Friday, December 16, 2016

WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Bi...


Unknown said...

The military needs to arrest Obama, immediately, for fraud to the American people. Fraud to the World. Also on the list of charges against him should be treason to the American people, which is punishable by hanging. Then the military needs to go after those who placed the Liar Obama in the office of POTUS illegally. Starting with George Soros. He too should be hung by the neck until dead for treason to the American people.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. OMG, 8 years of treasonous occupation of the White House. When will the sheep grow some ... or change their species? Bisons, bulls and bears maybe? When shall the belittling (do compare with some synonyms) of the US people by bolshevist=democrat=communists etc. stop? Hear the thunder. Can you hear it?