Thursday, December 1, 2016


Ambassador Wanta




Anonymous said...

Plain and simple, install Trump in there and let them all expose themselves as having come out against him.

They'll be the ones the military sweeps in and arrests for executions and life-sentencing.

Think about this, we all know they're all against him.
So lets get it done. First ten days in office: Trump team fires all federal judges in Washington D.C. save for a few, since they were covering for pedophiles.

Next ten days, dissolution of the protectorate agreement around the Federal Reserve.

Next ten days, civil war lite to clear out all remaining holdouts of traitors near the capital.

Next ten days, public executions and life sentences in public. Of all involved.
Next ten days, possible extradition of John Kerry where Kerry is forced to tell americans what he tried to do to Assange.

Next ten days, whistleblower week where all whistleblowers in hiding are compelled to come forward..Assange and Wikileaks directors are found. Their captores are seized, tossed in prison.

Next ten days, absolute abolishment of half the EPA, Department of Education, black jail for Comey etc....

Keep track men, this is the road we're enacting.

Anonymous said...

You're all forgetting the arrest and detainment of David Wilcox. Biggest shill for the cashless world system, he will likely head for Sweden to avoid his name raising eyebrows.

We should chase him given how difficult this all has been.

slaveman said...

Please let's not forget all the pedophilia satanists to be rounded up and EXECUTED.

Anonymous said...


Name them and shame them, lock them up in prison! And kill the worst who attempt.

GS 808 said...

Anon: who is David Wilcox ?