Thursday, November 16, 2017

North America Ice age

The following was sent to us with request to post.  Can you stand some more good news?!

 Global Unrest, Famine, Mass Migration, 
 Increased Vulcanism, Flooding


North America Ice age


Global warming peaked in 1988 and slowly ending the Interglacial Warm Holidays to begin the short Mini Ice Age affecting all spectrum. After a return to short warming period, we expect a U-turn to long sleep of Ice Age Glaciation. It happened many times in the past, each time resetting Human evolution.

During this shortcoming Ice Age, there won't be enough space to grow food and for comfort living, except between the two 33° latitudes north and south of the equator which is not enough lands, and there won't be enough cheap and fresh drinking water neither for mass survivals.

Our SEAWAPA project is to harvest fresh drinking water from the 7 month monsoons and rains, the melting ice from Tibet and from the most abundant tropical cyclones region in the world on top of Lao mountain range, transfer it below via gravity by producing electricity, food, and goods, at the same time, distribute them to far-flung floating agricultural modules, to newly built megacities, and to industrial complex across the equator, between the tropical cyclones zone, connecting them to other continents, avoiding post ice age big melt danger. Once done, we can tap into the Primary Water Cycle for larger scale space programs, build Hyperloop transport system for universal distribution of drinking water, food, goods, electricity and heat, all year round. The heat and coldness redistribution across the world will minimize risks caused by Ice Age and post-Ice Age. Asteroids mining and universal commodity dispersion will allow humanity to progress beyond "Sustainability", and to solve other risks.


Anonymous said...

More doom & gloom with no evidence to back it up. A ''mini ice age'' would negate the need for water via snow & ice melt. Your second grade grammar does little to make your ' prediction ' believable. Bye.

Freewill said...

I really don't care if we get an ice age or not. Intentions of moving to the arctic any way! If it does ice age around here, will just put more wood in the stove. If not then so what. And who cares about grammar anyways? Tenth Amendment bud!