Sunday, April 9, 2017

URGENT! Catholic Church preparing to sacrifice more children worldwide in April


Anonymous said...

There are catholics who are still members of the church reading this.

They are right to life people who believe all children should be born.

What happens to them after that?
Foster care physical and sexual, identity discrimination, religious affiliation of their parents discrimination, social econimic poverty discrimination, insufficient education discrimination, familiar or unfamiliar adult sexual abuse, ritual sacrifice, etc, none of that matters as long as they have a right to be born.

No one is going to protect them unless they belong to the protected class.

You are preaching to a choir that has a voice and doesn't sing.

Govt paid people if you are going to get mad at any comment you don't agree with, you may want to know why it touched 'you'.

Which words touched you, and if it's not true, how many children did you save, and if you were a member of the catholic church, when did you leave and how many are you helping to escape what this OP says it does to children?

Right to life people tell me what child wants to be born into this situation just so they can say they had a right to be born into this situation? If they could choose would they prefer to not be forced into this situation and they could stay in the spiritual world and be born into better circumstances, or is it just their lot and they have to be born to go through this?

Anonymous said...

GREAT GENTILES, True Heirs of Creation : GREAT CHRISTIAN GENTILES exemplify calling out their OWN religion, church & all associated for crimes against children & alll persons! jews, Muslims pay attention, for YOU FAIL to call out jews, Muslims for their crimes against children & all! WHY DO YOU FAIL? Why do YOU excuse such criminals & their crimes YET blame it on everyone else? COURAGEOUS GENTILES this is the point, made clear, NO MORE EXCUSES FOR JEWS, MUSLIMS DENYING THE CRIMES OF THEIR PEOPLE, LEADERS - This is how its done, has been done & will continue to be done by GREAT CHRISTIAN GENTILES who CALL OUT OUR OWN & if jews Muslims expect to live in peace ON OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN GENTILE BACKS you are WRONG. If you do not take it upon yourselves to speak out against your own jews, Muslims for their wrongs, then CHRISTIAN GENTILES cannot help you. YOU must cull your own herds of their evils. GREAT CHRISTIAN GENTILES have had it w you spineless pandering cowards.

Anonymous said...

AnonymousApril 9, 2017 at 2:37 AM -
Why resort to EVIL to cure another EVIL? Why? Why doesn't your thinking ELEVATE to higher realms? You do NOT reflect a world of Logo's, Responsibility, Aspiration, Inspiration, Morality, Beauty, Love, Caring ...
You only compound evil with evil. Aren't you able to crawl out of this abyss of such depravity to justify more killing?
Why perpetuate immorality, murder, genocide, infanticide... WHY NOT promote a higher way of BEING, THINKING, EVOLVING ?
Is it because you simply don't have it within you, at all? This is the reverse-reasoning, the knotted twisted destructive compounded evil thinking of the jew. You sound like a jew.
What does your mind, your reasoning have to offer Humanity? NOTHING.
There is NO such thing as judaeo Christian as its only another con to elevate jews to Christianity. I point this out because this is exactly the language of the destructive, immoral, hypocritical, parasitical jew to compound evil upon evil.
If you aren't jew, consider your downward spiral into the abyss of abject compounded evil & from where did this come? What soul devouring parasite has infested you?
Let's instead proclaim a HIGHER ORDER for HUMANITY. Abortions cure NOTHING. Perhaps your abortive principles ought to have applied to you? What about that? do you hate yourself so much? OR are you suffering from the very EVILS you promote? What has captured you, killing your humanity? Yes, killing your humanity, creating a sociopath in its vacuum. You're expressing the reasoning of a sociopath, self-serving narcissist, weak, soul-less. You are speaking sociopath language. YES. You've devolved into a sociopath.
Is this YOUR true nature or have you been infected ? Think about it.