SOTT Earth Changes Video Summary – June 2016:
Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
Mass Animal Deaths
Have they stopped? Slowed down at all? No. Quite the opposite. As usual, this is the most complete list of mass animal deaths available on the Internet today, complete with links. You will notice that massive numbers of fish deaths are the key stories lately. They are continuing on a large scale around the world.
As explained in Planet X Signs No. 6, we believe this is due to increased meteor activity and cosmic dust falling to earth, which adds phosphorus to surface water. This, in turn, feeds algae growth such as red tides. Many of these algae blooms are toxic, and they kill fish and other aquatic animals, and additionally cause respiratory distress to those breathing the air nearby.
Lightning Deaths Continue to Increase
Are we seeing an increase in the amount of “positive lightning” strikes? Science tells us that these strikes are much more powerful and dangerous than the more typical “negative lightning” which comprise 95% of lightning strikes. According to Brad Panovich, a chief meteorologist in Charlotte, NC, positive lightning is much more dangerous.
One reason is that it comes from the top of the storm cloud, and can be a “bolt from the blue” that strikes far away from the storm itself, even 20-30 miles away. Another reason is that positive lightning, “…can be up to 10 times stronger and last 10 times longer than a negative strike. So it can reach 1 billions volts and 300,000 amps! The stronger voltage and longer lasting bolt is the reason they cause so much damage and cause so many deaths.
Positive strikes are usually the cause of forest fires, house fires and damage to planes and power grids.” Panovich notes, “While only 10% of lightning strikes victims die from being hit, most are hit by negative strikes. The percentage of positive strike fatalities is much higher.”
- Negative Lightning
- Positive Lightning
“Positive lightning has been identified as a major source for the recently discovered sprites and elves,” says, Panovich. And we are certainly seeing more red sprites and other “space lightning” phenomena lately, as noted in Planet X Signs No. 9, these events are no longer so rare as they were. This is another indication in the change in our atmosphere, and could indicate a higher proportion of these positive lightning strikes.
And most interestingly, “Positive lightning is usually composed of one stroke (negative lightning typically consists of two or more strokes)…Some studies have found a correlation between tornado genesis and positive lightning strikes spikes.”
Here are links to two scientific articles showing the link:
“Positive Cloud-to-ground Lightning Associated With the Spencer F4 Tornado…”
In the freak, multiple tornado outbreak in Cuba on July 2nd (more information about this below) this strong, single bolt of lightning, with a pink/purple color was captured in one of the videos:
Many have observed, anecdotally, that pink or purple lightning is more powerful. And here we see a single bolt characteristic of a positive lightning strike, and also with that pink and purple coloration, right next to a tornado. Could pink and purple coloration be a characteristic of positive lightning? Perhaps so, particularly if we are seeing a single bolt, like the example above from Cuba.
An increase in positive lightning strikes would certainly explain why such large numbers of animals are being killed in single lightning strike incidents around the world. A strike that is up to ten times more powerful and lasts ten times longer would certainly have a more deadly effect. As things on our planet and in our atmosphere change due to the incoming Planet X System, we can expect to see a wide variety of unusual effects. An increase in positive lightning strikes along with increased and more widespread tornado activity appears to be one of them.
Nepal – “As many as 109 people have been killed—47 in landslides and flooding and 62 in lightning bolts—and 197 others have been injured in such natural disasters since April 13…lightning was the leading cause of death across the country…121 cases of flood and landslide were reported during the period.”
Bangladesh declares lightning strikes a disaster as deaths surge. “So far this year, 261 people have died from lightning in the country, putting the South Asian nation on track to beat last year’s 265 deaths.”
Lightning kills 55 sheep in Kyrgyzstan on June 20th. This is a separate incident from the June 16th lightning strike incident which killed 120 sheep in that country, which we reported in Planet X Signs No. 9.
Lightning strike kills 18 cows in Austria on July 2nd. “Cow herder Georg Buchegger was shocked to discover all but one of his herd dead under a tree on Sunday, after they were struck by lightning while sheltering from a storm.” This same storm caused extensive flooding in Tirol [Austria].
As of June 19th, the UK has already had more thunderstorms this year than its average for a whole year. Clearly this, and the other storm and flood examples in this article, show that something has changed in Earth’s atmosphere.
Freak Tornadic Waterspouts Cause Destruction in Cuba
Multiple waterspouts made landfall with very destructive results in southern Cuba on July 2nd. Local residents did not seem to be fully aware of the danger from this very unusual event, and as many as 30 homes were destroyed.
Translated from the description from this video: “The start of the summer stage in the province of Mayabeque could not be more tragic. A waterspout burst into Playa Caimito, wreaking havoc and above all, endangering the lives of many swimmers. Preliminary figures suggest thirty wounded, of which 6 are in serious condition.”
This video shows the approach, and some strong lightning strikes that appear to be the “rare,” and more powerful, positive lightning. This video shows the aftermath, interviews a resident whose home was destroyed, and has some English captions. This is a raw video of the aftermath.
German Twin Tornadoes Video Translated
In Planet X Signs No. 9 we included a link to a video of a German couple close to the twin tornadoes in their car, who then saw them merge into a powerful F3 tornado. If you were wondering what the two of them were saying, here it is with English captions.
As I suspected, they were not fully aware of the extreme danger they were in from those powerful tornadoes. They were very fortunate. Even professional storm chasers sound edgy when they are this close to a strong twister!
Disaster Psychology and Tornadoes
In a National Geographic special about the Joplin tornado in 2011, at 21 minutes and 36 seconds in, two young men are filming the aftermath at the WalMart store. You may need headphones to hear them. They are both sounding dazed and disoriented at this point. One of them asks, “Is this for real?” even though he is there, and he is seeing the cars that were tossed around, and the destroyed buildings, firsthand. Even so, it is still very hard for him to believe it is actually real. His mind is saying, “Did this really happen?”
This is a good example the normalcy bias function of our human minds which is also what causes people to deny the possibility that something as severe as the Planet X tribulation could ever happen. Unfortunately, yes, this is for real.
Another example of normalcy bias happened in the April flooding in Houston, Texas. A man’s car was swept away. Instead of taking immediate action to save himself, he asked the newscaster crew that was filming him what he should do. He seemed shocked to be told to leave his car and swim! But he finally took action to save himself, and the newscaster pulled him from the flood waters as his car became completely submerged. If he had stayed in the car he likely would have drowned. Why? Normalcy bias, “I have to leave my car? Is this really happening?”
A big thank you to two of our YOWUSA contributors, Frances and Greg, for bringing this book to our attention: “The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes – and Why.” If you want to understand what can give you and edge in surviving a disaster, and how you can understand your likely mental and emotional reaction style, this book is excellent and helpful. I strongly recommend it.
Concrete vs. abstract processing helps prevent PTSD. What does that mean? Don’t try to figure out why something is happening, or to completely understand it. If you are in a high-stress emergency situation or disaster, be aware of what is actually happening, and that is is real, then think, “What do I need to do right now?” This is the most helpful approach for you to survive whatever situation you are dealing with in that moment. It also helps to prevent or reduce PTSD later on. A true win-win.
Learn to Keep Yourself Safe
Learn about tornado safety, lightning safety, and flood safety now. With strong, destructive storms, tornadoes, and floods popping up in unusual places, and with more extreme storms, tornadoes and floods in the usual places, this is the summer to be prepared to encounter the unexpected.
According to Volcano Discovery on July 8th there were 33 volcanoes currently erupting around the world.

A few months ago we were seeing more volcanoes erupting at one time, however, 33 is still very significant. This is a high level of volcanic activity. We are still seeing concurrent volcanic activity at or around the yearly average for eruptions, when this many would be spread over the course of the year. These kinds of pictures have become very commonplace:
Volcanic Emissions in Canada?
On July 5th Dutchsinse posted an excerpt from his live stream titled, “Sulfur + Carbon Dioxide Gas from Giant Dome in Northern Canada / Alberta.” This carbon dioxide gas release appears to be caused by volcanic activity in that area, but it could also indicate that oil is burning underground. Carbon monoxide from the fire is also being seen. His discussion of this gas release activity begins at 9:11 in the video.
At 31:25 he was going to show some carbon dioxide emissions in Russia, but suddenly the carbon dioxide feed was not working. He said, “No data. CO2 feed removed.” Interesting timing for that outage.
Here are his notes from the video:
A large emission of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide gas has been detected coming from a very large (230 mile wide) dome formation in the crust of Northern Canada / Alberta (Northeast Alberta)…The large emission of sulfur dioxide indicates either magmatic activity, or burning fossil fuels in the crust (Oil and natural gas).Some others have speculated that the Fort McMurray fire was related to magma rising and heating the ground in the area to the point of burning. Others have blamed the recent huge outbreaks of wildfires on stronger lightning strikes or meteor impact events that started the fires. The reality of the situation could be, “all of the above,” along with ongoing drought conditions in some areas, combined with higher than normal wind speeds.
Forest fires do not produce large emissions of sulfur or Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Normally forest fires produce Carbon MONoxidie gas…We should only see plumes of Sulfur and CO2 if a subterranean oil deposit is burning, or if magma is rising.
The IRIS Earthquake Browser shows 1,434 earthquakes in the last 30 days.

In the last 30 days USGS shows 2,035 earthquakes around the world with a magnitude of 2.0 or greater, 670 with a magnitude of 4.0 or greater, 120 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or greater, and 9 with a magnitude of 6.0 or greater.

On USGS’ main Earthquake Hazards Program page it lists 5 “significant earthquakes” over the last 30 days. One of them is a 5.1 magnitude quake. And yet, when I run a search for earthquakes of 6.0 magnitude or higher in the last 30 days I get a list of 9 earthquakes. The 5.1 quake they listed would be a 10th “significant” earthquake. So why are there only 5 listed as “significant” on their main page?

Slow Slip Earthquakes: New Zealand, Japan, Cascadia
“A ‘silent’ earthquake that’s been happening for a week, and could continue for months, has been detected off the coast of Gisborne,” New Zealand. “The slow-motion earthquakes, also known as “slow slips”, are undetectable by humans or seismographs, and are instead measured using changes in distance between global positioning system stations across the North Island…They have been shown to be able to trigger – or alleviate – large, tsunami-generating earthquakes.” These earthquakes, “are found around the world in subduction margins, where one tectonic plate is slipping under another into the earth’s mantle.”
“It is a double edged sword, these slow slip events, they can relieve stress and also cause stress,” Dr Wallace said.” Japan’s 2011 Tohoku quake and tsunami was preceded — and likely triggered by — shallow, slow slip on an offshore fault.
What about closer to home? From 2015, “New research shows that the large fault off the Northwest coast [Cascadia] is so weak and slippery in places that minuscule tidal forces produced by the sun and moon are enough to cause tremors…they’re part of a recently discovered process called slow slip that ratchets up pressure on the offshore fault called the Cascadia Subduction Zone — slightly boosting the risk of a megaquake and tsunami.” “Each slow-slip event releases as much energy as a magnitude 6.5 quake…it adds a little pressure to the shallower portion — called the locked zone — that will unleash a quake of up to magnitude 9 the next time [the Cascadia Subduction Zone] ruptures.”
Which reminds me, we recently saw a 4.3 earthquake off the Oregon coast, and a cluster of small earthquakes along I-5. Remember when the article about “The Really Big One” came out last summer? And a paleoseismologist said, “Everything west of I-5 will be toast”? Look at the two images below side-by-side. Are we seeing a potential land mass separation line indicated by the earthquake swarm, which is roughly along the line of I-5? Maybe so.
New Madrid Increases Activity
Dutchsinse on July 5th: “We’re starting to see more earthquakes strike on the New Madrid than we have since 2011.” Apparently the fracking-generated earthquakes in Oklahoma were relieving some pressure for the New Madrid Fault Zone. Now that steps have been taken to reduce earthquakes in Oklahoma, New Madrid is becoming more active. If you are in the area, be prepared. If you are in the potential inundation zone from a massive New Madrid quake and the resulting land mass separation, consider moving to a safer area — soonest.
Puerto Rico Experiences Earthquake Swarm
USGS is showing there were 268 earthquakes of 2 or greater magnitude in the last 30 days in and around Puerto Rico. That seems unusual and significant, and I haven’t noticed a cluster like this in the area previously. When I searched for news articles about it, nothing came up, except that others in alternative media have noticed and commented on this large cluster of earthquakes. I found this site, but it only lists a long series of “minor earthquakes” in the area of Puerto Rico. No one in mainstream media is concerned about this pattern and what it might mean?
An undated blog entry on talks about the “fear inspiring” Puerto Rico Trench and the danger of seismic movement there causing landslides, and tsunamis.
The Atlantic Ocean’s deepest part is found on the eight kilometer trench line, with a depth of 28 232 feet. Puerto Rico is located to the south of the trench and its fault line. The Puerto Rico Trench can most easily be described as the border between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea…This earthquake swarm appears to be occurring mainly in the same trench area as described above, and could be leading up to a devastating event in the area. The mainstream media should be covering this, but is not.
Surveys of the trench have shown that the tectonic plate, just north of the Puerto Rico Trench is shifting. It is moving downwards almost underneath Puerto Rico and shows signs of recent movement. These findings are supported by the cracks in the limestone layer to the south of the trench indicating the movement of the plate, and the descending of the plate is continuing. In short, the North American tectonic plate is moving underneath the Caribbean tectonic plate.
Although the movement of these two plates do not show to be a major danger in regard to earthquakes, the concern for tsunamis is great. It was previously believed that the plates moving past each other could cause large-scale seismic activity, but most of those fears have been laid to rest through the study of the plate activity. The concern is with the descending North American tectonic plate. Landslides that might occur during the down ward movement of the plate could bring about devastating tsunamis.
Even though the future is unknown, research and studies have confirmed that the Puerto Rico Trench will trigger earthquakes and tsunamis in the years to come.
Mystery Booms, and Explosions
“There’s a mysterious explosion sound in Alhambra and no one knows what’s causing it,” says the Pasadena Star-News on July 5th.
Alhambra [California] residents have heard loud booming noises for the last five months, but never see residue of fireworks or explosives. The city has spoken with CalTech seismology, LA Department of Public Works and Alameda Corridor East (trains), but none had any answers nor evidence of the sounds…a loud, booming sound that is louder than a gunshot, has more force than a firework and leaves no trace of an explosion.Mystery Explosions Baffle Alhambra, Caltech Seismologist. “Whether it’s a man-made or natural phenomenon, I don’t know,” one scientist says. So is he ruling out a seismic cause? Sounds that way.
In 47 years living in the same home near Garfield Elementary School, Saunders has never experienced anything like the booms, which she has heard sporadically since February…Since Feb. 15, the city has received 114 reports of booms [from residents]…
These are the typical “mystery booms,” similar to what has been reported on the East Coast. The description is similar to what happens at the time of these “mystery explosions” of houses. Since seismologists are saying they do not know what is causing these booms, the most logical explanation is meteors. Since we are seeing an increase in meteor activity, this seems likely. As this activity intensifies, we will likely see many more “mystery explosions” of houses and buildings, as well as larger impact events that will eventually hit a heavily populated area, with devastating results.
A recent example, with a fairly limited range of destruction compared to a large asteroid impact, is the house explosion in Mississauga, Canada. It was very devastating, “…one home completely destroyed and 24 others that are either moderately or extremely damaged…a total of 58 homes had gas and water turned off, and 15 homes were evacuated.”
Other eyewitnesses reported:
“My stomach is still churning…We heard a boom and everything was just brown (in the sky). Bricks were all over and there was a lady calling for help.”
“…said she was hanging out with her friend in the house when they heard a terrible rush of noise. She said she doesn’t scare easily but described the blast as ‘honestly terrifying.’ She felt the house shake and heard glass shattering…’There was no fire so I was so confused; there were no flames, just lots of smoke.’ ”
These descriptions sound similar to the descriptions in Planet X Signs No. 9. We believe this Mississauga explosion event, and many others, are related to meteor activity striking the earth, or air-bursting and destroying property. Does it really make sense that suddenly there are so many “gas explosions” around the world?
What To Do Now?
The time for just looking at interesting and unusual events around the world has passed. We are now in the early phases of the tribulation. The Planet X System is bearing down on us like a freight train. Worse things are going to happen soon. We have to get prepared for what is coming.
Until now we had Marshall’s book, Being In It for the Species to offer you, to show what will happen and give the overall, philosophical strategy for getting humanity free, and beginning our spiritual evolution. That was good, and now we have something even better to add for this particular time Surviving the Planet X Tribulation: A Faith-Based Leadership Guide.
It’s time to take action and prepare. Don’t let normalcy bias stop you from doing what you feel in your bones needs to be done — start right now!
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