previous age are replaced by those of the next age. These changes are initiated at the Spiritual level by the Rishis. Then the blue prints of the New Laws, also known as The Light Codes, are anchored on our Earth at the astral level. They finally manifest in detail at the physical level, in the living of all intelligent life on the planet.

However, the current transition that is happening on our Earth is special and different from any change that has happened until now. The 'Divine Project' which is being implemented on our Earth has ensured that we are moving into an entirely new way of living. A very advanced and spiritually evolved life-system will take root on our Planet in the New Age one that is different

from and superior to those which happened here in the previous New Ages.

To support such a higher life, the Rishis are revising many spiritual laws and are introducing new principles for the first time on our Earth. While some of them are already implemented, there are many others which will gradually take effect as humanity moves ahead and into the New Light Age.

These new principles are the initial results of the Divine Project on our Earth.


Free will is one of the basic characteristics of God's Creation. It is an opportunity given to a Soul which comes into existence, to experience the various aspects of this Creation. In fact, the Souls incarnate mainly to have different experiences of God's manifestation; hence they have the freedom to choose anything at any point in their journey.

This gift from God has been used, in most cases, to choose the wrong than to align with divine will. It has resulted in humanity getting caught in the cycle of birth-death-rebirth, with an ever growing bondage of karmas. Over a period of billions of years, it has also lead to the increasing strength of evil in our Universe.

To reverse these effects and to help a smoother life here, it is proposed to curtail or even remove the free will. The Rishis are studying the effects of such a process. The new Energies like the Ra energies from Prakasha Brahma Universe which have been

introduced for the first time on our Earth help in the curtailing of free-will. The Universe of Prakasha Brahma works on the principle of No Free Will; the Souls there are so tuned to the divine will that they do not possess an individual will of their own.

When this law is implemented on our Earth and when the Ra energies begin to act fully, the Soul here will not be able to choose wrong or evil. However, when it makes more spiritual progress, it will gain greater access to free will. This is because spiritual growth brings wisdom and maturity in an individual. Hence, he will use his free-will at the right time, in alignment with the greater good of all life.


Most of the Souls that take birth in this Cosmos arrive with the purpose of experiencing the diversity of God's creation. They come here to have new experiences, like a moon-rise or an ice- cream, which is not possible in their Source, the ocean of Light.

Henceforth, the purpose of Life will be enhanced, and along with experiencing the diversity, humanity will be working to serve God and His creation. They will explore the unknown realities and bring down new knowledge and energies from the hitherto unknown parts of existence.

Humanity will also make more efforts to harness the potential of the Soul to the fullest possible extent. This will result in very interesting experiments and areas of growth. Many New Souls from other Universes will take birth on our Earth thus adding to this process with their unique potential. As creativity and

intelligence increases, many new things will be created, invented and manifested.

So in the New Light Age, humanity will be engaged in a growth-oriented living rather than merely surviving and experiencing life. Every Soul will contribute and add value to the quality of living on this Planet and in Creation.


The laws of karma play an important role in deciding the life- pattern of an individual. Essentially, this law is about cause and effect. A Soul which gathers excessive experiences or violates the spiritual laws (called karmas) in its life-time has to undergo those effects, either in the same life or in the next. A positive karma results in a pleasant and supportive life whereas a negative karma leads to suffering and pain.

With the introduction of the Divine Project, many changes are occurring at the fundamental level; hence the laws that govern life here will also be overhauled. The New Light Age that our Earth is moving into, will be full of purity, love and oneness. So the laws of karma which were operating until now will become obsolete in that age. The revised and refined laws will be gradually implemented in course of time and will be revealed to mankind when the Light Age is established on our Earth.


Even since Creation began, Life on all Earths has moved through a cyclic repetition of Four Yugas Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze

Age and Iron age. Since Evil is being withdrawn now, this concept of four Yugas has been modified. From now onwards, only the Light Age will exist on this Earth.

To bring diversity, this age has been divided into seven phases, each with a different challenge for everyone. And life here will also take a higher form from this Yuga onwards. Everyone will live in their evolved bodies the Light bodies and will use Light in every aspect of their lives. More details about the New Light Age are being gradually revealed by the Rishis.


In the earlier Light ages, there were no births and deaths. A person would live in his Light body for the entire duration of 20,000 years before a New Yuga began. Now, as the system of Yugas is being abolished, the rules of birth and death have also been changed.

In the new Light Age, humans will live on this Earth for 200 to 250 years. Once they take birth, their astral body will take about three years to fully integrate with their physical bodies; hence, they will be adults within three years. And by the age of 12 to 15 years, the bodies will grow to the height of 24 feet, as in the earlier Light Ages. And after their life-span, the astral body will get severed from the physical body, resulting in death.

The basic principles of living now onwards will be Love and Oneness. The entire system of life will be guided by Light. All the Souls that qualify to live in the New Age will be spiritually advanced. Many of their faculties will be open from birth itself.

They will be very sensitive to Light and divine energies and will be able to connect to God easily.

A lot of revision is being done in the concept of families and their responsibilities. Every individual will also be participating in the work of God and serving Him. They will be doing so, out of their natural choice.


The Souls which live on this Earth and other Earths in our Cosmos always come from ParaBrahma or from other worlds manifested from It. Very few souls from other Manifested Universes have taken birth here so far. Now, with the new experimentation and access to other Universes, more souls from those Universes are beginning to take birth on our Earth.

These New Souls bring newer energies and experiences with them. They will be able to share their way of life from their source, thus improving the quality of spiritual living for other Souls here. With the New Souls and the culture they bring with them, the diversity in the creation will increase. Many such Souls arrive from various origins.

Some of these origins have a lot of creative energies while some have extraordinary intelligence and other special qualities. The Souls from these sources carry these qualities and hence, will add more in those respective areas when they take birth here. This will lead to an exponential growth in many areas of human endeavour, accomplishments and finesse more than what was achieved in the earlier Light Ages!

Those who move into the New Light Age will be able to intuitively grasp these and other Spiritual principles and follow them automatically. While many more laws are being revised and updated, these are the essential ones which have been revealed by the Rishis. As we move ahead into the New Light Age and as a new way of living gets established, the other revised laws will be implemented and also revealed to all humanity.

1 comment:

SonoLght said...

The actual quote: "You shall know the Truth and the Truth Shall "Make" you Free."