Thursday, October 1, 2015

US Marines Send a Warning to Muslim Jihadists in America


While the Islamic State provides increasing threats and Hollywood style video executions (you have to wonder who is really behind these jihadists) in which they threaten America, the United States Marines simply provide a warning to the "Jihad Johnnys" of the world. Their message is simple, "It's God's job to judge the terrorists… It's our mission to arrange the meeting!" 

There's no need to go into detailed video production. In fact, the US Marines have been known throughout history as those who are known From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli."

Marines were there as part of the Navy, the only military branch described and authorized in the US Constitution) in the beginning under the letters of marque and reprisal issued by Congress under President Thomas Jefferson in the Barbary Wars. They were deemed as 'leathernecks' because of the leather stock they wore around their neck not only for posture, but to guard themselves against sword cuts from Arab MuslimS.

While we continue to hear of the threats from Islamists, the reality is that though there are some among us and around the world, I have yet to see any of these cowards actually come out in the open against the men of America. They issue threats behind cameras.  They sneak under the cover of darkness and even attempt to behead women like Pamela Geller. However, they know better than to mess with real American men, especially those in the service of America under the banner of US Marines.

Will these militant Islamists heed the warning, or be sent to a swift and just reward where Allah dwells in Hell? I suppose the choice is up to them.

As for our Marines, yes, they suffered a loss in Tennessee and yes, they have suffered losses in unconstitutional wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, but I believe all that needs to be heard is the warning for the followers of Muhammad to get the point.

In fact, these warnings have been given for quite some time. Sergeant Jeremy Knauff warned after the Chattanooga shooting that the Islamic State would "learn soon enough of the Brotherhood of Marines" and Marine John McCall openly dismissed the call to not wear his uniform because it might make him a target for Islamic jihadists.

Marines are definitely a band of brothers and it seems to me that any rabid follower of Islam should either repent of their wicked following of the doctrines of devils or prepare to meet God… specifically the judge of all men, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Lord Jesus Christ. Should they attack, US Marines are happy to send them on their way… and so are the rest of us!

YOU GO MARINES!               



Anonymous said...

Where were all the so called brother Marines when Kenneth Chamberlain, a retired Marine, was shot and killed by the city of White Plains, New York Blue Gang members, aka police officers??

Anonymous said...

so when the marines fight wars on lies and kill the innocent they are hero's and the ones who seek revenge are evil hmmm seems like you got a legit ideology going on here how bout you do your self and the rest of the world a favor mr. death and destruction is the only answer and sit this one out the rest of us godly folk will actually do the kind of work that would make jesus proud by making amends for all the harm we have caused in his name once that is done your enemies vanish and you find yourself surrounded by allies the more you go around destroying others the more you are an example of the evil you proclaim them to be we have truly become the great satan they call us and it is because of people like you if you do not heed these words and release your heart of all this torment then i am afraid your fate is sealed you will be fighting a never ending war and the loses you will never recover from then you will find yourself in the hell you cast the innocent

Anonymous said...

Its not the Islamic State increasing threats thats concerns me the most but the enemy from within. Marine sworn an OATH to protect the United states of America from from within and have failed miserably. When you go to war that was NOT constitutionally. The comander in chief should have been put in prison. We have laws and that LAW of the LAND is the constitution. Follow it or go to prison. When the Supreme court members throw out the constitution so as to apease the Power to be they to, should be a cellmate to the above and any congress member who breaches the constitution.There to many name to put that in writing. Live up to your Oath. Your being paid by the people, not the powers to be.