Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Modest Proposal Update for 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Approximately 12% of the population in this country came a long time ago from Africa. That means that Chuck Schumer's call out of President Trump for naming 86% of his nominees as white people and condemning him for supposedly not observing proportions of racial representation is mistaken at best. Trump is actually scrupulously within the percentage parameters, even assuming that such obligations are meaningful.

Some of the most prejudiced people I know are people of color; of course, they have been encouraged to see things through racially tinted glasses all their lives and to interpret all the slings and arrows in terms of race. They've been taught to see things this way by politicians keen on benefiting themselves from racially motivated voting blocks, instead of letting people unify along lines that matter to all of us: lower taxes, safer streets, better housing, more jobs, decent medical care and schools.

Just like I don't believe in money, I don't believe in race. We all bleed in one color: red. We all cry the same tears. That's good enough for me.

If we could all change places for a week, we would in short order discover that everyone suffers racial prejudice. Everyone suffers from name-calling. Everyone suffers from false assumptions. Nobody's own unique self is being totally respected. We are all suffering these tilts and jilts, whether it's me being called a "Nazi" or my friend being called a "Nigger" or my other friend called an "Injun" with a snarl. It's all the same thing when you get down to it, and it's all wrong and it all hurts, and it doesn't stop just because somebody makes a law against it or because a quota is fulfilled.

In fact, the existence of such quotas just underlines the prejudice and puts it in red letters: see everyone? We are prejudiced but we are trying not to be prejudiced! Oh, look at us, and applaud because we are trying.... I cringe every time I hear it. It's time to stop "trying" and just be.

As of April 4, 2018, it will be fifty years to the day since Martin Luther King, Jr. was gunned down. I remember that day. I remember the sense of confusion and blind loss, and a couple months later, when Robert F. Kennedy followed him to the grave, it was the same. Two men. One black, one white. Why? All they tried to do was protect people, and uplift people, and make a path forward toward a better future for all people. What was their crime? Why were they slain?

We all know the answer if we think about it. It's because there is an element in our society that hates itself, that hates all men regardless of their color, and which cannot bear the prospect of unity or peace or success. It's against these ideas that the bullets fly, and why is that? Because some men get very, very rich by promoting war and death and disease and prejudice. Because some politicians get a lot of votes by race-baiting. Because a lot of us are dumb enough to fall for all their crap.

So here's my modest proposal. Let's stop thinking in terms of race or sex or any other perceived difference. Instead of indulging in group-think because it is easy, cheap, and fast, let's take the plunge and bother ourselves to think in terms of who we are and who all the other people are, too, because in truth and in fact, we are each one of a kind.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

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