Black Lives Matter launches 'Weekend of Rage'
Hillary to whites: 'We're the ones who have to start listening' - now THAT is quite a statement from the bitch who doesn't listen to ANY body and who expects ALL to kiss her ass (quite literally?! lesbian)
Protesters block interstate near downtown Atlanta
Demonstrations to denounce the fatal shooting of two black men by police officers this week exploded across the nation in what the group Black Lives Matters called a Weekend of Rage. (Do these people EVER consider the fact that MOST times the blacks are in process of committing CRIMES? And the police have been called in to help?)Following the surfacing of videos showing two African-American men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, who were shot by police in Louisiana and Minnesota, respectively, five Dallas police officers were gunned down and seven others wounded during a demonstration Thursday evening. But neither that tragedy nor growing tensions between the police and blacks was enough to quiet the protests. (WHEN is this 'African American' BS going to be put to rest? If Blacks cannot disseminate fully in to the united States, and if they are not happy with all the freebie BENEFITS (food stamps, government housing, medical care, education assistance and preference in hiring for jobs, etc.) they receive off the backs of hard working Americans who the criminal 'government' extorts monies from their paychecks to pay for all those benefits, then they should seriously consider returning to their Africa. You cannot be an American and 'African' at the same time just like you cannot be British American, or French American, or German American or Chinese American. Either one is AMERICAN or they are NOT. All this division BS is hurting our nation.)
“This has been a very painful week for the African American community,” said Jeanelle Auston, who organized an event at Fuller Theological Seminary’s Pasadena, California, campus. “The back-to-back killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in Minnesota by police officers have torn hearts across the nation.” (What about the innocent families of the dead police whose families are also in great pain? What about the families of ALL races and colors who have lost loved ones from CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE BLACKS THAT THE POLICE WERE PURSUING?)
El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen, who is African-American, was tightly controlled but clearly furious at a press conference where he stated, “Black Lives Matter, as far as I’m concerned, is a radical hate group; and for that purpose alone, I think the leadership of this country needs to look at little bit harder at that particular group. The consequences of what we saw in Dallas is due to their efforts.”
Protests took place in many major cities, including Atlanta, New York, Rochester, Phoenix, Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Nashville, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Paul and Washington, D.C.
(And HOW would this be possible unless coordinated effort is being made behind the scenes to create chaos by the appointed 'leaders' of ignorant young black communists - following the advice of those behind the Obama administration who are hell bent on the full take- down of our nation?)
The largest demonstration appeared to be in downtown Atlanta, where an estimated 2,000 protesters chanted, waved signs demanding justice and blocked part of Interstate 75/85 in a tense standoff with police. Mayor Kasim Reed first tweeted, “”Today we have had less than ten people arrested during what has been a peaceful protest. We urge anyone protesting not to enter the highway.”
Later he followed with a warning to protesters: “If you enter the highway, you endanger your own life, the lives of innocent motorists and the lives of our officers. We are better than that.”
The tweets were ignored. Footage from local news stations showed the crowd facing off with dozens of police vehicles that were stopped on a local interstate highway. (And this is 'peaceful' and considerate of the needs and lives of others?)
In Baltimore, about 200 people gathered in protest to march from McKeldin Square to the Baltimore police headquarters. Four people were arrested after some members of the group failed to comply with orders to move out of the street.
Baton Rouge
The FBI issued a riot alert in Louisiana. Judicial Watch reports the alert is dated July 7 and included disturbing images from social media, including one depicting a restrained uniformed police officer getting his throat slashed by a masked individual. Other social media images called for purging and killing all cops in Baton Rouge on July 9 and starting a riot by the courthouse in Shreveport. One social media post says, “It don’t matter what color you are.” Another says, “Must kill every police!!!!”
About 300 protesters in Baton Rouge started off peacefully, but descended into chaos after several protesters hurled plastic bottles of water and cups of ice at police. Many officers were attired in riot gear, and people could be heard chanting obscenities at the police.
Breitbart reports the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) plans to be in town on Sunday to protest the police shooting of Alton Sterling, according to Minister of Education James Evans Muhammad.
Several protesters told Breitbart News they were unhappy to hear the 'New' Black Panthers – which has made headlines for its incendiary uncompromising black liberation rhetoric – were coming to town.
Demonstrations in Phoenix turned violent when protesters threw rocks and other objects at law enforcement officers during an anti-police brutality rally Friday night. Agitators shouted “We should shoot you!” to officers.
(And HOW would this be possible unless coordinated effort is being made behind the scenes to create chaos by the appointed 'leaders' of ignorant young black communists - following the advice of those behind the Obama administration who are hell bent on the full take- down of our nation?)
The largest demonstration appeared to be in downtown Atlanta, where an estimated 2,000 protesters chanted, waved signs demanding justice and blocked part of Interstate 75/85 in a tense standoff with police. Mayor Kasim Reed first tweeted, “”Today we have had less than ten people arrested during what has been a peaceful protest. We urge anyone protesting not to enter the highway.”
Later he followed with a warning to protesters: “If you enter the highway, you endanger your own life, the lives of innocent motorists and the lives of our officers. We are better than that.”
The tweets were ignored. Footage from local news stations showed the crowd facing off with dozens of police vehicles that were stopped on a local interstate highway. (And this is 'peaceful' and considerate of the needs and lives of others?)
In Baltimore, about 200 people gathered in protest to march from McKeldin Square to the Baltimore police headquarters. Four people were arrested after some members of the group failed to comply with orders to move out of the street.
Baton Rouge
The FBI issued a riot alert in Louisiana. Judicial Watch reports the alert is dated July 7 and included disturbing images from social media, including one depicting a restrained uniformed police officer getting his throat slashed by a masked individual. Other social media images called for purging and killing all cops in Baton Rouge on July 9 and starting a riot by the courthouse in Shreveport. One social media post says, “It don’t matter what color you are.” Another says, “Must kill every police!!!!”
About 300 protesters in Baton Rouge started off peacefully, but descended into chaos after several protesters hurled plastic bottles of water and cups of ice at police. Many officers were attired in riot gear, and people could be heard chanting obscenities at the police.
Breitbart reports the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) plans to be in town on Sunday to protest the police shooting of Alton Sterling, according to Minister of Education James Evans Muhammad.
Several protesters told Breitbart News they were unhappy to hear the 'New' Black Panthers – which has made headlines for its incendiary uncompromising black liberation rhetoric – were coming to town.
Demonstrations in Phoenix turned violent when protesters threw rocks and other objects at law enforcement officers during an anti-police brutality rally Friday night. Agitators shouted “We should shoot you!” to officers.
An estimated 1,000 participants chanted: “Black lives matter” and “Hands up, don’t shoot” as they marched. Officers escorting the march weren’t dressed in riot gear.
The violence also caused massive transit shutdowns, particularly on Interstate 10.
One of the civil rights leaders that helped stage the march, 'Rev'. (Of WHAT? - the 'church' of satan?) Jarrett Maupin, acknowledged the route of the march was changed to shut down Interstate 10. The Arizona Department of Transportation tweeted, “CLOSED: SR 51 SB to I-10 WB ramp is closed due to law-enforcement activity,” which prompted someone to respond, “Law enforcement activity? Do you mean THUG activity?”
The violence also caused massive transit shutdowns, particularly on Interstate 10.
One of the civil rights leaders that helped stage the march, 'Rev'. (Of WHAT? - the 'church' of satan?) Jarrett Maupin, acknowledged the route of the march was changed to shut down Interstate 10. The Arizona Department of Transportation tweeted, “CLOSED: SR 51 SB to I-10 WB ramp is closed due to law-enforcement activity,” which prompted someone to respond, “Law enforcement activity? Do you mean THUG activity?”
Six people were injured and three were arrested, and police used pepper spray to bring the crowd under control.
New York
Protests occurred in both Rochester and New York City.
A Black Lives Matter protest took over Grand Central Station Friday night leading to disruptions and travel delays, just one day after thousands of activists went on a march throughout midtown Manhattan, taking over Fifth Avenue and Times Square.
In Rochester, some protesters sat in the street chanting “Black lives, black lives” while others stood in front of riot gear-clad police. Police Chief Michael Ciminelli said at a press conference that 74 arrests were made for disorderly conduct and two charges of resisting arrest. There were no injuries.
Law enforcement on high alert
Nationwide, law enforcement officers are on high alert. In many locations they are being ordered to partner up for assignments, wear bulletproof vests, and not to respond to calls alone.
The Washington Post noted police commanders nationwide began pondering Friday not only the significance of the tragedy in Dallas, but whether they need to reconsider how they do their jobs in a more highly charged environment when viral video and angry rhetoric can quickly ignite anti-police sentiment.
The NYPD’s chief of department James O’Neill sent an internal memo stating, “Effective immediately and until further notice, all uniform members of service are to be assigned in pairs,” adding “There will be no solo assignments citywide.”
Washington Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said she gave the order to partner up at about midnight, hours after the attack in Dallas killed five officers and wounded seven others. She conceded, “Looking at the type of attack that happened in Dallas, a two-man car, a four-man car, a 10-man car, isn’t going to make much of a difference. But it makes the officers feel much safer.”
These orders were echoed in places like Boston, Las Vegas, St. Louis and other urban areas.
St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson gave orders to his officers, adding, “Although locally we are not experiencing any civil unrest, this decision is precautionary and is to maximize the safety of officers and our community.”
Meanwhile Politico reports Attorney General Loretta Lynch encouraged protesters not to allow the “heinous violence” that occurred in Dallas to silence their “important” voices. (And just WHO was responsible for the "heinous violence" Loretta??)
“I want you to know that your voice is important,” Lynch during a news conference on Friday at the Justice Department. “Do not be discouraged by those who would use your lawful actions as cover for their heinous violence. We will continue to safeguard your constitutional rights and to work with you in the difficult mission of building a better nation and a brighter future.”
(People, READ and DISCERN what this bitch is saying here to the very ones who are creating all the violence!)
Lynch stressed that she is “deeply grateful” to law enforcement’s commitment to difficult and dangerous work to keep America safe but vowed that the Justice Department would do all it can to help. And she urged peaceful protesters not to give up. (WHERE were the 'peaceful protectors'? I haven't seen ONE report of 'peaceful protestors'!)
Additionally, Hillary Clinton used a CNN interview on Friday to completely embrace the Democrats’ claim that white people and cops must change to help reduce the number of African-Americans killed in tense exchanges with cops.
“I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have ‘The Talk,’ about, you now, how to really protect themselves [from police], when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with police,” Clinton told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. (What the hell is this bitch implying here? That the blacks are not responsible for their actions? Killary - the biggest liar and criminal on the entire planet - who would say ANY thing to get the blacks and others out to 'vote' for her?)
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said. “We’ve got to figure out what is happening when routine traffic stops, when routine arrests, escalate into killings … Clearly, there seems to be a terrible disconnect between many police departments and officers and the people they have sworn to protect.” (No one is implying that blacks are not victims on occasion, just as are whites or hispanics or others, but blacks are by no means innocent as many times they have brought upon themselves what they get due to the crimes they are in process of committing, even against their own race besides against whites and others. Statistics are available that prove whites have fewer incidences of committing crimes and have the highest incidence of crimes being committed against them, whereas the blacks have the highest incidence of committed crimes.)
Breitbart notes how Clinton suggested people who disagree with her agenda are racists. “There is so much more to be done … we can’t be engaging in hateful rhetoric or incitement of violence, we need to be bringing people together … we need more love and kindness.” (THAT statement from a known murderer and TRAITOR with a list of crimes behind her which should have had her arrested and executed for high treason years ago - especially after Benghazi.) Even though our nation has not had a REAL election in at least 70 years, still - to 'win' in November - Clinton needs a high turnout of African-American voters so the claim can be made that she 'won' the 'election' - just like how she 'won' the delegates' by STEALING them from Sanders. Sadly, many Americans will believe most anything even though it most likely will not be the TRUTH. And they wonder what on earth brought about all this dissension, the protests, etc. Consider those 'in charge' of this nation via the criminal cabal in Wash DC and their associates heading up most of the state 'governments.' Bingo! And most Americans do not recognize the source of our nation's problems, nor do they do anything to put a stop to it.)!
New York
Protests occurred in both Rochester and New York City.
A Black Lives Matter protest took over Grand Central Station Friday night leading to disruptions and travel delays, just one day after thousands of activists went on a march throughout midtown Manhattan, taking over Fifth Avenue and Times Square.
In Rochester, some protesters sat in the street chanting “Black lives, black lives” while others stood in front of riot gear-clad police. Police Chief Michael Ciminelli said at a press conference that 74 arrests were made for disorderly conduct and two charges of resisting arrest. There were no injuries.
Law enforcement on high alert
Nationwide, law enforcement officers are on high alert. In many locations they are being ordered to partner up for assignments, wear bulletproof vests, and not to respond to calls alone.
The Washington Post noted police commanders nationwide began pondering Friday not only the significance of the tragedy in Dallas, but whether they need to reconsider how they do their jobs in a more highly charged environment when viral video and angry rhetoric can quickly ignite anti-police sentiment.
The NYPD’s chief of department James O’Neill sent an internal memo stating, “Effective immediately and until further notice, all uniform members of service are to be assigned in pairs,” adding “There will be no solo assignments citywide.”
Washington Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said she gave the order to partner up at about midnight, hours after the attack in Dallas killed five officers and wounded seven others. She conceded, “Looking at the type of attack that happened in Dallas, a two-man car, a four-man car, a 10-man car, isn’t going to make much of a difference. But it makes the officers feel much safer.”
These orders were echoed in places like Boston, Las Vegas, St. Louis and other urban areas.
St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson gave orders to his officers, adding, “Although locally we are not experiencing any civil unrest, this decision is precautionary and is to maximize the safety of officers and our community.”
Meanwhile Politico reports Attorney General Loretta Lynch encouraged protesters not to allow the “heinous violence” that occurred in Dallas to silence their “important” voices. (And just WHO was responsible for the "heinous violence" Loretta??)
“I want you to know that your voice is important,” Lynch during a news conference on Friday at the Justice Department. “Do not be discouraged by those who would use your lawful actions as cover for their heinous violence. We will continue to safeguard your constitutional rights and to work with you in the difficult mission of building a better nation and a brighter future.”
(People, READ and DISCERN what this bitch is saying here to the very ones who are creating all the violence!)
Lynch stressed that she is “deeply grateful” to law enforcement’s commitment to difficult and dangerous work to keep America safe but vowed that the Justice Department would do all it can to help. And she urged peaceful protesters not to give up. (WHERE were the 'peaceful protectors'? I haven't seen ONE report of 'peaceful protestors'!)
Additionally, Hillary Clinton used a CNN interview on Friday to completely embrace the Democrats’ claim that white people and cops must change to help reduce the number of African-Americans killed in tense exchanges with cops.
“I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have ‘The Talk,’ about, you now, how to really protect themselves [from police], when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with police,” Clinton told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. (What the hell is this bitch implying here? That the blacks are not responsible for their actions? Killary - the biggest liar and criminal on the entire planet - who would say ANY thing to get the blacks and others out to 'vote' for her?)
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said. “We’ve got to figure out what is happening when routine traffic stops, when routine arrests, escalate into killings … Clearly, there seems to be a terrible disconnect between many police departments and officers and the people they have sworn to protect.” (No one is implying that blacks are not victims on occasion, just as are whites or hispanics or others, but blacks are by no means innocent as many times they have brought upon themselves what they get due to the crimes they are in process of committing, even against their own race besides against whites and others. Statistics are available that prove whites have fewer incidences of committing crimes and have the highest incidence of crimes being committed against them, whereas the blacks have the highest incidence of committed crimes.)
Breitbart notes how Clinton suggested people who disagree with her agenda are racists. “There is so much more to be done … we can’t be engaging in hateful rhetoric or incitement of violence, we need to be bringing people together … we need more love and kindness.” (THAT statement from a known murderer and TRAITOR with a list of crimes behind her which should have had her arrested and executed for high treason years ago - especially after Benghazi.) Even though our nation has not had a REAL election in at least 70 years, still - to 'win' in November - Clinton needs a high turnout of African-American voters so the claim can be made that she 'won' the 'election' - just like how she 'won' the delegates' by STEALING them from Sanders. Sadly, many Americans will believe most anything even though it most likely will not be the TRUTH. And they wonder what on earth brought about all this dissension, the protests, etc. Consider those 'in charge' of this nation via the criminal cabal in Wash DC and their associates heading up most of the state 'governments.' Bingo! And most Americans do not recognize the source of our nation's problems, nor do they do anything to put a stop to it.)!
NOTE: NESARA readers, for the most part, are well informed and discerning although, as with all alternative media, there appears to be those shills who have nothing better to do than to 'drop in' to inject their destructive and 'bullshit' comments - those reading this - you know who you are and perhaps why YOUR comments don't show up on the blog! Perhaps you shills will learn something and change your ways by continuing to 'drop in' on our blog from time to time. But to our regular readers, like many of you I am angered at the outright lies and misdirection of various parts of America's populace by those in 'higher positions' who know better and who are purposely manipulating the population to achieve their own ends - that of the total destruction of our nation via civil war. Please know that we here at this blog care deeply for all in our nation, and especially for our readers, and simply are trying to publish those articles and submissions from our readers that they consider to be important for all to know. The attacks are not only going on among the various races but against the alternative media, like NESARA. We will continue to stand regardless, even calling out and exposing the shills for the scum that they are - perhaps teaching them something worthwhile in the process! Hopefully you won't mind some of us expressing our comments in the articles, as you are allowed to express yours in the comment box. We sincerely appreciate our readers and the weblinks, articles and other information shared most times in the Comments from which we can all learn together. Together we can inform each other and perhaps collectively find a way to overcome the enemy within in that process. Let us continue to freely use our voices and the alternative press toward that end. Blessings!
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Women for Hillary Clinton beware."
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