Saturday, May 6, 2017

Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China

Deep  State  Plans  to  Nuke  Russia  &  China  to  Deter  BRICS-led  Multipolarity

May 5, 2017 Covert Geopolitics 

We’ve already seen how desperate the Western oligarchs are today from their actions and rhetorics.

This is fundamentally due to the failure of their attempts at starting a war somewhere far from their golf courses, and the breakneck successes of the Eastern Alliance in laying down the hardware, i.e. economic infrastructures, for a multipolar world of peace and harmony among countries willing to join them.

Some of these hardware constructions are being ridiculed upon by Western conscript media like Bloomberg when it said that China “repeats West’s mistakes” in Pakistan, because the latter announced in 2015 that it would pump out $46 billion worth of investments into that country,


These STUPID GD AHOS are frick'n MAD and should be permanently put out of commission. What the heck do these idiots think will happen to our nation if they are that stupid as to attack the two most powerful nations on this planet - Russia and China??? They are in control now. The US military - unless black ops with advanced weaponry and crap (from unfriendly aliens?) totally unknown to the people - have been able to advance forward with more sophisticated weaponry than both China and Russia?

Don't tell the people that the 'cabal' is no longer, that it is ineffective and non-existent when plans like this are on the table and most likely  proceeding for nuke strikes. With 'aliens' (reptilians and others) heading up and issuing orders over the planet's governments, and demons possessing human bodies committing all manner of tragic events, we should not take this report lightly nor dismiss it altogether. That could bring forth tragic results for the entire planet.

This is NOT the first time this report has been publicized. If this plan is for real - the nuking of China and Russia - who are preparing defense and first strike against the US in case this IS for real, something should be done IMMEDIATELY to put this death wish permanently to rest. We had better prepare to die horrendous deaths if we don't make our voices and our power not only heard but FELT. Arrest the idiots. Put them to work cleaning up the warfare crime scenes they have left behind from having committed horrendous crimes against humanity for many many years.


Anonymous said...

Real estate (how all of the planet is now viewed by this type), money & power, courtesy of rogue dark cabalistic mind control matrix all merged in the spirit of Khazaria feeds oligarch insanity. A mission of misery - what goes around comes around, including the madness of nuclear radiation. They are setting up themselves to reap inter-dimensionally and beyond their own evil lifeless fruit - a destiny of their own choice.

Take care of your own magnificence which transcends all there is.

Anonymous said...

Dear Olive your whisper of concern is sensed throughout the Cosmos. You are not alone. The ONE is testing his progeny. Much love.

Anonymous said...

If you are scared after reading this.
They already got you. Stop worrying any further and just sit and wait for their plans for you.

If you are not scared after reading this, then you are one of the few wheat left and congratulations for living with your mind intact and in your control.

Olive Oyl said...

Thank you. Appreciate your taking time to send such a kind word. Blessings and love to you and yours ......

Olive Oyl said...

My deepest heartfelt concerns are for the victims - those who suffer tragically the evil from the dark forces. This planet is covered in a layer of misery - hunger, thirst, homelessness, slavery, physical abuse, torture and deaths that exceed man's imagination and make horror movies laughable. Most are not able to control what happens to them. The evil that dominates and controls them determines their fate, and the sweet people have no say so about it or means to overrule it or to escape it. These my heart and soul cry out for - to comfort them, provide for them and to be able to set them free. My goal is to ensure that those currently in control of this planet receive their just 'reward' for their evil. To know that children, for example, and their mothers and fathers are crying, hungry, ill, frightened, being sexually abused, tortured and sacrificed to the evil one - these are what concern me and drive me to continue to post various topics and articles on this blog.