Wednesday, December 23, 2015



Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 11:15 PM
From Popeye and Olive Oyl...
Image result for popeye and olive oyl

​Hi All,

For those of you who have not heard about or been involved... The corporate charter for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION has expired and the USA corporation 'government' IS OVER. Between now to the end of the year things are about to change... We now have temporary interim President believed to be (former General) Joseph Dunford, former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff... Plans are for our nation to conduct real elections to be held in 120 daysThe ballots should be paper rather than easily manipulated computerized voting, and no attorneys, lawyers, barristers or any ​'royalty' will be allowed to run for or occupy office in the Republic Since 1933, during our grandparents and parents' lifetime and ours, there has NEVER been a TRUE government or a TRUE election in our nation, and we have NEVER been FREE.... The Republic, our TRUE government, has now been restored. Let us work diligently now to KEEP IT.

Merry Christmas and many Happy New Years to come....!!!!

Originally Posted at Operation Disclosure:

From: "__________" <__________>
Date: Tuesday, Dec 22, 2015 at 9:34

A message to all sovereign citizens of the Constitutional Republic of the united states of America: We observe today not a victory or a celebration of freedom. We observe today as an end as well as a beginning -- signifying a new dawn as well as change. For I have sworn before you and this great Nation the same solemn oath our forefathers decreed nearly two centuries ago.

The world is in a downward spiral of hate, greed, deceit, corruption and tyranny. The human race holds the power to abolish all forms of negative commands. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forefathers fought for are at peril at home and around the globe.

Do not dare forget that we are the descendants of that first revolution. That time of action is once again approaching as tyranny is brought forth to us. Let the word go forth that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans -- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter way of life. Do not dare forget to be proud of our ancient heritage -- and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation stands for, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every government official know, whether it wishes us greatness or destruction, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to ensure the survival and the success of liberty and justice.

Swear by this Nation and Almighty God that we will not stand by tyranny, global genocide and a new world order.

To those ancient allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, we stand. Divided, we fall -- for we dare not meet a dark and powerful force at odds and split asunder.

To all sovereign citizens, do not forget that you have the ranks of the free. We pledge that colonial control shall not be passed away to be replaced by tyranny.

To those peoples in the huts, shacks and villages of half the globe struggling to break the shackles of financial enslavement, we pledge our best efforts to help them for whatever period is required -- because it is what is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, remove your shackles that you have pledged yourselves to. And symbolize what you truly stand for, the last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace.

Finally, to those who would make themselves our adversary, we implore that both sides begin anew and search the quest for peace. The financial reset is among us and it will not be stopped. Do not allow the planet to be engulfed in self-destruction.

We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our forces are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain that they will never be employed.

Know now that we will not be finished in the first one hundred hours. Nor will we be finished in the first one hundred days. But let us begin.

In your hands, my fellow sovereign citizens, will rest the final success or failure of our existence. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe for nothing but greed from those who are dark.

Now we are called once again as our very lives depend on it -- not as a call to bear arms, not as a call to battle -- but a call to an awakening and a struggle against the common enemies of humankind: tyranny, poverty, greed, corruption, disease and war itself.

Forge against these enemies as a grand and global alliance that can ensure a more fruitful life for all of humankind. Will you join in that chronicle imposing effort?

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its zero hour. I do not discourage you from this responsibility -- I highly welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the spirituality and the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and the entire world.

Fellow sovereign citizens, may you remember this and pass it down to your kin. The power taken from the people will always return to the people. And so long as humans live, liberty will never perish.

To soldiers who devote your life to your country, do not give yourselves to men who despise you, enslave you, treat you like cattle and use you as cannon fodder. Do not give yourselves to these unnatural men -- machine men with machine hearts. You are not machines. You have what humanity holds dearly in your hearts, love -- you do not hate, only the unloved hate. Do not fight for greed, fight for liberty and justice.

We the people have the power to create happiness. We the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful.

So in the name of universal law, may we all unite and begin the journey for a new world -- a decent world that will give humankind a chance to be free. By this promise, the dark minded have risen to power. But they deceive -- they do not fulfill that promise and they never will. Let us give youth a future of incredible technologies -- technologies that will extend our reach to the stars.

These dark minded free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us begin to banish greed, hate, poverty, destruction and tyranny. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all of humankind's happiness. In the name of universal law, let us all unite.

I bring forth this message for all to see.

Merry Christmas.


Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx - Interim President of the New Republic of the united states of America

There are enough x's to spell Joseph Dunford....


slaveman said...

Amen,... and Amen. Long Live the Republic. The season of willful ignorance must and will end. Thank God. Our children and theirs will live in a free society like this nation has not seen for a hundred years. Let us rejoice,... and work diligently to inform and encourage the 'sleeping' masses. I say Merry Christmas,... and what a happy new year and 'beyond' we shall see. Love IS the answer.

Anonymous said...

Great post!
But, we have seen this same thing so many times and nothing has happened that . . .
Well, no negativity here. . . When January 1st comes and goes, we will know.
When January 1st comes and . . . goes. . . we will know!
If there are chemtrails polluting our skies on January 2nd, we'll know.
If the fiat FRNs are still in effect on January 2nd, we'll know.
If our young men and women are still fighting the cabal's wars on January 2nd, we'll know.
If the IRS contacts even a single human being, for any reason, after January 2nd, we'll know.
If any attorney or "judge" cans anyone for any victimless crime after January 2nd, we'll know.
If the Terrorist in charge at this current time is not captured and locked away in a prison cell on January 2nd, we'll know.
If Congress (the opposite of progress) returns to session as-is after January 2nd, we'll know.
If there is ANY talk of the fiat "election" coming up at the end of 2016 after January 2nd, we'll know.

Shall I go on?


Anonymous said...

Well then, we should be hearing of this from other sources pretty soon if true...

Anonymous said...

IF this so called interim president was REAL he would have SIGNED his name for ALL to see!!! this is more black majick to keep the masses quiet. how many times can you people fall for the same BS???

Anonymous said...

I am hoping and praying that this information is true and correct. Long live the Republic of the united States of America!

Anonymous said...

Who ever wrote this doesn't know there is no such thing as a sovereign nation or a sovereign citizen and he/she mentioned them more than once. One cannot be both sovereign and a citizen; he/she can be one or the other. I choose to be sovereign. And sovereignty does not belong to nations/states, etc. it belongs to man/woman; living on the land. Also who ever wrote this ended by claiming to be interim President of the new republic of the united states of America; wrong! It should be interim president for the united States of America. The word of should changed to for and the word states should be capitalized, with a capital "S". As for all the x's, they don't mean squat! So it all sounds pretty good; although not quite accurate, but I will believe it when I hear and see something definitive. Until then it's just wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

All right what a relief. Was starting to get disappointed after last weeks letdown involving everything that was republic related. I am glad that you guys remained defensive and combated/censored every negative post. I am glad to read more fantastical tales written by people who desperately want attention and will lie to get it.

I am sure that time will tell if this is legit...... Oh wait time told on all these reports already. The verdict was BS all of it and after crying wolf for the 10,000th time we would literally be mentally retarded to fall for it again.

Unknown said...

i really want to believe this but i to will wait until i hear it from other sources like the mass media what about the gcr & the rest

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the current JCS Joseph Dunford, who said that Russia is the greatest threat? No thank you.

Anonymous said...

A Scripture of that which embodies the desires of so many and now being realized. Surf's up.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Last November, this site said that another general had become president and President Obama would be arrested if he returned from China.

That is zero for zero.

Anonymous said...

Great Posts. Keep posting the Articles from Judge Anna Von Reitz ( as it describes the Progress of the New Republic, Challenges in the Transition, Implementation of Nesara, Global Currency Reset/Revaluation of Currencies, Prosperity Programs, Humanitarian Projects, Free Energies, etc.

Unknown said...

A capital "S" would denote property of the Crown. And yes, I question the "sovereign citizen" choice of words as well. However, I'm praying that this is indeed going to happen within the next week or so. Merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

Good news for sure & very timely! Saw a recent video image w/ Obama & other officials making a report re ISIS response (?, as i recall), WITH Joseph Dunford purportedly to right of him. Why would a retired general be in that group UNLESS...

Cannot find this release link again, perhaps another w/ better search skills than i can assist & put same here?

Niidji said...

No such thing as a sovereign citizen. Sovereigns make law, citizens have duties and responsibilities. It has been said we are kings and queens with no subjects but that is not totally correct as all that choose public office or employment or contract under the constitution are subject to the commission they take. BTW, "The English Lawyer" published 1732 clearly states, "commission (constitute)" and "commissioned (constituted)". The Constitution is marching orders for the above with duties, responsibilities and limitations. The sovereign is we Americans and the citizen is the British subject. The 14th Amendment (United States citizen) citizen is trickery as we were not born "subject to the jurisdiction of". The 13th Amendment was created to trick men and women to believing they volunteer as United States of America citizens. The United States of America is not a state or nation but confederation created by nation states. The United States of America has only delegated powers, duties, and responsibilities with limitations. States have citizens, a confederation does not. Sovereigns need not even participate in others experiments such as statehood or confederations. Sovereign citizen is but legal shenanigans such as the Southern Poverty Law Center might conjure up.

Unknown said...

Are we not each a "united state" of BEing and DOing (mind, body, and Spirit),for whom AMerica was originally founded, worthy of sovereign immunity from tyranny of corp[se] de facto "government"??

Are not we the People the true beneficiaries (and stewards) of the life-giving blessings of Terra?

Knowing who (& WHose!) one is as part of the great I AM seems key to standing in honorable dominion over Earth & her resources, co-creating a thriving world where each and ALL embody life-giving fruits of Spirit for oneself & others in Love, Peace, Justice (in lieu of "Just-us"), Joy and Harmony. NOW, we Claim same for all mankind & highest good of all... :D

Anonymous said...

No, it's someone with a vision trying to make it real by saying it and spreading it aroundso that other people will gave the same vision.

Anonymous said...

'For the last time, this all sounds good until you see the words SOVEREIGN CITIZEN.

That is an oxymoron and implies you are a slave to the 'STATE.' At least the regular republic of the united states will not ever lie to you. A 'STATE' is a liar, is a con, and is an evil machination of greed to which I found out the hardest way possible. A 'STATE' is a Citizen and there are only sovereigns.

Sovereigns live by the law of the land not the law of Citizens. Return our spiritual republic to the law of the land, REVERSE the tyranny of these miscreants and traitors who have usurped the law on behalf of corporations and the vessel states of those corporations: Citizens of the USA.

We deserve nothing less but to have REAL law restored for the sovereigns of this land. Before the tyranny of the Global Citizen movement, emanating from turkey and the swords of Islam begins to ruin the world with its beast mark system they claim will restore peace and justice..that will unleash their final agenda against God.'

Unknown said...

"sovereign citizen" is NOT the same as "SOVEREIGN CITIZEN" !
He's speaking from the restored republic perspective where fictions are truly DEAD corp[ses] and people are indeed again sovereign, which can mean citizens upon the land jurisdiction or of air or heaven jurisdiction, take Ur pick...

Unknown said...

Great Description, and THANKS for the Book Title "The English Lawyer" aka BAR ATTORNEY? YES, We KNOW about the "Hidden 13th Amendment"...