Tuesday, October 28, 2014


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From the look of the heart-pounding trailer, the upcoming Dec. 12 film, “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” has everything movie audiences – regardless of their faith – could want.
A story based on one of the greatest tales ever told. Top-notch Hollywood production values. Sweeping, epic cinematography. Awe-inspiring pyramids and golden-clad armies, chariots and thundering hooves, grueling sword fights and terrifying plagues that leap from the screen with multimillion-dollar special effects.
To cap it off, it stars multiple Oscar-award winning actors and actresses, including the charismatic Christian Bale and legendary Ben Kingsley, and is directed by Ridley Scott, the three-time Oscar-nominated talent who also directed the 2001 Best Picture winner, “Gladiator.”
But as some sobering new statistics reveal, what movie audiences really want to know before they spend their money on a ticket … is whether the makers of “Exodus: Gods and Kings” are trying to pull another “Noah.”
The earlier film about the Flood, also boasting big-name talent and a blockbuster budget, took wild liberties with its biblical source material. By its director’s own admission, “Noah” was twisted into a tale far more about environmentalism than the judgment and mercy of God.
Consequently, Christian audiences – who make up the majority of film-goers in America – largely panned the movie, and “Noah” required international ticket sales to avoid losing tens of millions of dollars.
“Our research shows that accuracy is a key to attracting people of faith,” said certified brand strategist Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Global and Faith Driven Consumer. “Biblical accuracy and compatibility with the story they know and why that story exists is very important. Any time you stray from that, you limit and narrow your audience.
“And if you narrow your audience by eliminating a large group of people inherently interested in your story,” Stone told WND, “it’s going to affect your result.”
In fact, according to polling done by American Insights for Faith Driven Consumer, of the 77 percent of Americans who self-identify as “Christian” (according to Gallup), 80 percent said they would be likely to see “Exodus” if it accurately portrays the biblical account of Moses leading the Jewish people out of captivity, but 69 percent said they would be unlikely to see the movie if it strays.
Among all American adults, the poll found 73 percent would be likely to go if “Exodus” is faithful to the biblical account, but 67 percent said they’d likely stay home if it isn’t.
So far, the makers of “Exodus: Gods and Kings” haven’t done a good job of assuring audiences the movie is biblically accurate.
Earlier this month, Christianity Today reports, Christian Bale – who plays the part of Moses in “Exodus: Gods and Kings” – told reporters in Los Angeles he has a much more gritty vision of the biblical hero.
“I think the man was likely schizophrenic and was one of the most barbaric individuals that I ever read about in my life,” the actor said of Moses. “He’s a very troubled and tumultuous man who fought greatly against God, against his calling.”
Director Ridley Scott, who told the New York Times last year he’s an atheist, told Entertainment Weekly last week he looked to science, not miracles, to explain the amazing events recorded in Exodus.
“You can’t just do a giant parting [of the Red Sea], with walls of water trembling while people ride between them,” said Scott, who recalled scoffing at biblical epics from his boyhood like 1956′s “The Ten Commandments.” “I didn’t believe it then, when I was just a kid sitting in the third row. I remember that feeling, and thought that I’d better come up with a more scientific or natural explanation.”
According to ET, Scott dove into the history of Egypt, reading about the effects of an underwater earthquake off the coast of Italy.
“I thought that logically, [the parting] should be a drainage,” Scott said. “And that when [the water] returns, it comes back with a vengeance.”
Stone told WND quotes like these are trouble for the movie.
“If Bale’s point of view is that Moses was ‘schizophrenic and barbaric,’ that has to have impacted his portrayal,” Stone said. “If I see that as a Christian, as a faith-driven viewer, I will sense – as I did in ‘Noah’ – the subtleties of the shift between the biblical story and the Hollywood interpretation. It’s going to impact my interest in seeing it, or if I do see it, whether I like it or not and whether I share that in a positive light with others. Word of mouth is a significant driver of box office success.
“What I think is even more telling, although subtle, is Ridley Scott saying neither Moses nor God caused the parting of the Red Sea, but it was an earthquake,” Stone said. “The story of Exodus was a battle, not between Moses and Pharaoh, but between God and Pharaoh and his (little “g”) gods. This was a spiritual battle.
“But if you look at the trailer and what Ridley Scott has been saying, they’re making an epic, ‘good guy versus bad guy,’ big battle, mega blockbuster,” Stone continued. “Audiences of faith may look at it and think, ‘This is my story, but it doesn’t look anything like my story,’ and that’s going to cause Christians, Jews and Muslims to pause. The three major world religions may say, ‘That’s not my story.’ And that will be a problem for ‘Exodus.’”
Stone noted the surprise success of many faith films, like “God’s Not Dead,” “Heaven Can Wait” and even the original Hollywood shocker, “The Passion of the Christ,” was fueled not just by the wider Christian market, but by the enthusiasm and word of mouth of a more core subset of the market, those he calls “faith-driven consumers.”
Faith-driven consumers make up, according to American Insights polling, 17 percent of the adult population in the U.S. Among this group, 96 percent say their faith has a major influence on their entertainment choices. Faith-driven consumers, the stats reveal, are also more likely to recommend a movie than the wider Christian market and more likely to discourage others from watching a movie that conflicts with their values.
Significantly, 84 percent of faith-driven consumers rate how a movie reflects the Bible as “very important,” while only 51 percent of the wider Christian culture rates biblical accuracy the same.
Notably, Stone’s organization reveals, faith-driven consumers spend $2 trillion annually, a market share not to be ignored.
“If we had consulted with Scott Free Productions and 20th Century Fox on this,” Stone told WND, “we would have said, ‘You have the freedom to do what you want; it’s your project. But if you’re trying to maximize your return, this is what the audience said they want. You’re using a story that is central to the world’s major religions, and if you’re going to do this story, then do it so it appeals and doesn’t offend.’
“It’s no different than if I was doing a ‘Harry Potter’ movie,” Stone continued. “If I’m not true enough to the story to maintain the interest of the existing audience, then when I get to the theater, all I’m going to be left with are those who gravitated to my version. If you change it too much, if it’s not true to the story, then you lose those people.
“Gallup polling said 77 percent of American adults self-describe as Christian,” Stone concluded. “If you’re not targeting those people, who are you targeting? Seventy-seven percent is the vast majority.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/is-brand-new-bible-movie-actually-biblical/#GD3dSFsKbhdPdYvr.99

Open Letter to General Ham and the Republic …

Open Letter to General Ham and the Republic … From Anonymous 2
Dear General Ham and members of the restored Republic,
Members of Anonymous 2 are comprised of some very smart people, including retired military.  We have excellent contacts, and we perform due diligence on observations and reports to assure accuracy and reliability of our intel sources.
Sir - we are going to be rather blunt in asking you for a response as we do not appear to have a lot of time left before all possibilities to save our nation are exhausted.  Among several concerns there are 2 in particular that we wish to present to you and to the people of the Republic in this message.
First, millions of people are being hurt daily – doused with poisons and toxins - from the chemtrail bombing dropped on our citizens nationwide.  As citizens, if we flew our helicopters or small planes over neighboring homes and dropped wheat flour on them, we would be arrested - if not shot down - but these mass murderers are allowed to do this. How is that??
Our grapevine and intel inform us that the chemtrail bombers are now in the “kill them quick” mode, as the cabal/NWO does not want Americans to have the opportunity to exchange their currencies and thus acquire wealth which would be used in various ways that would stall their objective to bring about the quick demise of this nation.
Here in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex we just enjoyed an extreme rarity - 4 days of beautiful weather – only today (Oct 27th) to once again observe what was a beautiful crystal clear blue sky early this morning change to a sky of solid white silvery  chemtrail ‘clouds’ from trail after trail after trail of chemtrails crisscrossing in the sky overhead.  We saw what appeared to be 747’s, flying lower than normal, dropping their entire load of poisons within a timeframe of approximately 5 to 7 minutes.  More planes continued this mass drop for hours.  Our noses/sinuses began to burn severely.  Our eyes were burning and red.  Many of us began to cough continually and we have not been able to stop.  These poisons affect all of nature – trees, food crops, animals, birds, water and humans.
HAARP is being used as a destructive device.  Massive tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes are being created in this nation that would not ordinarily occur if it was not for the manipulation of HAARP.  Studies are being done and published proving conclusively that HAARP is being used as a weapon against our nation and other nations in this world.
General, we hear that you were sworn in to office, only again to hear of late that you were sworn in (again?).  We are told that the criminal USA corporation is now defunct along with the criminal Federal Reserve.  We are told that the Republic has been restored only to again hear that the Republic will be restored.  There are no observable changes that confirm that these organizations are now defunct and the Republic has, in fact, been restored.  All continues as per usual.
All of us understand that, as the ‘sworn in’ President of the ‘restored Republic,’ that you must be very busy.  However, we want to take this opportunity to bring HAARP and the chemtrails to your immediate attention, alerting you that it is not just we in the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex that are being bombarded with HAARP and the chemtrails, but you, your friends and your loved ones as well who are being poisoned.  All Americans are having their health and lives adversely affected by these two weapons. 
We know from personal research that ‘global warming,’ ‘weather modification’ and ‘protecting the nation from UFO surveillance’ is total poppycock.  We are also aware that in the 1950’s the criminal ‘gov’ made their ‘laws’ on behalf of the USA military to ‘experiment’ on the American people without their knowledge and approval.  Both the continued HAARP and chemtrails are a declaration of war on the American people.
The Republic and its officers are either the solution to these continuing issues or part of the problem, operating as yet another tentacle of the NWO/cabal. 

As long as these two major situations continue – HAARP and chemtrails – America has no choice but to believe that the ‘restored Republic’ is a HOAX. 

In closing, as Americans and citizens of the restored Republic, we respectfully request you to order the NWO/cabal to immediately cease and desist the HAARP and chemtrails.  Please take all necessary action to assure that your orders in this regard are obeyed  or, as the President of the restored Republic, make a decision to take whatever actions are necessary to put a stop to the HAARP and  chemtrails, including shooting the planes down and/or destroying ALL facilities. 

Your action – or lack thereof – will illustrate whether the restoration of the Republic is a HOAX or for real.  What will your decision be General Ham??  Life for the Republic?  Or to allow the continued efforts that further the death of this nation and its people??

Anonymous 2

Iraqi Dinar On Forex International Trading

Subject: Iraqi Dinar On Forex International Trading

From The American Contractor Iraqi Dinar On Forex International Trading
Seems the IQD MAY be trading on Forex  Market??

Links & Video at IQDCalls.com

Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Models for the Future of Earth

Modeling the Future
Heartcom Network

Two Models for the Future of Earth
The one integrates. Or without integrity,
the other disintegrates.

by Christos Lightweaver

Archived with graphics and video at:
'Future Modeling'

"Close both eyes to see with the other eye."
~ Rumi


Center and connect in the heart of your heart,
Is it true that the Family of Mankind now co-exists in a
global village of instant-everywhere and interactive
 Internet capabilities for a new unity in diversity?
Are you aware that there are now almost 4 billion global
Netizens (online global citizens) who are co-creating
the future of the world our children will inherit?

Would you agree that when we get our act together with a
global upgrade of cooperative-interactive
Te Le Comm,
conscientious common sense will naturally thrive?

Based on your response, continue reading (or not)
at www.heartcom.org/FutureModeling.htm




 eph320 :Hang in there Frank! You're almost finished with THIS task. I'm praying for you Brother!

 Frank26:   Hmmm.   No.   Not almost.

IMO ........ We are done.

 You see ........... IMO it is no longer in human hands.......... It is now an algorithm.

 Migrating as I told so many so many years ago .......... From the E to the W.

 Come to ....... One of our LAST CCs tonight.

 Early this year I shutdown 3 TEAMS .......... I would be honored if many came to say goodbye to the final 7 TEAMS of KTFA.


We ........ Can not tell You what we know tonight.

 Yet ........ If You have ears ........ You will be able to hear.

 I am proclaiming the end to our IQD STUDIES together.......... Wish to tell You when.

 Please come with serious hearts tonight to understand that ITEAM ........ Was correct.

 Hmmm.......... Take a walk in my shoes says You?

 No need.  I am barefoot 99% of the time.

 KTFA FAMILY ............. C U on CC in 1............ Last time.

 My deepest and true sincere Love to You and Yours........... Aloha Oe'

At Least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens and Need to Be Voted Out on November 4, 2014

Subject: At Least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens and Need to Be Voted Out on November 4, 2014



Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: IRS seizes woman's entire savings because she deposits less than $10,000 ...

Another lesson in why you should NOT use your SSN on your Bank Accounts.
The SSN is the Gov's signature and it makes the Gov a joiner to your account.

How about we seize the IRS money... especially those who are screwing the taxpayers...
Lois Lerner to start with...

IRS seizes woman's entire savings because she deposits less than $10,000 at a time

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:12 PM
Subject: Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required - NYTimes.com

Found this interesting link on the Drudge Report:

Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required - NYTimes.com


The Official Drudge Report iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch app available in the iTunes App Store:
   A friend of mine from New York called last night and said that he could not believe what he saw on the front of the New York Times so he bought a copy. Then I saw this email this morning sent to me by another source on the same subject that the New York Times just reported that the I.R.S. claims that it can steal any money from any bank account in America anytime it wants to without court order, suspicion of crime, etc., just on whim! Folks, only passage of the Omni Law we are pushing is going to end nonsense like this from Wash., D.C. which wants to create a combined Nazi-Soviet America under Obama and others of Wash., D.C. who despise the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights and want to overthrow them at all costs!

      I know my history better than most Americans. At two of the top private schools in America and also at the University where I was a history major at, they commented that I was the brightest history student that maybe they had ever seen at these schools. Also, I apparently was rated the top history student out of American high schools one year and won a postgraduate college scholarship in political science while still in high school for the results I got on a national history test given to top honor students in high schools across America for that year. My harsh judgement for all these attempts at setting up a federal police state under Obama is I guess federal officials and personnel won't respect the U.Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights as the national law that they are bound by until we practice the ancient Roman policy of "Decimation" on them.
     The following is a brief capsule explanation of the Roman word Decimation and what it meant back in ancient Roman times. 

Decimation (Roman army)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Decimation. Etching by William Hogarth in Beaver's Roman Military Punishments (1725)
Decimation (Latin: decimatio; decem = "ten") was a form of military discipline used by senior commanders in the Roman Army to punish units or large groups guilty of capital offences such as mutiny or desertion. The word decimation is derived from Latin meaning "removal of a tenth".[1] The procedure was a pragmatic, yet vicious, attempt to balance the need to punish serious offences with the practicalities of dealing with a large group of offenders.[2]
     Washington, D.C. is wildly out of control today and does not obey the national laws that it is sworn to uphold. I hope the I.R.S. and other federal sources pull back from wild extremes of fake law invented by the whims of Washington officials who respect the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights about the same level as they were written on toilet paper and used for that purpose instead of being the national law for them to obey in authority over them. Let's be frank.
     By legal bluff and total fraud, Wash., D.C. declared federal income tax passed as a constitutional amendment when as the voting records of the state legislatures show, it was never legally ratified into a constitutional amendment. Wash., D.C. wanted federal income tax which was previously ruled unconstitutional under national law by the U.S. Supreme Court and so Wash., D.C. lied through their teeth that it had been ratified by the required number of state legislatures. I have copies of the voting records for all the state legislatures then and it was never passed! So our con artists from Wash., D.C. are threatening to use the I.R.S. "authority" to destroy anyone in America who is a political target ordered destroyed by Obama and some of his associate goons placed in strategic governmental positions by him. For example, he has appointed so many Muslims now to key federal positions that soon we will have the Islamic Republic of America instead of the claimed U.S. Republic of America. As many in Wash., D.C. frankly realize, Obama is a Muslim and trying to con America that he is a Christian! He is not!
     I had some informers in Muslim mosques years ago before the 9/11 attack. I released a national report or two on what they told me long ago I think before the 9/11 attack. There was a secret Islamic conspiracy in America. They were going to run a hidden Muslim for the White House. He would be a Muslim Trojan Horse for America and would be backed by large hidden Islamic money to buy him the White House. He would first place Muslims in control of key positions in government, also other corrupt elements he could trust who would do what he said and ignore the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights like they had never existed. Then he would make the federal government an absolute legal tyranny over the American people. Then he was assigned to kill all the Jews in America. Then he was going to kill all the Christians in America who did not convert to Islam. For years I figured Obama was the boy that they had picked to set up the mass Islamic slaughter in America. As Isis had boasted, they will wipe Canada out and have the Islamic flag flying over the White House. Dr. Jack Van Impe quoted them on one of his TV programs. He was always good at picking up news items the main news media did not want to report to the American people. 
     Obama has proven a ruthless  Muslim fanatic as I figured he would be for this assignment of the Muslim Trojan Horse elected to the White House. He also made alliances with Communist elements in America who also helped push him for the White House. He was put into national politics by maybe the top Communist intellectual in America and who lived in Chicago like Obama did. He taught get inside the government and then destroy America from within Wash., D.C. so it could be taken over by the Communists. Obama's plan was apparently pull Communists and Muslims together for the takeover of Wash., D.C. and then mass kill off the American people. 
     I was in position and by a slip of White House security, I found out that for maybe 12-15 years the White House has had an answer that could stop any Ebola Crisis cold in America or elsewhere anytime they wanted to. The report then done by government researchers was that it could kill both the AIDS Virus and also the Ebola Virus without harming the people treated by it. I found out what the federal researchers had used for their tests and I have some in my personal possession right now. What they said worked I bought. It has a hidden history behind it which I obtained. Folks, time to wake your minds up from the sleep mode and be wide awake now. Use some common sense. Obama has had from prior this Ebola Crisis an answer which totally stopped the Ebola Virus according to federal researchers who said this was the final answer and protection from the Ebola Virus. The Ebola Crisis breaks loose with tricks from apparently C.I.A. operatives who set up Africa for the fall by C.I.A. Ebola tricks. America, Europe, etc are all to be threatened by the Ebola Crisis and Obama continues to pretend that he does not know of an answer which will stop it cold so the Ebola Virus is no threat anymore to Africa, America, Europe, and rest of the world. The Ebola Virus was released to drive the people to accept Obama as their undisputed dictator starting in America and as his target area was far larger than just America, this Muslim Trojan Horse with world Islamic ambitions to be their prophetic world leader of the Last Days, clearly had targeted Europe and the rest of the world for conquest by his Islamic Sharia Law dictatorship started from America and then spreads worldwide. Maybe around 200 nations were targeted to be conquered by Obama using the biological warfare weapon of the Ebola Virus to conquer the world for Islam. There is an Islamic prophecy that a Black leader leading the most powerful nation in the world would conquer the world for Islam. Obama believed he was the boy to fulfill this Islamic prophecy of I think it was a few hundred years ago. But as the Apostle Paul orally explained to early Christians the true meaning of 2 Thess. about he who hinders until he be taken away and this was recorded in early Christian writings recording what the Apostle Paul said, Paul prophesied the background of the he who hinders who stops the attempt of a would-be antichrist to take over the world and derails him, and the true antichrist does not arise until later after the time of the he who hinders. I come from the unique background prophesied by the Apostle Paul and recorded the explanation of the prophecy by early Christian writers such as Bishop Hippolytus around 200 A.D. and other famous early Christian writers from that time period. St. Padre Pio and other Christians with supernatural gifts over the years contacted me and said I was the one prophesied who would stop the would-be antichrist from winning as prophesied by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thess. and so someone else later would have to be the prophesied antichrist as the Christians first truly evangelize the entire world as prophesied in Matthew 24 and only after the Christians morally corrupt again after that does the true antichrist arise who will mass slaughter humans all over the earth.  
      God has put the pieces in place for what is about to happen. God arranged it, not me, that I spent eleven calendar years in military academies while growing up, studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, had a mother rated by I.Q. test most brilliant child in American history up to then, many Christian prophets for up to 2,000 years have predicted that the strong Christian champion arising in the last days would live outside of Europe or the Middle East, and come from a unique family background which I do and other people do not descend from. And a trademark of his is that he would use science to prove the existence of God which I am well known for. Just when the enemies of Christianity say that the Christians are now finished so they can kill the Christians all over the world, suddenly this champion of Christianity picked by God suddenly arises and all their plans collapse and Christianity has one final golden age. When the Christians morally decay once more, then the real Antichrist arises. And though I don't use it, I also have the same two names as frequently mentioned in the Christian prophecies for nearly 2,000 years as the one such as St. Francis of Paola predicted would arise in a nation outside of Europe which fought a civil war shortly before 1870 A.D. St. Francis said that this champion against tyranny would arise just before the Muslims thought that they would now conquer the world and kill off the Christians in the process. And some said that he would be known as "the lion-hearted" which was my nickname given me when boxing in military school. I would take them any size in boxing and fiercely fight to win. I got this nickname when doing this. Jesus twice prophesied that He would send the Christians "the chief steward" before the real antichrist arises. Jesus indicated that he would have worldly talents like Joseph with Pharoah of Egypt but also served God with excellence as Joseph did in the court of Pharaoh of Egypt. 
     Right now Obama and co-conspirators are setting up the Americans for mass slaughter in America through the Ebola Virus which among other things he will have injected into you in vaccines claimed to protect you from the Ebola Virus. I have a spy service and know what the plans of Obama are to kill off up to 50% of all Americans so Obama is then dictator of America for life. If you would do the Will of God, mass push this report all over America like lightning before the November 4 election and do not vote for Democrats this election. The Republicans are not the pick of God to save America at this time, but they are not committed to mass kill you with the Ebola Virus which is the chief weapon of Obama and advisers telling him how to crush the American people by mass slaughter and then he will without opposition be dictator of America for life. 
     The choice this election is Islamic conquest of America or else a renewal of Christian values in America which will snap America out of a terrible economy, deadly risk of up to the annihilation of America if the Americans do not snap out of this highly anti-God culture they are so eagerly embracing loving evil instead of good in America, and much more could be said, but not yet. Let Obama win and he is prepared to  steal the money out of even all bank accounts in America including all the money you now have in life. Why do you think he had passed this vicious fake law giving the I.R.S. the alleged claim they can steal without court order, etc. all of your money any time they decide to? This is the passed claimed law of a would-be tyrant, not a leader respecting your legal rights and your character as a person in society. His policies are those of an intended tyrant, not a champion of your legal rights nor a booming economy in America. And for those in the I.R.S. or other federal agencies being given grossly evil assignments of how evil they are supposed to act towards you, if you try this, you force my hand and I will then crush you by passage of the Omni Law and grand juries assigned to legally charge you with high treason and genocide conspiracy against the American people which will be a modern form of the Roman policy of decimation which if you try to destroy the American people, then the American people may end up destroying you through trials by juries of the American people. God has done this before in history. When the enemies of the Jews were going to slaughter all the Jews in Persia, suddenly God switched who had the power behind them and the Jews slaughtered their enemies instead of being slaughtered by them. Suddenly the Jews had weapons and power and the outcome was different than the enemies of God thought that it would be in Persia.
     I am a strong Christian, but also a strong reputation as very worldly wise and know well the ways of the world. Jesus wanted a Chief Steward for the Last Days as Jesus prophesied in two parables. He would be a good Christian, but also very smart and practical in the ways of the world. People that know me have full confidence that I am no fool in affairs of the world and many brilliant people are close friends of mine because they have confidence in my worldly brains as well as religious brains.
     Obama wants to hit you with the Ebola Virus, stealing all your money from your bank account, kill you if you don't accept his religious and political beliefs, etc. Let his camp win on November 4, 2014 and you will soon live in total hell on earth and God will turn His back on the American people. Defeat Obama and his camp now and have the good now lead America instead of the evil. And America will have a bright future instead of a national funeral for the death of America as a nation. Back my Omni Law on my website and campaign for the Omni Law in every part of America until Nov. 4 which is very close now. Our website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com If sending for products or else support for this Omni Law Drive by mail instead of through our website, the mailing address is then NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI but time is very short now! The most important thing is make copies and send this report to everyone in America that you can. And fast. With or without news media we can win if you do this! This report will spread like a nuclear chain reaction across America if you do this with this report!
      Since the churches just say "Believe in God" and that should win a nation to God, I am not sold on their approach. The evidence is plain and strongly exists to show that God exists! Bishop Polycarp of Smyrna, Asia Minor died around 160 A.D. and was the last living witness who had known some of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and many of the 500 witnesses who saw Jesus Christ resurrect from the dead and so testified before Bishop Polycarp. Bishop Polycarp was burned at the stakes rather than deny Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. In reading Christian history, constant miracles of God have occurred in every age of Christianity showing that God is with Christianity and has never abandoned mankind in any age. St. Padre Pio who recently died throughout the 20th Century for 50 years had the constant marks of Jesus Christ on his body and they disappeared from his body as he died. He had constant Miracles of God which stunned Italy and elsewhere in the world Christians for the 50 years of carrying the wounds of Christ on his body. He was fast canonized a saint after he died as the testimony was overwhelming of Miracles of God which constantly appeared with him. And when a military cadet in military school, I received a letter from him in Italy telling me a secret about me no one knew and letting me know that Jesus wanted me to save Christianity from destruction when its enemies were confident that Christianity was now finished and would soon be able to be annihilated on earth. I was a Protestant then but Jesus wanted me to create a bridge of goodwill between Protestant and Catholic until Christians returned to the will of Jesus which was "Father let them be one even as you and one are one!"
     Protestant side, Rev. Ernest Angley of Akron, Ohio all his life has had a healing ministry in the Name of Jesus Christ. Probably two to three million Christians of all branches of Christianity have received stunning Miracles of God. He is 92 years old and has had an active healing ministry for over 60 years now. I have heard of a Brother Terrell and others who have displayed stunning Miracles of God in their ministries. Both Protestants and Catholics have common roots in the first days of Apostolic Christianity. That is why I wrote the book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" showing both sides what first Apostolic Christianity shortly after Christ and the Apostles. Both Protestants and Catholics have strongly liked this book which is shown on my website. My pen name is Erasmus of America named after the Erasmus of Europe who stood for the reform of Christianity, but not the destruction of Christianity in the name of reform.
      Yours for God And Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for that Christian leader who believes in what the Bible says of "Let's reason together" to solve the problems we face in Christianity today. Reason, not force, will bring Christians together through God inspired common sense and goodwill on all sides!)





GOD Bless You for caring  John MacHaffie

The Chinese government announced that the renminbi will become directly convertible with the Singapore dollar... effective tomorrow morning.

The Chinese government announced that the renminbi will become directly convertible with the Singapore dollar... effective tomorrow morning.

Posted by EXOGEN on October 27, 2014 at 2:17pm
The dollar decline continues: China begins direct convertibility to Asia’s #1 financial center‏

October 27, 2014
Region VII, Chile

This morning some of the biggest financial news of the year made huge waves all over Asia.

Yet in the Western press, this hugely important information has barely even been mentioned. (CNBC.com, for example, has yet to report on this story as of 11:45am Eastern...)
So what's the news?

 The Chinese government announced that the renminbi will become directly convertible with the Singapore dollar... effective tomorrow morning.

 It's clear this deal has been in the works for a while, and it's another major step towards the continued internationalization of the renminbi and unseating of the dollar as the world's dominant reserve currency.

 For decades the renminbi has been a tightly controlled currency. It's only been in the last few years that the Chinese government started loosening those controls, primarily in response to the obvious need for a dollar competitor.

 The entire world is screaming for an alternative to the dollar and the US government.

 Since the end of World War II, the US has been in the driver seat. The Fed essentially sets global monetary policy. Foreign banks are forced to rely on the US banking system. Nearly every nation on earth must hold US dollars and buy US government debt just to be able to trade with one another.
These were sacred privileges entrusted to the US government. And they have been abused time and time again.

 The US government spies on its allies. It uses its banking system as a weapon to threaten foreign companies. It fines foreign banks billions of dollars for doing business with countries it doesn't like.

 They discredit themselves by continuing to indebt future generations and failing to make tough fiscal decisions.

 And the Fed has printed so much money that major foreign institutions are left with no choice but to seek an alternative. Enough is enough.

 China is taking the lead in providing the world with another option. And they're not exactly doing this under cover of darkness. These moves have been widely telegraphed, at least to anyone paying attention.

 For the last few years the Chinese government has entered into new 'swap agreements' at blazing speed, allowing other nations' central banks and governments to hold the renminbi in reserve.

They've concluded direct trade arrangements (notably with Russia) to settle oil and gas deals in renminbi.

 This summer we saw the establishment of a Chinese-led supranational bank intended to compete directly with the IMF.

 Just last week the British government issued a new government bond denominated in renminbi.

 And now this-- direct convertibility between China and the #1 financial center in Asia, making it possible for ANYONE to trade and hold renminbi through Singapore.

 It's so obvious where this train is headed.

 But again, this story is hardly covered in the Western press. They're living in a dream world where King Dollar still reigns and the US is the only superpower in the world.

 Nonsense. It's imperative to stop listening to the propaganda and start paying attention to facts:
The US government has accumulated more debt than any other nation in the history of the world... and is in a position where they must borrow money to pay interest on the money they've already borrowed.

 The Federal Reserve (which issues the US dollar) continues to erode its balance sheet. According to last Wednesday H.4.1 report, the Fed's capital base is a minuscule 1.26% of its total assets.

 A year ago it was 1.42%. That was bad enough. But on a proportional basis, the Fed has lost another 11.3% of its capital in the last twelve months.

 And according to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), international bank payments denominated in renminbi have nearly tripled in value in the past two years.

 These are all objective facts which point to the same conclusion: this current dollar/debt-based system is on the way out.

 It's not going to happen overnight, but we're already seeing a slow and orderly exit. And we can see the rest of this trend unfolding years in advance.
Ignoring this could be very hazardous to your financial well-being. And while the Western media might be totally clueless, there are plenty of options for forward-thinking individuals. •Consider holding Hong Kong dollars in addition to US dollars. Hong Kong dollars are currently pegged to the US dollar, so the currency risk is minimal. But if the US dollar declines sharply, Hong Kong (controlled by China) could easily de-peg. This mitigates your downside risk.

•Consider trading paper currency savings for productive REAL assets like farmland and private businesses which capitalize on key growth trends.
There are dozens of other solutions out there. You'll be able to find some that are just right for your circumstances.

 Until tomorrow,

 Simon Black
 Senior Editor, SovereignMan.com

The I.R.S. can seize accounts simply on suspicion, no criminal charges required

The I.R.S. can seize accounts simply on suspicion, no criminal charges required

By: Zach McAuliffe 
An Iowa business owner had all her bank accounts seized last year by the I.R.S. on suspicion she was attaining the money through illegal means.
Carole Hinders owns a small, cash-only restaurant in Arnolds Park, Iowa, and all earnings from her restaurant were deposited in a single account.  Her account totaled about $33,000, but two I.R.S. agents informed her all of the money from her business had been seized by the organization under a suspicion.  These suspicions arose because she deposited just less than $10,000 at a time into the account.
This seizure isn’t illegal though and the I.R.S. acted under the protection of law.  According tot he law, any bank deposit larger than $10,000 must be reported to the I.R.S.  However, if transactions are just below the $10,000 mark, the transactions are still viewed as suspicious.
The law in question, according to the New York Times, “was designed to catch drug traffickers, racketeers and terrorists by tracking their cash.”  Former federal prosecutor David Smith however, said the law affects “middle-class citizens who have never had any trouble with the law.”
Hinders was never charged with any criminal offense in relation to the seizure of her accounts.
This is not the first time this has happened either.
According to Institute for Justice, the IRS made about 640 account seizures in 2012 under the coverage of this law.  Of those, only about 120 were prosecuted under criminal charges.
When contacted by the New York Times, the IRS said they would no longer perform this practice an would focus their efforts on cases where the money is believed to have been acquired illegally.
The chief of Criminal Investigation at the I.R.S. released a statement which said the policy would be updated to reflect the refocusing of the agencies efforts, but deposits just under $10,000 would still call for an investigation and possible seizure.
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Zach McAuliffe

Zach McAuliffe is a University of Dayton alumni with degrees in journalism and English. He wants to present people with all the facts they need to make informed decisions on the world around them. He also enjoys Shakespeare and long walks on the beach with his puppy Lily.

Tonys call

Tony:  "Two reasons given for why this did not happen.  Both are BS!  We are still in a good position. . . Announcing over their they should see this Tuesdayor Wednesday."

DC- "Iraq had their new years celebration. Wanted it done. US delayed it.  Referred to as a slight delay. . . Iraq felt they had egg on their face when it did not go down Sat – Sun. . . Iraqi politicians are furious!"
Tony began with a “Thank You!” to those who’ve responded with stories and documentation copies.

EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE, EXCHANGEis the key word. Tony said, “Once you say that other word (like maybe investment) you can't take it back and they will treat it that way.  People will be in the room watching what is said.”
Parliament:  Did not meet today for 3rd and final reading of 2015 budget.  It’s on agenda for tomorrow.  It’s not tied to the RV.  DOES NOT affect the roll out.
TV:   Still running announcements  about economic reform.  Have pulled back on some of the broadcasts. 
Qu Cards:  this weekend the cards were changed to International access this weekend and changed the rate to US rate.  DC said they did not fully understand this to explain it but a lot of the world still was showing a rate of $3.58.
ATM’s placed outside the green zone this weekend.
Timing:  Iraq people being told Tues or Wed this week
UST:  Ready.  The US was planning on a slower roll-out.  DC said meetings happened last night and today that changed it to a shot gun approach. He was not sure which process will actually happen. 
UN security guys are not pleased with US.
ISIS:  Iraq’s had nice wins this weekend.
Roll-out began last week.  Some ordinary people Tony knows got paid.
1st Basket:  “Tony – I think we are going to see more than one.” Said word is 2 currencies and the banks are preparing for a minimum of 2-5 currencies. Unknown of contract rates for dong.
USA National Debt:  DC – “China would hate if we pay off all this debt.  They expect a return.”  DC explained there is no motivation to pay it off; better to borrow than raise US taxes and that once the US has a surplus it will change the debt scenario dramatically.
Banking:  Remember, the advisors, wealth managers, work for the bank.
Final Call:  Tony says he still does not know how the final call will go. If it will be 15 minutes, 2 hours or a 14 day extent.  DC says the 14 day schedule is still being "flirted" with.
Rate: :  $3.41 was put into the system originally.  Then the US delay plan, in the past, was to put in $1 and dare everybody else to pull the trigger.  They have done this, DC said 6 times previously, and then changed it back.  The US did this again a few weeks ago but did not change it back.  This was not the original plan. The question is will they leave it and let FOREX drive it up and how long will that take?