Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Listen to this stupidity!

Canada USA Border
Listen to this stupidity!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Just some confirmation as I went to Canada in early 1994 as an OTR truck driver with a co-driver, which I was driving at the time late at night when we went thru near Montreal, and then made our delivery in the daylight hours, even with a sliding in the snow accident without any tickets or fines, yet it was when my co-driver was driving we went thru near Niagara Falls coming back which I got up to see, but no passports were needed back then.

Now with this couple there could be a major case to fight against as not knowing every single person you will meet on your travels and which stores or items you will be purchasing is way out of bounds for them to ask, as even if you did call the store before hand of who works there is not the same person the border agent will be talking with when they try to verify the call.

What about you say you will be purchasing some gasoline for your automobile is now a sure threat as a terrorist as you don't know exactly where you will be needing it to purchase.

Why don't you be on the Patriot side and say you pay your taxes to the CIA and the border agents for them to be involved in this activity and that surely is a threat as your money was paid for terrorist activities, not done by you, and that doesn't matter.