Wednesday, February 1, 2017

OPA – Its Feb 1st!

OK, TRUMP is in, hundreds of executive orders stopping stealing of our money at the time of RV is now in place.  We can thank O-bummer who put them in place to harm us.

NOW WHAT is holding this up?

I now know more about the strengths and weakness of a people group, which just makes me SCREAM!

I am glad that in America, our social structure, typically, is based on morals and ethics with personal responsibility; however, those Chinese are based on totalitarianism social structure with believe in reward and punishment instead of right or wrong.  Now that explains why they use third parties so if it goes wrong, that person is punished and not them.  Just not, right!

Would you finish this, yes, you Chinese!  At this point, if it is the government, elders, some person in a cave far away calling the shots.  FINISH IT!

By the way, would you speed up your decision making faster than glacier movement!

How many more people are we going to lose because you continue to not do FINISH because you cannot stand any chaos, which is part of life, have you ever had a baby? 

Come on, FINISH!  Quit succumbing to your irrational fear of disorder! 

Change is growth, not disorder and chaos, so get a grip!

Once again, with their belief system in place, they aren’t spiritual!

Furthermore, if Trump, Dunford, and the gang don’t ride their ass to finish now, this shit will drag on a hell of a lot longer. 

If it’s the liberals in DC holding it up, Mr. Trump, drain the swamp right now, those individuals are Americans and don’t give a rats ass about the people, drain it!

One Pissed Off America, signing off for now.  Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man-up, so let us change this together! 


Anonymous said...

Time to say the hell with it, clean house, ie, the Clintons, Bush's, Haliburton, Chaney,{ if he's still sucking air} and all the rest of the 3.5 million cadres screwing up this country-All the protestors, I'm thinking SWAT teams in full riot gear, emptying their AR-15's and .40 caliber elephant guns on those ungrateful s.o.b.'s-Just finish them all off, finished business-Take no prisoners-

Anonymous said...