Sunday, April 2, 2017

Are We Idiots?


By Anna Von Reitz

Rob Class proved it with his decision from Judge Ridgeway. 

I proved it with no less than three cases--- one county, one state, and one State Supreme Court.

These courts have no jurisdiction related to you, the living man or woman.  None. 

They can only address either "United States Citizens" (Territorials) or "citizens of the United States" (Municipals).   That's it. 
They can't decide anything for you or against you or conduct any business related to you unless you consent to their jurisdiction, and when you do that, you give up all your constitutional rights and guarantees and are stuck relying upon the promises of crooks to provide you (at their discretion) with privileges known as "equal civil rights".

To make this all the more ridiculous, the judges and lawyers operating these courts are under obligation of their corporate employers to fleece you silly, so what it amounts to is that you are asking for mercy (in equity) from Bill Collectors whose real job is to collect money from you.  That's why they constantly abuse their discretion.

Hello?  Hello?  Please, God, Hello?

Tell me why anyone is putting any faith, trust, or hope in the so-called "judicial system" that is presently squatting on our shores, running private Bill Collection agencies under the guise of being public courts, and otherwise acting under color of law with respect to us in every respect?

Nearly every day I get calls and reams of paperwork and emails sharing the latest foolproof court processes and pleas and evidence proofs and that is all very fine, but after all that I have told you, after all that has been exposed---- does it make sense to even deal with these courts at all? 

They aren't your courts.  They aren't interested in the law or the facts----in fact, they are not allowed to hear the law or the facts concerning your PERSONS.  Your PERSONS are guilty by definition before you ever step foot in one of their court rooms, so why go there?  It's considerably worse than foxes in hen houses. 

Instead, folks, put your time, money, and energy into building your own jural assemblies and taking back the lawful courts you are owed.  The issues have already been decided---see Milligan Ex Parte.  When your American Common Law Courts are up and running, the martial law courts have to shut down. 

So shut them down, don't pay them money and beg them for mercy. 

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website


Anonymous said...

An idiot is one who would follow and do what you advocate without proof that it works. Please provide proof that any court has recognized your arguments.

Anonymous said...

These dens of corruption we call courts have no jurisdiction related to us the living man or woman, but they continue to plunder and harm who ever they can for the money, control and power and when they have their standing army with guns, badges and 007 license to follow their marching orders, (Hitler would be proud) what can one do???
They write the rules as they continue their dog and pony shows under the color of law.

Anonymous said...

Short answer; yes!

Anonymous said...

Your statements just proved (without anyone realizing it) that fake judge anna is totally wrong about corporate/maritime/admiralty/law of the sea on land/common law jurisdiction/etc/etc.

The truth is not in the application of any kind of hidden law. Fake judge anna cannot provide any instance where her nonsensical law arguments have worked anywhere. IT IS ALL ABOUT POWER!!! The PTB do what they do because they can, not because of any hidden law. As you so rightly point out, they have the brainwashed minions to do their bidding. It is not about law, it is about power. They can do what they do because you can't (actually won't) stop them. Was it the exercise of the law of the sea on the land that got JFK killed?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Anna, I just don't trust you. You will be ineffective until you start using correct sentence structure parse syntax grammar. You are correct about the Continental Marshall's, who have the power through the UPU {Universal Postal Union} to work in any country. Dozens of people who CLAIM that their paper protests work have faded quickly. Ask Irwin Schiff - oh, sorry, he died chained to a hospital bed. All of your claims, as far as I can see, are unsubstantiated. No matter the law, the papers, claims, etc., as long as our criminal government exists, they will continue to ignore any law that's contrary to their interests. All political power still flows from the barrel of a gun.

Freewill said...

Who is this? David Wynn Miller????

Freewill said...

An Idiot would believe any court would abide by any rules at all. Here in Michigan the courts use the Demonstration Project Court and they do what they choose no holds barred!

Anonymous said...

Freewill, you are a fat head who will immediately denounce this as rubbish. But I'll try - once. Here is the web site : -- Details about C.S.S.C.P.S.G. or quantum grammar. I used his mathematically perfect grammar & the foreclosure on the house I live in is 5+ years old. I'm still in it & the bank has to pay the property taxes. THAT part is especially satisfying, Oh yeah.

Freewill said...

What do you mean fat head??? Ok Sizzle Chest, I have researched into 6 years ago and I do know is stuff is good where recognized. Glad you got the bank paying those illegal taxes. I kill foreclosures and taxes period. No 3rd party involvement either! Try that one on for size! And you would probably denounce that as rubbish. I really don't give a damn anyway. There are many different ways to get it done.