Friday, March 4, 2016

Woman Power: Hillary Clinton Gave Order to Murder Waco Babies

Clinton is the “right person” to carry out the psychotic imperatives of the global elite - March 3, 2016
On Wednesday the Hollywood liberal elite sponsored an event at Radio City Music Hall in New York in support of Hillary Clinton.
Katy Perry, Elton John, Oscar-winners Jamie Foxx and Julianne Moore  made on-stage remarks along with Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton.
“I’m not voting for (Clinton) because she’s a woman,” Perry said between songs. “I’m voting for her because she’s the right person for the job.”
Clinton was the “right person” to oversee the destruction of Libya, where 100,000 lives were lost, and also Waco, where more than 80 men, women and children were incinerated on April 19, 1993.

“During an interview in early February 2001 the former White House aide Linda Tripp alleged that Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vincent Foster to resolve the Waco standoff. As a result women and children were killed. Appearing on CNN’s ‘Larry King Live’ Tripp suggested that Foster, at Mrs Clinton’s direction, transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian’s Waco compound, which culminated in a military style attack on the wooden building,” writes Robert Morrow.
The late Mike McNulty, producer of the Emmy Award winning, Academy Award nominated documentary Waco: Rules of Engagement, and its follow-up films, Waco, A New Revelation, and The FLIRProject, also believed Hillary Clinton gave the order.
“Hillary Clinton’s role in the assault on the Davidian campus and its subsequent cover-up has never been fully disclosed. McNulty says that his information indicates that Mrs. Clinton was not only involved, but in command, directing the FBI’s actions from the White House, and leading the subsequent cover-up,” writes Jeff Knox.

More than anybody else in the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton is responsible for the invasion of Libya and the murder of Moammar Gaddafi. She went on national television and celebrated the murder. “We came, we saw, he died,” she chortled.
This is the woman the Hollywood elite and liberals want to see sitting in the White House—an unabashed homicidal maniac with a ruthless desire for murder and destruction.
Hillary’s “woman power” is not about empowering women. It’s about once again manipulating gullible voters—through gender this time instead race—and drumming up consensus for war and the mass murder required to maintain an empire controlled by the financial elite.
This is what Katy Perry, Elton John, Jamie Foxx, Julianne Moore and the rest are supporting—endless war and a brutal police state at home.


Anonymous said...

The problem and solution to the psychotic imperatives of the global elite as discussed by Graham Hancock:

BANNED TED Talk - DMT The War on Consciousness Duration 18:44

Anonymous said...

What more could you expect from Hitler's Grand/daughter - through a Mistress? "Hitlary Rodenhurst"