Saturday, July 9, 2016

Tim Hawkins




Anonymous said...

Some freedom America.....
Police are now running on the streets using drones to kill civilians. They actually even blow people up at their own discretion!

This insanity has the complicity of ALL those who live in the United States. These citizens should be fully outraged and demanding the use of automated drones be canceled before they patrol your neighborhood!!

Anonymous said...

DRONES are illegal .... all this insanity.... must end..... TODAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, drones are 'bad' and 'illegal' - but 'illegal' for you and me only - NOT for the bad guys - military - who are using them against the people. Life is difficult at best these days. Hawkins is a great guy and tries to point things out to the people with humor. For pete sake - relax while you can and laugh a bit. Life is difficult at best for most of the 'common people' - enjoy some humor while we can still inject it in to the atmosphere. The days are coming when you will wish you had some thing to laugh about - even about 'drones.' You take things too seriously. 'Insanity' - yes - 'must end' - yes - 'today' - yes - but do you really think you can accomplish that? Laugh and enjoy it while you still can and because the days are quickly approaching when even a laugh will be purchased at a high price.