Saturday, July 28, 2018

Not Alone

By Anna Von Reitz
I used to feel alone.  I used to sit in my office known as "The Toad Hole" because it was in the basement, and pour over documents like the IRS Code and feel utterly forsaken, scared, and alone. Faced with a lawless and an unaccountable and out of control government, how is anyone supposed to feel? 

Once I realized that the IRS was being run illegally, the bottom dropped out. My faith in law and government was forever decimated. My innocent belief that things were as they should be was shattered. I was left to contemplate the "rest of the story".

If the IRS was a racket, what else was a racket, too? 

And what to do about it? 

The IRS Code alone is thousands upon thousands of pages of the worst legal gobbledygook known to man.  Imagine me, sitting in my little basement office in Big Lake, Alaska, confronting the entire bulk of the Congressional Record and Federal Code?

Consider it a feeling of hopelessness and sheer, awful, gut-wrenching panic.

Not only was the government clearly being operated in a criminal fashion, but the rest of my countrymen were sound asleep, functioning on automatic, unaware ---- as I had been --- that anything was wrong, and mostly ill-disposed to hear any bad news about "their" government. 

Everyone --including me-- had enough on their plates without having to take time out to delve into government corruption and what most people consider to be dull, musty history.

So I prayed for help.  What does one do in such a hopeless situation? You reach out to the Infinite and admit that you are just one little small dot in the universe, unable to deal with what you are facing.  And that is what I did.

I did that again, just recently.  I prayed for the manpower and researchers and money I need to finish the job and nail down the genesis of all this corruption.

Now we know that the worst of it was created by purposefully obfuscated and undisclosed Voter Initiatives at the Territorial State of State level, which were then misapplied to the living people in violation of the actual Constitution owed to them and their States.

The researchers are coming forward in greater and greater numbers and in more fields of endeavor; as they do, more and pieces of the "puzzle" are falling into place.  What emerges is a vast tableau of self-interested corruption, breach of trust, and purposeful deceit ---- mostly by Bar Association members, who were the only people aware enough of the legal niceties to pull off such a color of law scheme.

Sometimes I get mail from people who apparently think that I have or am doing all this research by myself.  That is not true.

My early efforts were guided and comforted by a great many Americans who were on the road long before me ---- heroes from the 18th and 19th centuries who blazed the trail and marked the dangerous place, more heroes from the 20th century who connected the dots.  At the very beginning of "You Know Something is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" we paused to remember and name just a small number of all those many whose work contributed to our work and understanding.

That same debt has continued to grow as more and more people join the effort and come forward to add their knowledge, their research, and their experience ---their piece of the puzzle--- to the whole picture.  Together, we are building a factual history of America and American politics and American government for the past two and a half centuries. 

It's not always a pretty picture.  It is certainly nothing like George Washington and the Cherry Tree.  But it is what it is, and knowing what it is enables us to move forward with a firm foundation and understanding that wasn't possible while we remained asleep and in the dark.

Little by little and bit by bit my days in "the Toad Hole" have morphed into a small part of a national restoration movement that is now impacting every facet of government and every portion of society. Millions of Americans are now on the road and pushing forward, taking up and shouldering their portion of the burden, sharing their discoveries, and taking action to restore their rightful government.

A couple of weeks ago I had the distinct sense that we have reached The Tipping Point and from here on, the snowball rolls --- maybe not on its own, but under its own weight.  The change we needed was us, Americans, waking up and minding our own store.

With every one of us who reclaims their birthright and who "returns" to the land and soil of their birth, the future of our nation is secured and the downfall of our enemies and those who would profit themselves by our demise is assured.  One by one we are coming back to life.

And that's a good feeling.

Much has been learned. We now have the secure means to stand on our own feet and on our own jurisdiction again.  We have claimed back our Delegated Powers.  We have claimed back our assets.  We are learning how to make the U.S. Treasury and the banks come to heel.  The nightmare of lawlessness and government oppression is receding. 

America -- the real America, not "the US" -- is rising, because all of you are rising, and because I got up one morning and took a walk, too.  We are not alone anymore. 

With prayers that continue to be answered, often in the most unexpected ways, and with faith in justice and love and what is right, we continue to move forward and make gains every single day.  We are doing this together, as a vast unincorporated team --- Team America.  It doesn't have one face or one color.  It doesn't have a political party.  The Declaration of Independence is its only Mission Statement.

And despite all the odds, here we are. And we are winning.

The part that the historical researchers and The Living Law Firm are playing in all of this continues to be very important --- maybe not in terms of ultimate success, for I have to believe that even without our efforts the rest of our countrymen will guarantee ultimate success---but in terms of getting time-sensitive pieces in place and laying foundations.  And for that, we need your support for our efforts.

My husband and I don't have access to the assets owed to The United States of America, though we have secured them. As a result, we can't pay people for what they are doing and all the sacrifices they are making. This is all being done out of pocket by retirees and yes, a lot of younger people who still have families to support. Your donations to the effort allow us to pay court filing fees, postage, printer ink and paper, travel costs, and to meet emergencies that otherwise threaten the work these volunteers are doing. 

In the past two weeks, my readers have learned more of real substance about their history and "how things work" and how to protect themselves and make use of the remedies that are on the books for them to use than has ever been published by any single source anywhere. 

This isn't because I am so brilliant and did it all by myself!

Some of you reading this are barely surviving and we don't ask for anything but prayers from you.  Send your goodwill and blessings on the effort to restore a lawful government for America.  Hold that goal in your hearts. 

Some of you are engaged in your own struggle with the Beast.  We understand that, too. 

But to all the rest of you, who have the peace and largesse to send a donation, please look into your hearts and do so.  There are many, many good and worthy causes -- but none that underlie and support and protect all the rest of what is worthwhile, like the effort to restore good government in America. 

Without this effort, the criminality of the courts and the government will only continue and grow.  Without all of us pulling together and educating ourselves and each other, we are all at the mercy of petty tyrants, arbitrary "taxing authorities", mercenary police forces, legal chicanery, wars for profit, and other evils.

If being a helpless chattel and guinea pig is not a life you look forward to, weigh in. Help. Send what you can.  I am still the Chief Cook, Bottle Washer and Pay Master for this operation, still managing the "unofficial payroll" as best I can to keep noses above water every week. 

All the money from my book sales and a big dollop of my own retirement goes into supporting The Living Law Firm and our historical researchers every month.  My husband and I are doing all we can, and that is not enough--especially not with all the new research and new court cases coming on board. So I will leave it with all of you and with God:  Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  PayPal:



Freewill said...

Wonder how long before Anna's troll shows up to comment on this?

Anonymous said...

Five years ago, Anna and her husband badly lost in tax court. Each one owes hundreds of thousands. So much for her legal brilliance.

Freewill said...

Dark Nero Linguistic Programming. Mind control. Dark Psychology. You use these and we see it. Not effective.

Anonymous said...

. . . and neither have Anna's filings been proven effective. If the above comment is true, there is proof it doesn't work, even for herself. WHY ? A criminal government won't be swayed by mere paper. THEY MUST BE REMOVED! PERIOD. And it's in poor taste for the website moderator to comment like a visitor {freewill}. YES, you can do it. Control yourself. I liked this site better when you were "busy" last year.

John Wayne and Clint Eastwood said...

Everything evolves. Nothing stays the same forever. Yes I can comment as anonymous or any other user if I want to. But don't see any need to. I cannot and will not conform to anyone's likes or dislikes. I will do as I see fit and that is what it is. There are many who love me and many who hate me. I am no different than anyone else. The Duke and Dirty Harry!

Freewill said...

Ps. Click on the name in my above comment...