Modeling the Future
Heartcom Network
Two Models for the Future of Earth
The one integrates. Or without integrity,
the other disintegrates.
by Christos Lightweaver
Archived with graphics and video at:
'Future Modeling'
"Close both eyes to see with the other eye."
~ Rumi
Center and connect in the heart of your heart,
Is it true that the Family of Mankind now co-exists in a
global village of instant-everywhere and interactive
Internet capabilities for a new unity in diversity?
Are you aware that there are now almost 4 billion global
Netizens (online global citizens) who are co-creating
the future of the world our children will inherit?
Would you agree that when we get our act together with a
global upgrade of cooperative-interactive Te Le Comm,
conscientious common sense will naturally thrive?
Based on your response, continue reading (or not)
Heartcom Network
Two Models for the Future of Earth
The one integrates. Or without integrity,
the other disintegrates.
by Christos Lightweaver
Archived with graphics and video at:
'Future Modeling'
"Close both eyes to see with the other eye."
~ Rumi
Center and connect in the heart of your heart,
Is it true that the Family of Mankind now co-exists in a
global village of instant-everywhere and interactive
Internet capabilities for a new unity in diversity?
Are you aware that there are now almost 4 billion global
Netizens (online global citizens) who are co-creating
the future of the world our children will inherit?
Would you agree that when we get our act together with a
global upgrade of cooperative-interactive Te Le Comm,
conscientious common sense will naturally thrive?
Based on your response, continue reading (or not)
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