Saturday, January 27, 2018

As Foretold by True Pundit, Grassley Confirms Anti-Trump FBI Agents Used ‘Private Devices’ to Communicate (Burner Phones)

FBI agents using burner phones, revealed five days ago in True Pundit
FBI agents using Google Gmail to transmit classified Intel on criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton, revealed yesterday in True Pundit.

On Friday, Sen. Grassley confirmed the FBI reporting and said expect more to be divulged.

FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page may have used personal accounts to send official records to each other about the Hillary Clinton email probe in 2016 even as the bureau investigated her for a “similar” practice, according to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley.

“It appears that Strzok and Page transmitted federal records pertaining to the Clinton investigation on private, non-government services,” the Iowa Republican wrote in a Thursday letter to FBI Director Chris Wray.

He questioned whether that affected the bureau’s treatment of the Clinton case.
“It is important to determine whether their own similar conduct was a factor in not focusing on and developing evidence of similar violations by Secretary Clinton and her aides,” Grassley said.

During the campaign, the FBI investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server instead of a secure, government email account while secretary of state. Then-FBI Director James Comey decided against recommending prosecution, but faulted Clinton and her associates for being “extremely careless” with classified information.

Grassley wrote in his letter to Wray that Strzok and Page, in some texts, also referred to “related conversations they were having via iMessage, presumably on their personal Apple devices.”

Members of the FBI and Justice Department’s top brass at their Washington D.C.headquarters and other field offices are now using burner phones to stay under the radar of federal investigators and lawmakers, according to FBI insiders.

The shocking revelations come on the heels of news that the FBI deleted thousands of text messages between anti-Trump FBI agents before investigators could review their content.

While that is disturbing on one level, FBI and DOJ hierarchy employing the telecom habits of drug cartel bosses reaches a new low for the once-heralded federal law enforcement agency and the DOJ. And breaks federal laws as well.
Intel points to top FBI and DOJ officials communicating via:
  • Burner or disposable smart phones purchased with cash and charged with cash or money order
  • Encrypted phone and web apps, including SIGNAL employed for anonymous texting
  • Phones issued in the name of a spouse or family member, conceivably out of reach of federal subpoenas
Use of such telecom devices as part of official government business violates a host of federal laws, insiders said.

But that hasn’t slowed their use by top law enforcement personnel in the United States.

With many key personnel in the FBI currently under the microscope of the Inspector General — for potential criminal violations — top FBI and DOJ officials are communicating on disposable phones via text, voice and internet access to encrypted texting apps, FBI insiders confirm.

“The IG is aware of this,” one FBI insider said. “They have been up on these guys for a long time.”

The FBI source’s comments reflect the fact that the Inspector General has had court-approved wiretaps running on key members in the FBI and DOJ linked to an assortment of public scandals.

One of the main reasons why the Inspector General’s report of its investigation of the FBI has been delayed is because investigators keep getting wiretap intelligence on the key players, the FBI official said.

“It is OK to publicize this now, because they have dug themselves a very big hole,” the FBI source said. “They have switched to burners.”

First it was communications via burner phones among FBI brass, acting like drug cartel members.

Now, it’s discussions via Google’s unsecured gmail platform.
How many other FBI brass are employing Gmail to discuss classified and top secret national security matters?

New shocking details of the FBI’s Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s anti-Trump texts made public on Thursday show the embattled duo communicated outside of FBI email servers on Google’s unsecured gmail.

This also sidesteps Federal Records Act laws for maintaining custody of all emails exchanged during work for federal employees. Emails exchanged on Google cannot be requested via the FOIA simply because the government does not maintain custody of the correspondences.

See for yourself:

So why hasn’t a Special Counsel been appointed yet to tackle the growing corruption scandals in the FBI?

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows took to Twitter Tuesday night to summarize what’s known so far about the FBI’s Peter Strzok scandal, which he says “stinks to high heaven.”

Meadows, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, walked through the timeline of Strzok’s involvement in the Hillary Clinton email investigation as well as a series of text messages that he exchanged with Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer with whom he was having an affair.

Not only were new and shocking details of Strzok and Page’s anti-Trump texts made public in recent days, it was also revealed that the FBI “failed to preserve” five months of Strzok-Page texts during a period when they were working on the investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.

A Rasmussen poll shows that a plurality of 49 percent of those polled want a special prosecutor to investigate the embattled FBI, while only 31 percent do not. Another 19 percent are on the fence.

According to this poll, the public vehemently disagrees with James Comey, the disgraced former FBI Director who has used his Twitter account to call for an “independent” FBI, which presumably means an FBI that is never criticized or investigated by the American people’s chosen representatives in Congress–a frightening thought by way of a banana republic attitude.

Thankfully, despite the best efforts of Deep Staters like Comey and the corrupted American media, the public is paying attention to the story and is very skeptical of an agency that appears to have been highly politicized during Comey’s reign.
About a year after President Trump fired Comey, we now know that Comey’s tenure resulted in the kind of partisan behavior that resembles the secret police, including the indefensible exoneration of Hillary Clinton over her email scandal, a “secret society” to bring down Trump, an “insurance plan” should Trump win the election, and a partnership with the Clinton campaign to fund a discredited dossier that was used to justify the FISA warrants so the Obama administration could spy on the Trump campaign.
Former deputy assistant director of the FBI counter-terror division Terry Turchie said the agency’s recent scandals symbolize “Watergate part two,” Wednesday on “Fox and Friends.”

“There is a lot of political dirty tricks going on here. I don’t think this trail is going to stop at the door of the Russians,” Turchie said. “I think it’s going to stop where the Democratic party came through the door of the FBI. I think this is Watergate part two.”

Turchie also discussed the texting scandal between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page and called it a “catastrophic failure,” for the Bureau.

Turkey Demands US Forces Leave Syria's Manbij Immediately

As Turkish and allied militant forces from the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) advance further upon Kurdish positions in northern Syria, Turkey has called upon the United States to vacate its military bases in the Syrian district of Manbij. Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Turkish foreign minister Melet Cavusoglu said that Ankara is calling upon the US, its official ally in NATO, to cease any and all support to Syrian Kurdish forces and militias.

Cavusoglu’s statement came mere hours after an official telephone talk between Turkey’s Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin and US National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond McMaster about the ongoing Turkish invasion of Syrian soil.

Turkish backed forces advancing in Afrin. Image via South Front

Though unconfirmed by officials in Washington, the US-funded Voice of America reports that McMaster "pledged to stop giving arms to YPG Kurdish forces in Syria" during the phone call. However, it is unclear what this would mean on the ground as the Pentagon has in the past attempted to make a linguistic distinction between the YPG per se (Kurdish "People's Protection Units") and the Syrian Democratic Forces (the former comprises the bulk of the latter), as well as a distinction between YPG operating in Afrin Canton and the rest of Kurdish forces in Rojava.

Voice of America reports the following of the high level phone call between McMaster and Erdogan's presidential spokesman:
Turkey said Saturday that Washington has pledged to stop giving arms to YPG Kurdish forces in Syria, as Turkey's offensive against the U.S.-backed group there enters its eight day. Turkey's presidency said in a statement that U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster spoke Friday with Ibrahim Kalin, a spokesman for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. McMaster confirmed in the phone conversation that the U.S. would not give weapons to the YPG militia, the statement said. There has been no U.S. confirmation.
While both Turkey and the United States are in violation of international law by entering Syria with military forces without permission by Damascus or a UN mandate, both countries have vastly different interests in the country.

The United States has for years supplied weapons and training to Kurdish militias in northern Syria, causing concerns that they seek an eventual secession of Kurdish-occupied lands from Syria. Turkey on the other hand, having supported so-called "moderate" rebel groups such as the FSA since at least 2015, actively seeks to prevent the existence of a YPG-controlled area to its southern border, as it sees the Syrian Kurdish units as an affiliate of the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which is active within Turkey.

Via The Saker

Meanwhile, with the lifting of bad weather and the return of Turkish warplanes and gunships to the skies over northern Syria, pro-Ankara forces have breached the defenses of Kurdish forces in a key area of the Afrin region on Saturday. As reported by Al-Masdar News earlier this morning, so far Saturday has witnessed the Turkish Army and allied Free Syrian Army militias under its command advance inside Afrin from positions near the northwestern border of Turkey and Syria.

Sources report that Free Syrian Army-linked rebel groups and Faylaq al-Sham Islamists managed to seize the village of Ali Beski and the hilltop of Point 740 in the Rajo area of Afrin. The militant advance was backed up by fire support from Turkish attack helicopters which targeted Kurdish positions and movements. The engagement for the two locations in Rajo resulted in a dozen Kurdish casualties of which 10 fighters were killed and two were captured by pro-Turkish rebels.

United States of Secrets

Ben Shapiro: Follow These 10 Rules When Debating Leftists

What If All That You Ever Knew Was A Lie.

$145,000,000 DEAL!!! Trump Strikes Hillary Were It Hurts The Most

FBI Agents Were Threatened With Murder If They Didn’t Wrap Up Clinton Probe

Seth Rich Investigator Survives Attempt On Life After Posting $130K Rewa...

Super Bowl LII

 Super Bowl LII

What a Great Deal....

Read to the end.

Super Bowl LII

Just passing this along in case you know anyone who may be interested at all? see below

I know it's late notice, but a friend of mine has two tickets for the Super Bowl in Minneapolis, MN at the new U. S. Bank Stadium on Sunday, February 4th. They are box seats and he paid $3,500 per ticket, which includes the ride to and from the airport, lunch, dinner, a $400.00 bar tab and a pass to the winners locker room after the game. What he didn't realize when he bought them last year was that it's on the same day as his wedding.

If you are interested, he is looking for someone to take his place. It's at St. Paul's Church at 3 p.m. Her name is Ashley. She’s 5'4", about 115 pounds, a good cook, loves to fish and hunt and will clean your truck.

She’ll be the one in the white dress.

Friday, January 26, 2018

America’s Hunters Pretty Amazing

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion: There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin… Allow me to restate that number: 600,000!
Over the last several months, Wisconsin’s hunters became the 8th largest army in the world. (That’s more men under arms than in Iran. More than France and Germany combined.) These men, deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin to hunt with firearms. And NO ONE WAS KILLED. That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania’s and Michigan’s 700,000 hunters, ALL OF WHOM HAVE RETURNED HOME SAFELY. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia, and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states. It’s millions more.
——————————————————– The point? ——————————————————–
America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower! Hunting… it’s not just a way to fill the freezer. It’s also a matter of national security.
That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed. Food for thought, when next we consider gun control. Overall it’s true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don’t possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain… What army of 2 million would want to face 30 million, 40 million, or 50 million armed citizens???
For the sake of our freedom, don’t ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.
(If you agree, as I do, pass it on, I feel good that I have an army of millions who would protect our land, and I sure don’t want the government taking control of the possession of firearms.)

Ryan Bundy In Paradise Montana Jan.23rd 2018

Trump: Flu Shots Inject Bad Stuff!

Trump: Flu Shots Inject Bad Stuff In Your Body! from Truth Warriors on Vimeo.
Donald Trump is no dummy!  He knows the flu shots are a total scam because all his friends who get the shot every year always get the flu while he never has one and doesn't get the flu!   Love the part in there where he says "I don't like the idea of injecting bad stuff in my body."   Priceless truth from a great man!   Now hopefully we can soon get national laws that prevent anybody from being forced to take ANY shot!   That's what the demons in the medical establishment fear most because now the sheep do it because they've been lied to and told they have no choice!   God gives you the choice what to put in your body.  The government, companies and hospitals can never be allowed to inject anybody including doctors and nurses against their will.  That's the definition of tyranny.

Brainwashed Feminist Crowd Triggered by Statistics

California Considers $1,000 Fine for Waiters Offering Unsolicited Plastic Straws

Adventures In Franchising and Insider Secrets for Future Franchisors
You win some, you lose some. This franchise owner lost $400,000. Here, he shares the franchise lessons he learned the hard way.
 Ian Calderon wants restaurateurs to think long and hard before giving you a straw.
 Calderon, the Democratic majority leader in California's lower house, has introduced a bill to stop sit-down restaurants from offering customers straws with their beverages unless they specifically request one. Under Calderon's law, a waiter who serves a drink with an unrequested straw in it would face up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

"We need to create awareness around the issue of one-time use plastic straws and its detrimental effects on our landfills, waterways, and oceans," Calderon explained in a press release.

This isn't just Calderon's crusade. The California cities of San Luis Obispo and Davis both passed straws-on-request laws last year, and Manhattan Beach maintains a prohibition on all disposable plastics. And up in Seattle, food service businesses won't be allowed to offer plastic straws or utensils as of July.

The Los Angeles Times has gotten behind the movement, endorsing straws-on-request policies in an editorial that also warned that "repetitive sucking may cause or exacerbate wrinkles on the lips or around the mouth." Celebrity astronomer Neil DeGrasse Tyson (always up for a little chiding) and Entourage star Adrian Grenier have appeared in videos where an octopus slaps them in the face for using a plastic straw.

The actual number of straws being used is unclear. Calderon, along with news outlets writing about this issue—from CNN to the San Francisco Chronicle—unfailingly state that Americans use 500 million plastic straws a day, many of them ending up in waterways and oceans. The 500 million figure is often attributed to the National Park Service; it in turn got it from the recycling company Eco-Cycle.

Eco-Cycle is unable to provide any data to back up this number, telling Reason that it was relying on the research of one Milo Cress. Cress—whose Be Straw Free Campaign is hosted on Eco-Cycle's website—tells Reason that he arrived at the 500 million straws a day figure from phone surveys he conducted of straw manufacturers in 2011, when he was just 9 years old.

Cress, who is now 16, says that the National Restaurant Association has endorsed his estimates in private correspondence. This may well be true, but the only references to the 500 million figure on the association's website again points back to the work done by Cress.

More important than how many straws Americans use each day is how many wind up in waterways. We don't know that figure either. The closest we have is the number of straws collected by the California Costal Commission during its annual Coastal Cleanup Day: a total of 835,425 straws and stirrers since 1988, or about 4.1 percent of debris collected.

Squishy moderates on the straw issue have pushed paper straws, which come compostable at only eight times the price. Eco-Cycle skews a bit more radical, with their "Be Straw Free" campaign—sponsored in part by reusable straw makers—that urges the adoption of glass or steel straws. Because we all know how good steel smelting is for the environment.

In any case, criminalizing unsolicited straws seems like a rather heavy-handed approach to the problem, especially since we don't actually know how big a problem it is. But don't take my word for that. Ask Milo Cress.

"If people are forced not to use straws, then they won't necessarily see that it's for the environment," he tells Reason. "They'll just think it's just another inconvenience imposed on them by government."

Update: Reason spoke with Voleck Taing, a senior assistant to Assemblyman Calderon, who said they intend to amend the bill to remove the fines.

California Rocked by Three Earthquakes in One Day, Scientists Expect More to Come in 2018

Three earthquakes hit California on Thursday, one as far south as Trabuco Canyon and a second all the way up to a spot off the coast of Eureka, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

A third earthquake struck near Lytle Creek, California, registering a 2.5 on the Richter scale. Trabuco Canyon, which is close to Lytle Creek, registered 4.0. Both cities are near Los Angeles.

The northernmost earthquake, closest to Eureka, registered a 5.8 on the Richter scale. However, because it hit 100 miles off the coastline, the vibrations were not as strong when they reached land. ABC7 reports that residents of Ferndale, California, in Humboldt County, felt the earthquake, but there are currently no reports of damage or injuries.


California from above. The state was rocked by earthquakes on Thursday. NASA
According to the USGS, when the earthquake hit at 8:39 a.m., the ripples of seismic activity reached from the southern coast of Oregon to nearly Ukiah, California, about 400 miles away.

Over the past seven days, California has experienced 15 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 or greater up and down the state, including two that hit off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

Many of the tremors occurred near or along the San Andreas fault, where tectonic plates shift along the western edge of the state. The San Andreas fault is known to be particularly prone to earthquakes, and scientists believe that it will someday rock the state with "The Big One."

Smaller earthquakes often precede bigger ones, but it’s hard to say whether this activity is indicative of a bigger earthquake to come, and if so, when.

Underwater seismic activity can sometimes cause tsunamis, which can cause major destruction when they reach land. The National Tsunami Warning Center tweeted that the earthquake off the coast of Northern California is not expected to cause a tsunami.

The California coast is part of the “Ring of Fire,” an area where there are an abnormal number of underwater volcanoes. Made up of the Pacific coastline of the U.S., Asia and the Pacific Islands, this area is prone to earthquakes.

Scientists predict that 2018 will be a particularly bad year for earthquakes. On Thursday, an even bigger earthquake registering a 6.2 on the Richter scale hit Japan.

Trump proposes US citizenship plan for 1.8 mn undocumented immigrants

Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump's administration on Thursday unveiled a sweeping new immigration plan to Congress that offers 1.8 million young unauthorized immigrants known as "Dreamers" a path to citizenship over 10-12 years.
In a comprehensive reform that will be formally presented next week, Trump has also asked Congress to eliminate the popular "green card lottery" program and severely restrict family immigration, steps analysts say could cut in half the more than one million foreign-born people moving to the country annually.
And in the name of halting illegal immigration, he has also demanded Congress budget $25 billion for a "trust fund" for constructing a wall on the US-Mexico border -- a major plank of Trump's White House campaign.
"The Department of Homeland Security must have the tools to deter illegal immigrants; the ability to remove individuals who illegally enter the United States, and the vital authorities necessary to protect national security," a senior White House official told journalists.
The White House's offer of a path to citizenship for the Dreamers was much wider than expected. Earlier it had suggested it was only open to granting citizenship to the 690,000 young immigrants registered under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program.
But in exchange, Trump was asking Congress to make future legal immigration more difficult -- and to shore up the Homeland Security Department's toolbox and funding to crack down on the overall population of unauthorized immigrants, estimated at some 11 million, including Dreamers.
That could make the plan difficult to get past Democrats, no matter how strong they want the Dreamers reform.
"There is no public policy justification for cutting legal immigration in half. None," said Democratic Senator Brian Schatz on Twitter.
- Sharp turn in immigration policy -
The plan represents a sharp shift in US immigration policies. Trump promised during his 2016 presidential campaign a tough crackdown on illegal immigration, but has extended this to narrowing the doors for legal immigrants and refugees.
The end of the lottery system -- which was introduced in 1990 to diversify the origins of new immigrants -- was expected and has support from some Democrats. Trump has argued the program has allowed people into the country who have supported Islamic extremists.
"This program is riddled with fraud and abuse and does not serve the national interest," the White House said in a summary Thursday.
Trump however at least momentarily undermined his push against the lottery when, in immigration bill negotiations with lawmakers in early January, he complained about immigrants from what he reportedly dubbed "shithole" nations like Haiti, El Salvador and countries in Africa, sparking widespread outrage.
Trump has also argued for ending "chain" migration, the practice of allowing the extended family members of people who already have US citizenship to immigrate.
Thursday's proposal said that to "protect the nuclear family," family immigration would be only permitted for spouses and minor children.
- Battle in Congress likely -
The White House plan immediately provoked the ire of Democrats, who made clear they would likely fight to water down the changes in negotiations in coming weeks.
Pro-immigration groups said it would reduce overall immigration by half, and was aimed at bringing more Caucasians into the country.
"$25 billion as ransom for Dreamers with cuts to legal immigration and increases to deportations doesn't pass the laugh test," said Democratic Representative Luis Gutierrez.
"The White House released a hateful, xenophobic immigration proposal that would slash legal immigration to levels not seen since the racial quotas of the 1920s," said Lorella Praeli, director of immigration policy at the American Civil Liberties Union.
But Republican leaders in Congress voiced solid support: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said the White House proposal was a "framework" for crafting a final immigration deal.
Republican Senator Tom Cotton, a hardline conservative, called Trump's framework "generous and humane, while also being responsible."
However, some conservatives were angered by the sweeping offer to Dreamers, which they say constitutes an amnesty that rewards law-breakers and sets a bad precedent for other undocumented immigrants.
"Any proposal that expands the amnesty-eligible population risks opening Pandora's box," said Michael Needham, chief executive of the right-wing lobby Heritage Action.
"That should be a non-starter," he said.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Open letter to Freewill

An open letter to Freewill and to all men responding on this blog, emailed by reader with request to post...............

F : After many years of hard work by John and more recently Olive Oyl and Popeye, you have turned this blog in to a cheap bitching rag sheet, revealing your own personal problems disguised as being a national problem. Is that what you believe John McHaffie had in mind when, during the phone calls regarding the many computer problems he was experiencing from attempts to hack the blog, you volunteered to help him with his computer problems? John spoke with and had many friends, but we never heard him put women down or refer to them on this blog with any four letter words or in a degrading manner.

You complain about American women, yet you don't admit to the faults of many American men, including yourself. Want to know why some women turn away from some men?  Watch what comes out of your mouth, including all manner of disrespectful four letter words. Watch your attitude. And don't profess 'Christian' when you are anything BUT. Lies will always be exposed.

A male would be well advised to take regular/daily showers, brush your teeth and use mouthwash, use deodorant and wear clean clothes and shoes so he doesn't stink.  Comb your hair and beards.  Clean the crap from your beards.  Don't chew tobacco and drool down your beards and spit in empty pop cans. In short, don't smell and look like big foot - or worse.

Clean your transportation and the place where you live - inside and outside. No woman wants to live in or be around filth. 

A woman isn't interested in being your personal maid service or personal prostitute. Women are not made to be your personal toys to f**k. If you want a woman who is nothing more than a sex slave, then find one at your local hangout - topless club - IF you can get one to respond to you. 

Women have feelings and can love and care for others in a multitude of ways, but they don't like to be manhandled and rushed in to a bed or on the floor to be used for the male's gratification and then tossed aside with no real concern for her.  And for sure most women are not interested in dirty smelly filthy slobs for sex.

The reason most foreign women will marry an American man is because they believe the fairy tale that the American male is successful and has allot to offer the woman by her coming to America - a nice clean home in a nice area, a nice clean car, the money to purchase clothing and to take care of the children when born. Then, when they get here - and are guarded like they are in a prison and not allowed to return home to be with their families - the anger comes forth and the battles begin.  So, instead of taking care of your own personal issues to improve yourself, go ahead and seek a woman in a foreign country and see how well you succeed there.

It would appear that you and friends have similar standards. What are your living conditions like?  It would seem you may be one of those who wants to be a mountain man or frontier man out in the woods? Perhaps a bit aggressive even to the point of destructive or abusive? No woman wants to live without plumbing, or toilets or showers, no running water, no heating and air conditioning, and living out in the sticks with no one to talk to or transportation to get away.   Most women agreeing to live like that passed with the demise of the wagon trains. 

As a whole, women are not deceptive - any more then you men are. Women have had to learn to be self reliant because many men don't take care of the family and home business responsively. Some of that is picked up from their own upraising, some from irresponsibility - not working or spending money on wine, women and song, and some from just being AHOs.

A woman being feminine is what attracts you men. You want the women to be clean, attractive and responsive but stupid and able to be easily manipulated for your personal gain. If you have had several 'relationships' and none have succeeded, instead of blaming the women - take a good long honest hard look at yourself.  No woman - any more than a man - wants a thug or a selfish, lazy, dirty, smelly, bossy demanding or stupid man in her life. Easier to be alone than to become some male's maid and personal prostitute. 

If a man cannot 'trust' a woman, WHAT would be the cause behind that? The very issues already mentioned here? Is that her fault, too?  Or could it be that the male isn't presenting himself in a responsible, caring and loving manner?  Or is not able to provide what she is looking for in a permanent relationship, in particular taking financial responsibility for the children?  She may feel insecure and that perhaps she has made a terrible mistake? 

We live in a country that fortunately still offers multiple choices, including to be able to choose to leave a 'relationship' that is not providing what each is looking for.  Give the other person the freedom to leave if she wants to. You will both be much happier for it.  In the meantime, take a long hard honest look at yourself and admit to whether you are what a woman would want in her life.  Misrepresenting your lifestyle and choices is only misleading others who read what you post - but the savvy can see through that. In the meantime, this blog is being destroyed.  We grieve for that and for our friend John, and we grieve for OO and PE who served faithfully for the benefit of all the readers. 

Massive Scandal At FBI As Evidence Mounts Against Deep State

The evidence continues to pile up against the deep state in the brewing FBI scandal.

While the mainstream media assure the public through propaganda that there is no such thing as a “deep state,” the evidence shows otherwise.

According to The New York Post, each day brings credible reports suggesting there is a massive ongoing scandal involving the top ranks of America’s premier law enforcement agency: the FBI.

The reports, which feature talk among agents of a “secret society” and suddenly missing text messages, point to the existence both of a cabal dedicated to defeating Donald Trump in 2016 and of a plan to let Hillary Clinton skate free in the classified email probe.

If either one is true, and we believe both probably are, it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

During an appearance on CNN, counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd said on air that “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state.
More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link. -The New York Post
Separately, an FBI informant told Congress that a secret society within the FBI, which met the day after Trump’s election to plot his downfall, went on to hold clandestine meetings off-site.

That secret society — we have an informant that’s talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site,” Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) told Fox News last night.

“There is so much smoke here. We have to dig into it — this is not a distraction. Again, this is bias — potentially corruption — at the highest levels of the FBI,” Johnson added.

These major and intertwined scandals all point to the one thing the media is dead set on indoctrinating into the minds of the public as fake: the deep state.
There’s too much evidence to deny it, yet the media writes it off as a conspiracy or fake news and demeans those who seek answers to the questions they refuse to even ask.

But how do they explain the missing text messages and the “secret society” comments between two top-ranking FBI officials?

Very poorly, but the masses don’t seem to care that much and won’t even consider the fact that maybe the media and their own government fooled them.
Article posted with permission from SHTFPlan

Top Democrats Demand Censorship & Blame Russia For #ReleaseTheMemo Movement

Top Democrats penned a letter to Twitter and Facebook last week demanding the censorship of those who use the hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo.

The Democrats claimed Russia is behind the movement, and therefore seek censorship.

The hashtag began after word broke of the jaw-dropping memo on the United States government’s surveillance abuses.

Republicans have been working to release the memo to the public, which supposedly contains damning evidence the Obama administration used FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and his transition team ahead of the president’s inauguration.
So far, the battle to make the memo public has been hard fought and uphill.

But those who want the government to be transparent and release it so we can decide for ourselves what’s in it face censorship by Democrats who are begging social media outlets to kill the accounts of those who use the hashtag.
Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Adam Schiff sent the letter to both Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, and Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter demanding the censorship while claiming it’s “Russia-backed.”
Meanwhile, Twitter’s internal analysis of the hashtag has thus far found that authentic American accounts, not Russians, are driving #ReleaseTheMemo, according to The Daily Beast.
Democrats have been invoking Russia to try to shut down the free speech of those desiring transparency.
They [Feinstein and Schiff] relied on a report from the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy claiming that #ReleaseTheMemo had become the favorite hashtag of Russian-sponsored Twitter accounts. (The report did not make any judgements about such activity on Facebook.)
“If these reports are accurate, we are witnessing an ongoing attack by the Russian government through Kremlin-linked social media actors directly acting to intervene and influence our democratic process,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff, two California Democrats, wrote to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
But a knowledgeable source says that Twitter’s internal analysis has thus far found that authentic American accounts, and not Russian imposters or automated bots, are driving #ReleaseTheMemo. There are no preliminary indications that the Twitter activity either driving the hashtag or engaging with it is either predominantly Russian-The Daily Beast
How dare people want the truth! Especially when living in times when the media lies to our faces, is biased in their reporting, and hides documents from the public to try to sway opinion.

All these things are what they accuse Russia of doing, but they themselves are deceiving everyone.

Are Democrats just going to cry “Russia” when there’s any sign of public dissent?

Emailed by a reader - A story of carma and a crime against family:

I was at a friends house when out of the blue I recieved a text, at first I ignored it but then decided to give it a look. When I realized who it was from I about hit the ceiling.
My daughter, after 19 years of not a single word contacted me. The message was brief but stated she had been trying for 4 years to get ahold of me through another means. I checked and sure enough there was her e-mail.
We now have a very good relationship, we communicate every day in one way or another, we talk in person at least once a week.
The very same week she contacted me I went to see her. She lives much closer than she had before. 400 miles versus 2000.
During our conversations she has relayed how her mother and grandmother had been saying for years how nasty and bad a man I was , that is until her mother had a brain stem stroke. Then the ex changed her tone and tune about me. Told her that “he’s not and never was a bad man”. A close brush with death has a way of making motality a bit more real for someone who has lied for most of their adult life.
My daughter said this to me” Dad what mom was saying about you just didnt fit”. I had to ask my daughter if she remembered me doing anything that her mother had accused me of doing. Her response was an immediate “no”!!! I had to ask that question because my ex had been telling my family members that I had molested my little girl. Of which had never taken place.
My daughter then added “Dad what I remember about you is your smile”. I knew my ex was sick in her mind , that was the only thing that couldv’e possibly been.
A few years ago she had been diagnosed with clinical depression, malignant hypertension, obesity, diabetes and probably many more dibilitating things, mentaly and physically.
I had to get the truth to my daughter about the many lies she had been told, one of them being that “he never paid one cent of child support ” it was then that I handed my daughter a printout from the child support agency showing all the money I had paid , even durring the time that statement was made by my ex’s lawyer in court. I made sure that the law firm who handled her case had a copy of that same printout. I hand delivered that. Come to find out that the lawyer had died.
I then presented my daughter with all of the restraining orders her mother had filed against me, and that even though she was 2000 miles away they came like clock work. Those restraining orders prevented me from sending gifts, cards, birthday presents, letters, phone calls, it specifically stated “No Contact”.
This was not an easy thing to do because when i gave my son this information he never responded and went into hiding believeing that I was this monster of a lying father. I guess sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow, especially if it destroys the narrative and reasons one holds onto a grudge. I was afraid my daughter would likewise do as my son, but she hasn’t. She knows and has known the truth about her mother for a very long time. I left thinking that there would be no more problems because it was always said that I was the reason for my ex’s bad attitudes and behaviors. So i thought she would never do to the children what she did to me.
But as her deep seated mental problems were all hers, my leaving didnt change anything with this one exception , life for my children got a hell of a lot worse for them. And the ex made it a point to be just that way.
My daughter told me about an incident between her mother and her grandmother. She was returning home from school and when she got to her home she heard yelling and screaming betwen her mother and grandmother. when she got inside the door she saw her grandmother on the floor with a bloodied nose. my daughter then saw my son come in the home grab a kitchen knife and threatened to kill his mother with that knife. So the dysfunction continued even after I was done and gone. My daughter now has no contact with her mother who lives in a convelesent home, she has no possesions to speak of and no home. The ex estranged from her mother, son, daughter, and also her brother.
Karma is a bitch. I am a grandfather also of a one year old boy.
Alot has happened to my daughter that she has had to stuff all of her emotions down about me. she told me how she would yell scream and cry for her “Daddy” she wanted to see me but her mother refused to allow any type of visitation, no calling, nothing. And this went on for years. When I showed my daughter that she had been named in the restraining orders after she became of age , she was p~~~ed off to no end.
I explained everything to her and left nothing unexposed. Took a big risk in doing just that afraid that she might turn and run away if i had said something extremely offensive against her mother.
But instead of running, the things i have told her only confirmed what she knew already and that is that her mother was and is bats~~~ crazy.
I told my daughter that I wasnt perfect and i had my issues, but my responses to her mother was reactive and self preservation. I know what made the difference in my daughters life was this one thing I did before I left her mother. I left when my daughter was old enough to understand that I really loved her, I showed her I did, I stood up to her mother when her mother was abusive to her in my daughters presence.
I knew that her mother had shoved the wedge between our relationship and tried to excise my daughter out of my life. I had hoped that my kids would come around sometime in my life to get the answers they needed. Unfortunately both of my children were and are the victims of their mothers mental illnesses. My son i believe feels a great deal of guilt over certain situations that took place. But i hold him no harm , just like my daughter , he is not responsible for the excision his mother did, and the means by which she chose to do just that. Now its time to love on my baby girl into a healthy place within her mind and person. And hopefully my son will come round so I can also give to him the same kind of healing in his relationship with me. But as far as his relationship with his mother well I am going to let him and my daughter figure that out.
My fellow brothers who have been put through the custody wringer with your children. Dont ever give up on them, they need you, they want to understand you and love and be loved by you.
But hopefully it will not take as long as it did for my child to come to you for your love.
Sure it p~~~es me off that I have missed soo much of my daughters life, but now the restraining orders are of no use , even though one is still in effect until next year. I dont believe there will be anymore and when that day comes and goes. I will no longer have my civil rights stomped upon. !!
I have my daughter back in my life, I am now halfways healed inside. All I need now is for my son to extend his olive branch and come and listen to truth. There is nothing he need to ask forgiveness for, it wasnt his fault for what his mother did !!!

Urgent Public Message for President Trump from Judge Anna

By Anna Von Reitz

Many of you have noted that I haven't been on the airwaves much in the last two weeks, and some have even been worried (bless you for your concern!)--- but I have been hard at work as always.

My faithful readers are aware that I have written two books that detail a lot of history and public records:  Disclosure 101 is about my own personal journey and You Know Something is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause is a "serious comic book" --- is written in large print and hits the highlights of our largely unknown and untaught history at a Middle School level.

The purpose of the first book, Disclosure 101, was to provide a public record of at least a small portion of the work I did over a period of years.  The purpose of the second book was to provide a reader friendly "basic primer" so that people could grasp the Big Picture quickly.

So now I've written a third book titled "America: Some Assembly Required".

It came about because a friend of Donald Trump came to me and asked me to write an "executive history" in "30-second sound bites" for the President that he could scan through pretty rapidly.  He said that Mr. Trump wants to know the history, but like everyone else, wasn't taught..... so.......

That is, technically, the reason why I sat down and wrote this third book and since President Trump is a business man. I did something that I think has worked out very well --- I wrote it from the perspective of the business history of America.  I promise it isn't as dull as that sounds.

It turns out that viewing our country's history from that standpoint reveals a lot of the inner workings of how our government was designed to work and how, when, and by whom it got messed up. And, in a very prosaic way, it suggests how to fix it.  One of my faithful proofreaders said, "It's like being shown an engine, and suddenly you can see that there are spark plugs missing!"

Seeing it in terms of business structures and business processes and practices may help Mr. Trump and a lot of other people wrap their minds around what has gone on here.

This is another Large Scale book.  I am covering a lot of ground with a short, little publication designed to be read in 30-second sound-bites by very busy executives.  The whole idea is to lay it down fast and in little puzzle pieces that self-assemble in an orderly fashion, not a James Michener classic. 

So that, folks, is what I have been up to.  The Donald gets a free copy, but it is copyrighted for a reason and I will be blunt: we need to raise money. As important as it is to get this information out to as many people as possible, so is the work of The Living Law Firm and our researchers and Asset Recovery Team.  What started out as a handful of people has grown into a football stadium—sized crowd, and so have the needs.

It's good that we have people flying to places like Hong Kong and conducting business in behalf of the American People again.  It's good that we have researchers nailing down the exact pathways that have been used to siphon away the value of our labor, where our gold went, where our credit went. All of it.  It's good we have legal eagles turning over the dusty pages to discover the details of how our own government, our own employees, have been used against us.  It's all great, but it all costs money.

So in addition to cluing in Donald J. Trump to some of the nuances he might not know about, or think about, America: Some Assembly Required, is a fundraiser for our guys in the field.  I continue to ask for donations for the cause-- when some can be spared for the work here, please donate to my Paypal Account and/or send to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652----but I also want to give back in terms of products.  All the books will be available on

America: Some Assembly Required should be on sale soon and should be very affordable.  I will report back as soon as my publisher has it up and rolling.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: