Sunday, May 7, 2017

Who or What Is At the Bottom of All This?

By Anna Von Reitz

Who or What Is At the Bottom of All This?
Queen Victoria and Benjamin D'Israeli
The British Crown and the Dutch East India Company
The Great Abomination, aka, Semiramis, aka, Mystery Babylon
The Office of the Roman Pontiff
The Tax Collectors of the Pontifex Maximus -- aka Bar Associations
Clueless, Corrupt Politicians
Clueless, Corrupt Military Leaders
In more or less that order.......
At a certain point, it becomes a circular argument, because all these maladies are linked.
Satan, the Father of All Lies, the Great Deceiver, has been hard at work deluding and misleading people for thousands of years and he has had a real hay-day here thanks to our gullibility.
Queen Victoria and her favorite Prime Minister, Benjamin D'Israeli opened the ancient Pandora's Box of Evil Tricks and Babylonian Bullshit in order to finance the Raj in India and that whole debacle.

The British Crown and the Dutch East India Company Heirs have been colluding and fighting each other by turns for the last three centuries and have been causing nothing but trouble on a worldwide basis since they started indulging in the fruits of Institutionalized insurance fraud circa 1702.

Semiramis, the Queen of Sumeria and wife of Noah's Grandson, Nimrod, also known as The Great Abomination and Ashtoreth and Astarte and Isis and Cybele -- started her own religion based on infanticide, tree worship, sex as a sacrament, and idolatry which included the use of graven images and symbolic coins as money shortly after the Great Flood. [This venal religion known as Mystery Babylon is also known as Satanism and practices ritual sacrifice of children and deliberate subterfuge and secrecy. It basically promises its members secret knowledge and then gets them into compromised positions via sex and drugs and participation in ugly things and then simply blackmails them and threatens them to go along with whatever the leaders want done.]

The Office of the Roman Pontiff --- the Church has been trying to serve two masters ever since the Council of Nicea --- and this is reflected in the Pope trying to hold two offices at once, one sacred and one profane. The Office of the Roman Pontiff is the secular, pagan, and profane office. No man should be placed in such a position, but that is what has gone on.

The Pontiff or Pontifex Maximus as the Romans called him two centuries before the birth of Jesus was a deal maker and breaker, the literal "bridge" between jurisdictions under the Lex Mercantoria, the Magician responsible for the creation of poppets now known as corporations and "legal fiction persons". This is why Francis is responsible for the wrong-doing of all these corporations and why, under ecclesiastical law, the Pope retains the ability to change, repeal, or annul any corporate law or decision. He literally holds the charter of all incorporated entities on Earth--- C Corps, S Corps, LLC's, trade unions, cooperatives, foundations, trusts--- you name it, and at the end of the day, all these things have been created by and are the responsibility of the Roman Curia. So when things go wrong and commercial corporations start mercenary wars and pass oppressive "legislation" --- don't even pause. Head straight to Rome and start banging your dishes on the floor like angry dogs.

Tax Collectors of the Pontifex Maximus -- the Bar Associations. Also since the Second Century BCE, the Pontifex Maximus has employed peculiar tax collectors: priests of Cybele (See Mystery Babylon comment above; "Cybele" is another name for Semiramis.) who wore black robes and white wigs and who practiced their own peculiar twisted form of writing (cursive as in "cursing") and their own equally twisted form of language today known popularly as "legalese" or the "language of fraud".

All the above have combined with clueless and corrupt political and military leaders to result in The Great Fraud and The Mess which the world is currently facing up to.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website


Anonymous said...

The Puerto Rico default is not in bankruptcy court.
It's in a district court.
This means there's a lot of people that have to show up with documents in hand showing how they are 'owed' their share of the 73 billion plus interest.

Now with the destruction of the vault during Hurricane Sandy, and the downing of the Towers, and wasn't there a rumor a while back when the Fed Res building was getting it's windows all bricked in that there was some document shredding going on; seems some corporations may only have their claim on accounting ledger.

Kind of got ta have da pape pah in order to make da claim.

They want to say it may take 4 years to iron out the creditor.
I say it should only take 21 days.

They knew last year they were supposed to try to bankrupt and O gave them a year timeout, so they had a year to get their docs in order, it don't take 4 years to raise your hand and show your proof.

Truth is, they want that 'sovereign territory' to go through austerity for them when they can't prove they are owed anything.

To be owed means the 'real creditor' has to come forward.

If they aren't careful, the debtor showing up pretending to be the creditor just my find their self in jail.

The stock marked has risen since puerto Rico has been given the one year time out before declaring default.

They may be getting their money by the greater fool of the stock market just like they got their money from the greater fool of the real estate market.

you know...that guy that sits on the sidelines and sees everyone who get in early making money, and so they get in while everyone that 'knows' starts getting out.

Warren Buffet sold 30% of his stake in IBM.
Warren was getting out, while people bought what he sold as they got in.

Drunkenmiller got out of gold, and people bought what he sold as he was getting out. They worry if he'd get back an and he said, yeah I bought gold again.

Uh...huh...not as much as he sold, and for far less than what he sold for.
Yeah, Warren said he might buy back into IBM, Uh...huh.

Folks know MSM is manipulative, but they run to it to learn what they want to know, so they can be manipulated. If it's not on MSM, they think it's not true so they complain that MSM isn't showing them what they want to see.

LOL, folks are gonna find out those pretty designer coins are an investment, and unless they can show it's purity, which they can't, they are stuck with something people won't trade anything for.

They might as well have magic beans when the time comes for them to offer those shiny thing for something real.
Only the US Mint silver and gold coins are legal tender in the United States of America, and if someone wants to barter for magic beans that aren't from the US Mint, and can't verify the purity of the metal, it's their risk.

David said...

Everything always comes down to truly is the root of all evil.