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Message from Montague Keen - November 30, 2014
![]() ![]() Message from Montague Keen - November 30, 2014 The very fabric of the Vatican is collapsing, and with it, all the CORRUPTION that has held your world captive. You now see through their lies, so you will not fall victim to their displays of humility and caring, especially at this time of the year. Christmas, as they portray it, NEVER HAPPENED. There was never a Jesus born in a stable. They created that fairy tale at the Council of Nicea. It caught the people's imagination and was used to establish a religion. However, there most certainly was a CHRIST. He was not born of Man: he materialized on Earth and traveled the world, teaching. When the timing was right, he dematerialized and left the Earth. There was NO CROSS, or death, as you know it. In ancient times, people were connected in every way to the universe. They understood how it operates. They were so much more advanced than you are today. They had a connection with the afterlife and they had an understanding of life which Rome would ensure was destroyed. Rome used force to remove all the knowledge that existed at that time, and it has controlled your world ever since. Those whom you now see as Jesuits, are the descendents of those who forced their way on to your planet about 2000 years ago. They adapted the human body and you were fooled by it, believing it was the same as yours. IT HAS A DIFFERENT FREQUENCY. This is the biggest mistake that humanity has made, and it has suffered for it ever since. The Jesuits took control of everything: they wrote bibles to make it look like they had a history. [Four of these creatures came to my home, last week. I had a friend staying with me who can confirm this. They came to cause fear and alarm. They were recognized for what they were, and they were removed.] They told you that everything started in the East. I assure you, it did not ! Everything is the exact opposite of what they have taught you. They need the energy of war in order to survive. They preach peace, while ensuring war. They control humanity through banking. They created religions that would conflict with each other, causing problems to ensure that humanity could not act AS ONE. Now, humanity is seeing the light, and is prepared to come together as ONE. The end of Rome's rule is in sight. People are only just awakening to all the suffering caused by them, through viruses which they produce in their laboratories; through vaccinations; and the whole of the drug industry. Life on Earth was never meant to be like that. Until you recognise the SEAT OF DOMINATION, you cannot proceed. Rome needs YOU to survive: but YOU DO NOT NEED THEM ! They invented HELL to ensure they could control you through a fear of death. It worked, until you began to open your eyes to see the truth. Now, their dark rule is almost over. The light is about to unveil its plans to rescue humanity; for we, too, have been planning the future, and it is a very different one from the one envisaged by Rome. Peace and harmony must be restored. When good men put their minds to it, it can be done quickly. You must not dwell on the sins of Rome. You must move quickly into a brighter future for all of humanity. We will try to ensure that all will survive when everything that the Cabal controls ceases to exist. You will need sustenance in order to survive. Your controllers will have to leave the Earth, and they will do so in the same way that they entered the Earth. The call has gone out. They cannot survive in the light; their bodies will disintegrate, for they are not like you. I know that this is a lot to take on board, but it is the absolute truth about the situation in which you find yourselves. Research what I say, and you will be astounded by what you find. The more work you do on releasing the energy of the ley lines, the better life on Earth will be. Think carefully about which path you take: do you go forward into the light towards peace and love, or do you elect to stay in 3D with all that it entails? This is a decision which has to be made. Do not be led astray by those who are being used to hold you in 3D; those who fear life itself, and who feel the need to be controlled. Humanity as a whole will step into the light. They have waited 2000 years for its return. Although much is being done to try to prevent the light, IT CANNOT BE STOPPED. Those who oppose it, may delay it a little, but they can never stop it. All the lies, attacks, character assassinations will not prevent Planet Earth from moving into the light. When all the pressure and stress is removed, you will experience life on Earth as your ancestors did; with full knowledge of who and what you are. You will reconnect with your fellow beings from other planets. Life will be enjoyed, not endured. Our Centers will enable everything to fall into place as it should. The first one must be in Ireland, for reasons you will soon understand. All the other countries will quickly follow. We had to withdraw from the purchase of the building in Ireland, as it had been contaminated by those who try to obstruct our plans. We are looking at others, as there are many to look at which would suit our purpose. The money that was generously given is in the Foundation Bank Account. It will be used when sufficient funds are available to pursue a purchase. Veronica will not live in any of the Centers but will visit them regularly. It was suggested that she wants a new home. This is not so ! Our Centers will have an important role to play in the future of humanity. Everything that you now accept as normal in your world, will change overnight, and sooner than you think. You are either prepared, or you flounder: it is up to you. It will happen whether you are prepared or not, so you have been warned. You have a choice: peace and harmony, or struggle and strife. Being attacked, my dear, is confirmation that you are getting it right. Your workload increases, but we will succeed. Always, your adoring, Monty. Statement from Veronica There is an ongoing vendetta against me and the work I do with Monty. It is carried out by Ian Kelly, alias "southenglishman2007", on the Internet and in emails to me and to others. He came into my life under false pretences. He pretended he was a fan of Monty's work, but admitted, after a while, that this was a lie. He stole David Icke's and others private email addresses from my study, when he came to attend séance in the house. The people I worked with at the time, and I myself, all felt sorry for him as he was totally dominated and controlled by his mother. We were happy for him when he finally met a lady (at the age of 50) through the Internet, and left England to marry her last year. I wished him every happiness, and I hoped that he would find fulfillment in his life, as he had been desperately unhappy with his mother. Only a few months ago, I learned from David Icke's site that Kelly had been sabotaging his work too, after he had come in with the offer to help. David Icke referred to Kelly in one of his videos, as one of the people causing problems with the television station. Ian Crane also reported problems with Kelly. With regard to the center in Ireland, we were proceeding very happily until Kelly started his vendetta against me and the Foundation. I am afraid that Kelly has been judging me by his standards. Every penny that was donated is in a Foundation bank account. We are looking at other properties now. Please understand that I cannot put this out in the open because of people like Kelly that will start snooping around and making false accusations. I did not pay a deposit of 40,000 euros as he stated. Besides, in Ireland, deposits are refunded. We do have a business plan for the Centers, but we will not go into details with anyone outside the Foundation, or put it on the Internet, for obvious reasons. Our trust has been misused in a terrible way. So please do understand that we need to be very cautious. Ian Kelly has left me no choice but to name him. It gives me no pleasure to do so. In fact, I feel very sorry for him that his life has deteriorated to this degree. He leaves me no other option. The work we do is too important to be brought down like this, as he goes on sabotaging the start of the Centers with his accusations and lies. Defamation of character is a serious offence. I ask the readers of the weekly messages to decide for themselves whether they find the information in the messages beneficial in these troubled times, and I ask them to open their hearts to the truth. Please help us to overcome this negativity, this hatred, this vendetta, that has spilled all over the Internet, and is not contributing in any way to a better future. The choice is yours, I am just the messenger. I want to thank everyone who has placed their trust in me, and in the work of the Foundation. We will start the Centers, beginning in Ireland, and many will follow, around the world. This cannot be stopped. We are dedicated to making this happen, despite the delay. We want a better world for all. Veronica Website: The Montague Keen Foundation |
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