Friday, December 26, 2014

THIS is CHINA? 'Modern,' 'progressive,' and responsible for the GCR/RV? Ownership control of Wells Fargo, a HUGE bank enterprise in the USA??????

THIS is CHINA?  'Modern,' 'progressive,' and responsible for the GCR/RV?  Ownership control of Wells Fargo, a HUGE bank enterprise in the USA??????

If you believe China has relaxed its grip on freedom of religion, in particular Christianity, better take a look at this!  Photos don't lie and most things in a communist nation don't change for the better - ONLY WORSEN.  WAKE UP USA - this nation is WELL ON ITS WAY TO FULL COMMUNISM  ..............................

In this photo taken July 16, 2014, a man stands near the razed remains of a Catholic church in a village in Pingyang county of Wenzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang province. Like many Christians in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, will worship this Christmas under a cross-less roof. Provincial authorities have toppled crosses from more than 400 churches, and even razed some worship halls in a province-wide crackdown on building code violations. (AP Photo/Didi Tang)

BEIJING (AP) — Two days before Christmas, members of a rural Christian congregation in eastern China welded pieces of metal into a cross and hoisted it onto the top of a worship hall to replace one that was forcibly removed in October.
Within an hour, township officials and uniformed men barged onto the church ground and tore down the cross.
"They keep a very close watch on us, and there is nothing we can do," a church official told The Associated Press on Tuesday on condition of anonymity because of fear of government retaliation. "The situation is not good, as any attempt to re-erect the cross will be stopped."
That means that the worshippers in Wenzhou city, like many Christians in the eastern province of Zhejiang, will worship this Christmas under a roof without a cross. Provincial authorities have toppled crosses from more than 400 churches, and even razed some worship halls in a province-wide crackdown on building code violations.
Many Christians say their faith has been singled out because authorities, wary of its rapid growth, are seeking to curb its spread in a campaign that has targeted China's most thriving Christian communities.
Estimates for the number of Christians in China range from the conservative official figure of 23 million to as many as 100 million by independent scholars, raising the possibility that Christians may rival in size the 85 million members of the ruling Communist Party.
In August, Beijing rounded up Christian pastors and religious scholars in a national seminar with the edict that the Christian faith must be free of foreign influence but "adapt to China," a euphemism for obeying the Communist Party's rule.  (Sounds allot like the corporate USA)
This week, authorities in Wenzhou — known as China's Jerusalem because it has half of the province's 4,000 churches — have banned all Christmas celebrations or related activities in the city's kindergartens and grade schools.
"We had guidance on foreign holidays such as Christmas in the past, but this year marks the first time we issued a clearer notice," an education official was quoted as saying in a local, government-run newspaper on Wednesday. (Yet another corporate USA similarity.)
Churches in Wenzhou and elsewhere in Zhejiang were first told last year to turn off any spotlights shining on their crosses at night. A few months later, the congregations were ordered to remove the crosses or face forced demolitions.

Resistance by local Christians has led to violent protests, bloody clashes and arrests of pastors and churchgoers. At least two people — one pastor and one churchgoer — remain in police custody for their acts to defend the cross, said Zhang Kai, a Christian rights lawyer.
When one rural village re-erected a cross in the summer, authorities put it under a 24-hour watch, which has now gone on for nearly five months.
"This year's Christmas has been exceptional, as a group of uniformed men have been helping us move tables, direct traffic, and guard holiday decorations as well as the front door, the back door, the warehouse and the sanctuary," church pastor Tao Chongyin wrote on a social media site.


Anonymous said...

Bull shit!

Anonymous said...

You got that right Pure BS!..

Anonymous said...

I've not seen/heard evidence to endorse any organized government on Earth. Is China an exception ? I doubt it. Factually, we have nothing but hearsay that China is " in charge " of an RV. Given the hundreds claims of ' RV tomorrow,' by hundreds of people ' in the know, ' can any of us believe anyone at this point ? ' Western ' governments are very busy demonizing Russia, China, Korea, et al, or anyone attempting to leave the thousands of years old control systems. The Vatican, being one of the oldest controllers, alleged to be in in charge of all corporations, is historically responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths. Russia, China, the US, Korea, Germany, Africa, India, the Golden Triangle & many others actions add hundred's of millions more. While this article
rightly condemns China's destruction of Christian symbols & edifices, how easily we forget the Vatican created Spanish Inquisition. Can you morally support ' Christianity ' with such a murderous past? Doesn't your ' Good Book ' say that a building isn't necessary to practice your faith ? You are fighting over things, exactly what the Cabal would want you to be distracted with. A cross, while representing faith, is also an instrument of torture, as transubstantiation is symbolic of cannibalism, the eating of flesh & drinking of blood. As Voltaire said " Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Wouldn't ACTING OUT the tenets of your faith be preferable to fighting over buildings ? TYJM frj