Thursday, February 8, 2018

Obama’s Name Edited out of FBI Documents

Seriously - You didn't really think AHO would allow anything to be released that could be traced back to him - did you?! 
By Benjamin Arie
February 7, 2018 at 5:05pm

The Strzok-Page text messages at the center of the growing FBI scandal are proving to be a goldmine of information for conservatives… but may be a thorn in the side of Democrats who are increasingly looking complacent and guilty.

It is already widely known that FBI agent Peter Strzok and bureau attorney Lisa Page held strong anti-Trump bias, despite the fact that they were supposed to evenhandedly investigate both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump without playing favorites.

Now, additional text messages that were sent between the affair-embroiled FBI officials have revealed another bombshell: Documents sent to then-Director James Comey during the Clinton email investigation were purposely edited to hide key information, including President Obama’s connection to the scandal.

“The text exchanges also indicate the FBI substituted, and then omitted, damaging language in FBI Director Comey’s July 5, 2016 statement that recommended Clinton not be charged,” explained investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson in The Hill.

“The original draft noted that Clinton had improperly used personal email to contact President Obama while abroad in the territory of sophisticated adversaries,” Attkisson reported.  

You would think that the fact an insecure personal email account was used to communicate with the president of the United States while visiting unfriendly countries would be a pretty big deal, and something that investigators into Clinton’s email usage would want to highlight.

Instead, FBI officials appeared to purposely cover up this very alarming piece of information before the report went to Director Comey.

“According to the text exchange, an FBI official then removed President Obama’s name and stated that Clinton had simply emailed ‘another senior government official,'” explained Attkisson.

That decision seemed purposely meant to downplay the seriousness of Clinton’s recklessness with insecure email. But even that watered-down report ended up being hidden.

“In the final statement as delivered by Comey on July 5, both references were omitted entirely,” the journalist reported in The Hill.

This makes it very likely that FBI insiders like Strzok were “stacking the deck” in favor of Hillary Clinton in order to make sure that no charges were filed against their favored candidate.

Other text messages from FBI officials back up that view. In one, Lisa Page admitted to Peter Strzok that the bureau and Attorney General Loretta Lynch had already sided with Clinton — even before interviewing her about the allegations.

“Comey and Lynch reportedly knew that Clinton would never face charges even before the FBI conducted its three-hour interview with Clinton, which was supposedly meant to gather more information into her mishandling of classified information,” stated Attkisson.

“On July 1, 2016, as the Lynch announcement became public, Page texted Strzok: And yeah, it’s a real profile in couragw [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought.”

Hillary Clinton was not formally interviewed by the FBI until July 2.

Even more damning is the evidence that the FBI officials knew they were being biased, and took steps to hide their conniving conversations.

“So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced…” Page wrote in one of her texts. She probably didn’t want that message to get out.

Every piece of information that comes out of the scandal seems to make Comey, the Obama-era FBI, and a list of Democrat allies increasingly guilty.

The Department of Justice set out to find “collusion” from Trump and the Russians. It looks like there was collusion — but it was between Barack Obama’s DOJ and power-hungry liberal allies the whole time.


8:00   I made a snow man. 
8:10   A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman. 
8:15   So, I made a snow woman. 
8:17   The nanny of the neighbors complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest. 
8:20   The gay couple living nearby grumbled that it could have been two snow men instead. 
8:25   The vegans at No. 12 complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with. 
8:28   I am being called a racist because the snow couple is white. 
8:31   The Muslim gent across the road wants the snow woman to wear a headscarf. 
8:40   Someone calls the cops who show up to see what’s going on. 
8:42   I am told that the broomstick of the snowman needs to be removed because it could be used as a deadly weapon. Things get worse after I mutter : "Yeah, if it's up your a***" 
8:45  Local TV news crew shows up.  I am asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snowwomen?  I reply, "Snowballs" and am called a sexist. 
8:52   My phone is seized and thoroughly checked while I am being blindfolded and flown to the police station in a helicopter. 
9:00   I'm on the news as a suspected terrorist bent on stirring up trouble during this difficult weather. 
9:10   I am asked if I have any accomplices. 
9:29   A little known jihadist group has claimed it was their plot.

Tyranny and Freedom

Euphemisms, Labeling, and Deceit--- More Tricks from Satan's Closet

By Anna Von Reitz

Today I sucked down my first cup of black coffee in an equally black mood. I hadn't slept well, my eyes were bleary. And here was my cheerful, chirpy husband already hard at work, with Sean Hannity's voice blaring on the radio. I don't have a whole lot of respect for Talk Radio personalities, because frankly, if a Great-Grandma in Big Lake, Alaska, has been able to learn what I have learned about the actual history of this country----how is it that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Mark Levine don't know?
(A) They didn't ask. (B) They don't give a rat's pattutee.
In the first case, (A), if they didn't ask--- why not? I did. Seems obvious enough. Were they afraid to ask? Not intending to ask? Didn't know how to ask?
In the second case, (B), if you don't care about this country and its history and condition, how we got here and what it all means-- what are you doing on the radio spouting off about things that you don't understand and can't shed light on because you don't understand?
Logs in our eyes, indeed. Still, my husband listens faithfully to all sorts of news sources, including the aforesaid, so that's how I came to be hunched over my steaming cup of java sorta-kinda listening to Sean Hannity.
He was ranting about something important, albeit, failing to put it into context. He was talking about how the FBI goons deliberately changed the language they used to let Hillary off the hook with their pre-investigation exoneration letter.
Instead of describing her actions leaving Top Secret State Department documents on a private unsecured server as "gross negligence" --- which is the standard of the law allowing her to be prosecuted, the FBI sycophants deliberately described her actions as "extreme carelessness".
Please tell me the difference between "gross negligence" and "extreme carelessness"? The only difference, it turns out, is that one is actionable under the law and the other isn't.
So what if we call "murder" -- as in the case of LaVoy Finicum-- a "civilian casualty"? And we recast "ambush resulting in death" as "a failed arrest"?
It's the same difference as between "gross negligence" and "extreme carelessness". They amount to the same thing, but one is subject to prosecution under the law and the other is swept under the rug. Just based on words. Semantics. Lies. Half-truths. Spin. We are rummaging around in Satan's closet again.
After once reading the entire Internal Revenue Code and deciphering it, I have developed a honed ability to recognize deceptive language at a hundred paces--- and by far, the use of euphemisms to cloud or obscure the truth ranks first and foremost on the list of common sins. Dishonest language has become a plague.
We don't die anymore. We "pass on". We don't get pregnant. We are in "the family way". We don't lie. We "fib". We don't make war, we "defend"---unless of course, it is a euphemistic war like "the war on drugs". The weather isn't changeable, it's "partly cloudy". Dogs and cats aren't castrated. They are "neutered". We aren't grossly negligent. We are "extremely careless".
The dark side of this dishonest misuse of language becomes obvious when you consider the impact that deliberate mislabeling can have on us and our country---and not just its misuse in letting criminals escape justice.
You aren't an American. According to the Internal Revenue Code (written from the standpoint of the Federales) you are a "non-resident alien" (in the District of Columbia, that is). You aren't an American. You are a "U.S. Citizen" or a "US CITIZEN" or a "United States citizen" --- (and, nyah-nyah-nee-nyah-yah! -- we don't have to tell you which "US" or "U.S." or "United States" we are talking about at any given moment.) You aren't living here. You are "residing" here (according to THEM). You aren't an American. You are a "taxpayer" which equals "Withholding Agent" which equals a "Warrant Officer" in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service.
Who knew?
Do I look like a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service to you? Would I, in my right mind, ever claim to be a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service?
So I and millions of other Americans must be crazy and incompetent and need a lawyer to go to court and plead for us, because at one time or another we made the "mistake" of swearing under penalty of perjury that we were in fact Warrant Officers in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service.
We thought we knew what the words "Withholding Agent" meant, but in fact, the definition was carefully kept hidden, and we were left to assume our way to perdition.
Who knew that for "federal purposes" the word "person" has meant "corporation" for a hundred and fifty years?
That for "federal purposes" the words "state", "State", and "United States" have meant "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation" for nearly as long?
Let's try this out to find the real meaning: "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT" actually translates as "DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DISTRICT COURT". Ah, so.
Kinda puts an entirely different interpretation on things, doesn't it? How about "State of New Jersey"?
That translates as "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation of New Jersey".
I smelleth a rat, verily, a vermin of scaly tail and yellowed-teeth, a snot-gobbered foul brigand and cod-piece without merit. Or, to be more precise, I smell over 400 of them, all milling around and sweating under the Capitol Dome while their deceits pile up against them like so many piles of cow manure.
Sean Hannity was right to bring forward and comment on the deceit and ill-effect on justice that deliberately mislabeling "gross negligence" as "extreme carelessness" has, but he didn't go far enough. That's just one example, irking as it is---and the fact is that the same deliberate Satanic misuse of language has been employed to mis-characterize, defraud, disinherit, and prey upon this entire country and everyone in it.
If you want to look for examples of "Satanic Ritual Abuse" look no further than the most recent Webster's Dictionary or try reading any part of the Federal Code. They have murdered our language and ground it up and ate it like cannibals, drank its blood and meaning, all while smiling at you and criticizing you for not being "politically correct".

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

During the call to Maxine Waters, the duo convinced her that the Russians had rigged the elections in Limpopo - a fictional land from a Russian children's fairy tale. Waters promised to lend assistance to the deposed President of Limpopo.



Harry G Hutchinson
Feb 1 2018

With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo, it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. 

The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.  
Evidently, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before the Committee that but for reliance on the 35-page dossier, authored by Christopher Steele, the FISA warrant would neither have been sought nor obtained. 

After previously rejecting their initial request, The FISA judges relied on two sources as a basis for the eventual issuance of the warrant: the dossier authored by a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, and a Yahoo News report Mr. Steele gave to Yahoo News.

This behavior is a massive abuse of power and should outrage all Americans of both political parties.

In essence, a surveillance warrant was issued against an American citizen grounded in unverified, uncorroborated claims made by a foreign agent who “was desperate” to prevent the current President from winning the 2016 election and was passionate about him not being President. 

Despite this hostility toward the current President, in a 2017 filing in a British Court, Mr. Steele,  said the claims he made in the dossier were unverified. Speaking through his attorneys regarding an alleged hacker, Steele “acknowledges that the part of the 35-page dossier that identified Mr. Gubarev as a rogue hacker came from “unsolicited intelligence” and “raw intelligence” that “needed to be analyzed and further investigated/verified.” 

Mr. Steele’s court filing portrays him as a victim of Fusion GPS — the Washington firm that hired him with money from a Hillary Clinton backer. Fusion GPS specializes in opposition research for political parties and circulated the Steele dossier among reporters in an effort to injure the opponent of one of the major political parties. Mr. Steele’s unreliability is confirmed by virtue of evidence that Christopher Steele lied to the FBI when he said he did not speak to the media.

Based largely on the information contained in the Steele dossier, financed by Fusion GPS and funded by a political party with the aid of the party’s law firm, on October 21, 2016, the DOJ and FBI obtained one initial FISA warrant targeting a peripheral member of the Trump campaign and subsequently three FISA renewals from the FISC.

The FISA statute, 50 U.S.C. §1805 (d)(1) requires a FISA order on an American citizen be renewed by FISC every 90 days. Each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause. Then-FBI-Director James Comey, the now-disgraced former director, signed three FISA applications on behalf of the FBI, and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one. Signing on behalf of the DOJ were the Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, and current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of the Department of Justice. 

Parenthetically, readers should note that Mr. Boente currently serves as General Counsel for the FBI currently led by FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Because foreign intelligence activity is very sensitive and because surveilling American citizens implicates the important constitutional rights we hold as citizens, the integrity of the FISA process depends on the court’s ability to hold the government to the highest standards. 

This means that the evidence adduced before the court must demonstrate probable cause as well as the absence of bias. Thus, all material and relevant evidence favorable to the American target should be released to the court, including evidence that the affidavit on which the FISA warrant was issued was grounded in unverified evidence funded by a political party. 

In addition, FISC’s rigor in protecting the rights of Americans including applications for a 90-day renewal of surveillance order depends on the government’s production to the court of all material relevant facts including evidence of bias attributed to Mr. Steele, Fusion GPS, and an opposition political party.

Failure to submit all material evidence to the FISA court constitutes a fraud on the court. Even more outrageous, the source of the relevant FISA order targeting Carter Page was created by a foreign national. 

This means that the FBI and DOJ outsourced their research and arguably violated their solemn duty to the American people. By doing so, these two government departments fueled the narrative that the Russian interfered in America’s last presidential election. 

On the contrary, the adducible evidence shows that members of the FBI and the DOJ interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign much more than any Russian operative. They placed their fingers on the scales of democracy to favor one candidate over another.

This behavior suggests that each individual who signed the FISA applications on behalf of the DOJ and/or the FBI should be required to testify under oath before Congress and the American people and give a defensible account for their misconduct. Otherwise they must face consequences. They must be held accountable. 

Second Senate Memo Hits the Deep State HARD!

Second Senate Memo Just Released
Hits the Deep State HARD!
Here are the findings


Barack Obama - Lock Him Up! What are they waiting for????

Lock Him Up!

 No Way Obama Didn't Know About

The Clinton-Funded Dossier

Joe Otto 
Conservative Daily

I always laugh when I hear a Liberal claim that Barack Obama went 8 years without a scandal.

- IRS targeting?  
- Fast and Furious?  
- VA mistreatment of veterans? 
- Eric Holder being held in Contempt of Congress?  
- Obamacare's "you can keep your doctor" promise? 
- Benghazi?  
- Bowe Bergdahl serving with "honor and distinction?" 
- Secretly giving Iran 1.3 billion in cash?  
- An imposter in the White House? 
- Fake birth certificate and several fake names, i.e. Harrison J. Bounel; Barry Soetoro?  
- He and Michelle's use of 58 fake addresses in the US with hundreds of names attached to those addresses? 
- Spent millions to hide his true Identity; a KGB agent trained in Russia? 
- Use of stolen Social Security Numbers?  
- Creating/funding ISIS?  
- US Eminent Domain given to China?   
- Tried to get Iran uranium-enriched fuel to help them develop a nuke knowing they are an avowed enemy of "the Great Satan," aka USA, and could use it against the US?  (That right there should be enough to get him impeached.)  
- Destroyed our borders in order to Islamacize America while working to push globalism and a NWO that would destroy US sovereignty?  
- Helped to fund the fake dossier for use against Trump?  Etc.
 Obama's Social Security Number
Tied to an Alias Harrison J Bounel

I can literally go on until I am blue in the face.

But even though Barack Obama is 'gone', there is still one more scandal to be added to the history books: 
- Obama and Clinton's role in spying on the Donald Trump campaign.

Just this week Hillary Clinton finally admitted to paying for the anti-Trump dossier. Before, she had feigned ignorance.  However, the release of the House Intel Committee's memo forced her to come clean.

But we also know that Barack Obama played a role in all of this. In addition to his administration teaming up with the Clinton campaign to get the surveillance warrant, Obama's campaign organization -- 'Organizing for America' -- also paid almost a million to Perkins Coie, the law firm Hillary and the DNC used to funnel cash to Fusion GPS.

Obama helped pay for the dossier, too...

Now, the Senate Intelligence Committee is fighting to release their memo which proves that Hillary Clinton confidants were the ones funneling information to Christopher Steele.

This was a Clinton/DNC/Obama hit from the start and when all is said and done, somebody is going to need to go to prison over it...

This is a scandal of epic proportions.  

The fact that the Obama administration actually spied on a rival political campaign is criminal on its own. But how they went about getting the warrant is even worse.

Essentially, the Clintons and the Democrats "laundered" their information.

If the Democratic Party had published a paper alleging Trump was a Russian spy, they would have been laughed at. Instead, they found an anti-Trump foreign spy and paid him to compile evidence that the Clintons funneled to him.

The Obama administration, in addition to paying for part of this, then took the dossier that they knew to be false and lied to a Federal judge so they could spy on Trump's campaign.

This was their "insurance policy" just in case Trump won. They fully expected Hillary to win, which would have hidden their crimes completely.  Instead, it is all coming out.

Right now, Congress is recommending that the Department of Justice charge Christopher Steele -- the dossier's author -- with lying to investigators.

We are calling on Congress to refer criminal charges for ALL of these Democrat conspirators!

Mark Levin went on television last night and dropped a bombshell. Given all of the people who knew about how the Clintons were pushing this dossier, it is pretty much guaranteed that Obama knew as well.  

"We're looking at the FBI.  We're looking at the Department of Justice," Levin said, "But we're not looking at all -- at all -- at the [Obama] White House."

The New York Post recently broke the news that the Clinton Campaign and DNC had "contractual control" over how the dossier was released.  In order for Steele to bring it to the FBI, the Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party had to agree.  They literally started all of this to try to destroy Trump.

It's time to lock them all up.

Seize this moment!

Obama's Identity Revealed


Stephen Sindoni, author and filmmaker, Sindoni Productions [], tells in this video below how Obama, though raised in various countries as he grew up, is actually the child of the King & Queen of Thailand.

In 1927, the king, Bhumibol Adulyadej, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  His brother at the time was King of Thailand.  While there the CIA, Dulles and George Bush specifically, talked this man, Bhumibol Adulyadej, into killing his brother, the King of Thailand in 1946.  He then ascended to the throne.

Once they put Bhumibol Adulyadej on the throne of Thailand, they set up the 'crescent triangle' connection for drugs between Thailand, Burma, all the countries - Vietnam.  From 1946 -- before the war started in Vietnam -- to 1963 -- when it was officially declared -- they had already been in Vietnam as an advisor.  What they were doing was setting up a drug network.  King Bhumibol was now in Thailand.  Thailand was #2 and #3 in opium production as well.

So with the help of Bush they put this man in power. They now had the drugs coming from the crescent triangle and funneled the money from the US into Thailand, because now that Bhumibol was President, they could now use the Thailand banks.  There were three banks in the US:  JP Morgan, Citi Bank of Thailand and Bank of America.  These were the only three banks that could transfer money to Thailand.

In Thailand there were three banks that had the most money:  Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial Bank and Krungthai Bank.  Each one of them had up to $25 to $40 million dollars.  What they did was take the drug money and funneled it into Thailand banks.  That was the first step in the process.

Later on, when George H. W. Bush, Sr. (former head of the CIA) became president, via the Banking Act, he bailed out the Savings & Loan Industry.  Bush stole $300 billion dollars in that banking scam.  The money was funneled through JP Morgan, Citi Bank of Thailand or B of A, to the three Thailand banks, without the American people being wise to it.  Since the 1950's money was being laundered through the Thailand banks to Bhumibol Adulyadej in Thailand for the Vietnam War and all the wars since...        

How does Obama fit into this?

In 1960 the King and his wife visited the White House in May and spent a month in the US.  But the first stop they made was Hawaii.  Interesting.  Why Hawaii?  Because they had to drop off newborn Barack Obama.

Now here's what happened.  Right after that, in October, President Sukarna, Indonesia, visited the White House. Why?  Because now what they had to do was establish where it is that little Barack is going to be (raised; implied).  They have to get up to Thailand, but first they have to bring him to the US.  Sukarna has to agree now that when he does get to Thailand that he's got cover. That way they can get the scam going.  So then they leave the country.  The baby was with Stanley Ann Dunham, the surrogate mother.  (More on that in the video.)      

What it all comes down to is that Obama was given as an infant to be raised/primed as President of the US (in exchange for profits from CIA opium fields being guarded by US troops that would help prosper and modernize Thailand) because the family knew brothers kill each other off for rights to the throne.  The current royal heir, Prince Vajira Longkorn, brother of Obama, looks a lot like him (see his pic in the video at the link below).

A 2014 World Net Daily article tells how British barrister and intelligence consultant, Michael Shrimpton, appeared in a 2008 video that began re-circulating on the Internet in 2014 in which he claims to have been privy to shocking intelligence information on Obama’s origins. Shrimpton contends to this day that the CIA collected DNA from then Sen. Obama and a grandparent establishes that Stanley Ann Dunham, named on his fraudulent birth certificate, was not Obama’s biological mother.

In the video below, Stephen also shows pictures of Barack Obama during his elementary years in  Hawaii.  Obama knew from childhood that he was the son of a king, and that some day he would be made President of the US.  In the first or second grade, he told his teacher in an essay that he was going to be President of the US.  He also told his next teacher in Indonesia in another essay that he was going to be President of the US.  The main clue was found in a high school in Hawaii, Apuna Hu (sp?) High School.   Behind the school cafeteria Obama, himself, wrote in the concrete cement, "King Obama." (See pic in video.)  He was bragging to people that he was the son of a king while in high school.  Since then his school records in Hawaii have been 'lost' (but you can see some of his school pics in the video).

The poppy (opium) fields are, to this day, being guarded by US troops (see pics in video) and are behind numerous wars and the reason for the claimed need for a continuous presence of our troops.  The presidencies of Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama have enabled all of them to prosper from the sale of opium in pursuit of funding their desired New World Order, and no doubt, themselves (remember pictures of Bill Clinton's swollen red nose from sniffing drugs?).

The opium money has also benefited Thailand whose cities now look modern and industrial, like US cities, and is where mostly English is now spoken.

Stephen also noted how pictures of Osama Bin Laden appeared over time to get younger and younger, and noted that one of the younger pictures of OBL even looks like Obama and may have been used by the CIA for the purpose of making it appear OBL was still alive when in fact he was already dead.  
It's all very fascinating and definitely worth watching.