Monday, January 19, 2015


Frequency – is the “buzz word” that everyone should be most concerned with as they step up their game, and try to sort out the truth from fiction — and ultimately what is important from what is not!
All of the “shadow militaries” most “secret” weapons are in matter of fact – FREQUENCY BASED WEAPONS. Their most sensitive military creations these days are dealing with “waves”, “plasmas”, “vortexes” “infra-sounds”, and other frequencies too numerous to mention – which also include pills, medicines and vaccines!
When in the form of waves – they are dealing with both “micro” and “macro”, while when infra-sounds, they are dealing with the whole gamut of ELF, ULF, VLF, UHF as well as newly created “synthetic” sound waves that can be both directed, manipulated and controlled. When pills, etc., they are targeting your DNA — but even pills operate within a known frequency band and thus can be controlled just like a weapon!
We as a people – are under the “CONSTANT” bombardment of these waves, and thus the constant “attack” of these silent frequency weapons, which are literally changing the very nature of our “reality” in front of our eyes.
I wrote this article: SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS as an “introduction” to what is to follow this year.
From microwaves and cell towers to ground-based radar and satellites; from the infamous GWEN TOWERS to HAARP, and from the chemical dumps of aerosol spraying into the atmosphere to the planned releasing of radiation into the oceans via Fukushima, we as a people are under a massive, massive FREQUENCY ATTACK by those who desperately want or need to control us.
Weapons that you can see are for “losers”! Those old and outdated weapons are for the likes of ISIS, or for “patsy” false-flag perpetrators, who can then step in front of the television camera and “pretend” to shoot a guy in the head with blanks! Those weapons, both super old and outdated are ONLY tools for the propagandists to use in order to claim we are being threatened by terrorists.
They are a CON – a JOKE – a LAUGH!
The “invisible” weapons now being used against us are the updated weapons-of- choice for the shadow military and all black ops of today! Mind Kontrol: neural implants – astral implants – mood control of the masses — these things are all done to us by using weapons of frequency!
In keeping with the true nature of the DARK CABAL — or as Preston James calls them, the OCC (Organized Crime Cabal) — they truly are spineless cowards of the worst sort, who see stabbing someone in the back as preferable to an honest face to face duel! These frequency weapons are the perfect answer for them. Remember that those who are dark have no, or very little “if any” soul left; that is, they have no courage and no honor and are (in my opinion) destined for the darkest part of the Universe!
Their modus operandi is the COWARDS HANDBOOK! They are pirates, and thieves who operate in the dark of night, and only attack from the shadows. They are cold, calculating, and unflinching in their resolve to be perfectly evil. In my opinion there is NO HOPE LEFT for these souls, and their “extermination” is the best possible outcome for all of the rest of us who are still salvageable as humans!
I believe that this is why so many of them have become SATAN WORSHIPPERS or LUCIFEREANS. They recognize that the only real help they will ever get now is from the already fallen ones, those already discarnate souls that are “vampiric” and have been left with no real connection to “source” as we know it. Because of this, those souls must steal the very energy they need to continue to survive as discarnate beings.
Even countless members of the military have strangely turned toward Satan Worship in the last few decades, probably realizing that the endless murders and tortures they have inflicted upon countless others have earned them a place as one of the fallen ones!
And – whether you believe me or not, Satan Worship is now a “recognized” and legitimate religion within the US Military!
And yet – after ALL of these very negative things that I have said about these “sick” and twisted beings – because they are “pirates” and all they know how to do is lie, cheat, and steal, they have now come quite alarmingly to understand, very ESOTERIC THINGS that you do not have a clue about!
This knowledge that they have “stolen” by infiltration, concerns the nature of FREQUENCY and how it affects all of the COSMOS!

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