Sunday, June 4, 2017

Camps in U.S. to be Used for Political Dissidents

Leaked Document: Military Internment Camps
in U.S. to be Used for Political Dissidents  

Internment camps for political dissidents in the U.S. aren't a conspiracy theory. The Department of Defense document entitled "INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS" or FM 3-39.40 proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Download link for FM 3-39.40:

Army hiring for these internment camps:
If this video goes down you can watch it at the following link:

Amber Rudd shuts down my speech about arms sales to Saudi Arabia

We can no longer ignore words, when they consistently manifest in front of our eyes. Love cannot combat evil, accept it.

French President Offers Refugee Status to U.S. Liberals: - actually a great idea. France is lovely, u should go!


Macron invites Americans upset over Trump exit from climate pact to find a 'second homeland'

by Margaret Menge | Updated 02 Jun 2017 at 6:23 PM

French President Emmanuel Macron is offering refuge to American liberals upset at President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.
In a video posted to Twitter, speaking in English, Macron said:
“I wish to tell the United States: France believes in you. The world believes in you. I know that you are a great nation. I know your history, our common history.”
“If you’re wondering how to get into France, you can either be a Syrian [jihadi] or an American climate scientist.”
“To all scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, responsible citizens who were disappointed by the decision of the president of the United States, I want to say that they will find in France a second homeland. I call them: Come and work here, with us, to work together on concrete solutions for our climate, our environment. I can assure you, France will not give up the fight.”
Macron also posted a picture to Twitter, with the words “Make Our Planet Great Again” on a green and blue background.
Macron is a 39-year-old liberal who worked in mergers and acquisitions for the Rothschild investment bank in Paris and as the economy minister to French Socialist Party President François Hollande before rebranding himself as an “outsider” last year and launching a campaign for president.
He defeated populist National Front leader Marine Le Pen in May to become the youngest-ever president of France.
It may be because of his youth that Macron is not aware that the specter of a young Frenchman calling out the president of the United States, speaking English with a French accent, may invite more ridicule from Americans than gratitude.
"If you're wondering how to get into France, you can either be a Syrian [jihadi] or an American climate scientist," newspaper columnist and talk radio guest host Mark Steyn said on "The Rush Limbaugh Show" on Friday afternoon, before noting that France would likely require more paperwork from the American climate scientist than from the jihadi.
And as for President Trump himself, The Washington Post reported Friday that Trump's irritation with Macron's disrespecting him at their first meeting may have, in fact, helped seal his decision on withdrawal from the Paris accord.
It occurred in Brussels, Belgium, on May 26, when the new French president approached the line of world leaders, with Trump in the middle, but veered off to his right, ignoring Trump to shake German Chancellor Angela Merkel's hand first, and then the hand of NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenburg, only to then finally come to Trump, who clasped Macron hand tightly and pulled the slender Macron toward him forcefully while shaking his hand vigorously, breaking out into a huge smile — not at Macron, but toward the cameras that he saw were pointed toward him.
At an earlier private meeting between Macron and Trump, the two had shaken hands, with both gripping tightly and grimacing for the cameras, in what some media organizations interpreted as an alpha male showdown.
In what was likely the best, or probably the most memorable, line from the president's energetic address from the Rose Garden on Thursday, in which he laid out a strong case for exiting the Paris agreement, he said: "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."

MARK DICE-Calling CNN About This Year's Bilderberg Meeting

This guy founded the weather channel and says global warming is a complete hoax based on faked data

FBI RAID home of Huma Abedin

FBI Nabs Hillary Clinton “Lost” Emails In Surprise Raid On Huma Abedin Home


June 3, 2017

A stunning Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today is reporting that the believed to be “lost” emails belonging to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were recovered on 1 June when special agents of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided a home in Dearborn, Michigan owned by a “shell company” belonging to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s brother and sister.    

According to this bulletin, during the afternoon of 1 June, SVR intelligence analysts reported that a specialized team of FBI special agents and US Department of Justice prosecutors hurriedly left Washington D.C. enroute to Dearborn, Michigan where upon landing they were sped by a large convoy to a multi-family home located at 7246 Jonathon Street that they promptly raided stating to the local press that they were “investigating a matter of national security” and further saying that: “There’s no threat to public safety in the area, so folks don’t need to be concerned about any dangerous situation.

Important to note about this Jonathon Street home in Dearborn is that it is owned by a subsidiary “shell corporation” established by the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs that’s long been known as a Abedin family business where Huma Abedin’s brother, Hassan Abedin, is a book-review editor and her sister, Heba Abedin, is an assistant editor.

Born into an illustrious family of Brotherhood leaders, Huma Abedin has been labeled as “nothing short of a Muslim Brotherhood princess” who grew up barely two hours from Dearborn in Kalamazoo, Michigan and who, in August 2016, mysteriously broke off from the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to make a secret trip to Dearborn that is now the largest Muslim city in America. 

Just a few months before Huma Abedin’s secret visit to Dearborn, she had been interviewed by the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton’s “lost” emails  and, from her testimony, the FBI reported that a laptop containing a copy, or “archive,” of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server was apparently lost in the postal mail along with a thumb drive that also contained an archive of Clinton’s emails.

Twelve days ago, however, Huma Abedin’s husband, the now convicted sex-offender and former US Congressman, Anthony Weiner, was indicted by a secret US grand jury, arrested by the FBI, and pled guilty to sex charges in a US Federal Court in the span of 2 hours, and that the SVR described at the time as being the fastest processing of such a case in American history and that we detailed in our 22 May report titled “Most Secret Grand Jury In American History Paralyzes Washington With Fear”.

Being taken by surprise at her husband’s “lightning fast” arrest and conviction, and his facing up to 2 years prison time,  Huma Abedin filed for divorce against Anthony Weiner just mere hours after he pled guilty to the sex charges leveled against him by President Trump’s Department of Justice.

Three days ago, on 31 May, both Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner met with top level FBI agents in New York City immediately after which they renewed the lease on their luxurious Union Square duplex and returned to living as man and wife.

Barely 24 hours after Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner moved back into their luxurious New York City home FBI special agents and US Department of Justice prosecutors raided the Abedin owned property in Dearborn, leading the SVR to conclude that during Huma Abedin’s secret trip to Dearborn last summer, she “secreted/ hid” within that home critical evidence relating to Hillary Clinton’s “lost” emails and maybe even the “lost” computer and thumb drive, too.

With there being no doubt that both Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner are now in full cooperation with President Trump’s Department of Justice, the US mainstream propaganda media, nevertheless, remains fixated on their “fake news” Russian hysteria campaign that President Putin suggests they need a “chill pill” to cure themselves of but, with the newest member of this elitist cabal of leftist journalists named Megyn Kelly, shocking the world yesterday after she asked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi “Are you on Twitter? 

Modi has the 2nd most viewed Twitter feed in the world with over 30 million followers, 2nd only to President Trump), once again PROOF is shown that only “uneducated idiots” and 2 bit whores like Megyn Kelly are allowed to report the 'news' in America today.  Hopefully that is in process of a dramatic CHANGE.

(Megyn just can't seem to establish herself as a credible reporter. A couple days ago she made Putin mad at her over some of her typical leftist comments and insinuations.  It would also help her immensely if she did not dress and present herself as a New York street walker and two bit whore.  Yet another embarrassment for America.  

Published on Jun 2, 2017
During a key session at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Pres. Putin was asked repeatedly about accusations of Russian meddling in the presidential election.)

To the readers asking for this article to be posted and even supplying the link, thank you! It is refreshing to provide proof that there are intelligent readers who are informed enough to appreciate what the whatdoesitmean website provides, usually in advance of most other reporting alternative news agencies.  Their prejudices provide the evidence of their foolishness! Each has his//her own 'news' preferences, and all are welcome here.  Through the years I have had more than a few occasions to find out that these people are as 'right' as most any other and that is good enough for me.

FBI raid home in Dearborn

FBI raid at residential home in Dearborn, Michigan involves 'national security'  report

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Facts of Love

By Anna Von Reitz

A few months ago a friend announced he was engaged.  He was so happy!  He smiled with every cell.  I was happy for him.  

Yesterday, I had cause to talk to him again and found him in despair.  
He had had some fairly serious (but far from "despair" meriting) financial set-backs and vexations related to housing issues for himself and his fiancee.  As a result, she decided that he wasn't a good enough provider for her and she went looking for another mate, all without telling him.   
She was, apparently, keeping him on a string in case her new business deal fell through.  And in the meantime she gave him Hell for not being rich enough, young enough, strong enough, blah, blah, blah.   
I just shook my head.  
Most of what passes for "love" in this world is merely a commercial deal, a quid pro quo of you do this for me, and I do that for you.  
No wonder so many people are hurt and confused, and why families are in tatters, and the divorce courts are filled. 
We've mistaken service contracts for love. 
You wash my socks and clean my toilet bowl, and I'll mow your grass and haul out the garbage.  
In such a relationship if something a little bit stressful or difficult comes up and you are not able to perform up to expectation, you get booted.  If you are an honest and feeling man or woman, you are naturally confused when you get sued, hounded, accused, betrayed, and left as roadkill in the middle of life's highway by the woman (or man) who said they "loved" you.  
Instead of helping and supporting you through the hard places of life, their only thought is their own disappointment and how best to profit and cover their own losses.  They think of you as a bad investment, because to them, that's all you ever were. 
Maybe you should read the fine print and ask what prospective mates mean by that word --- "love" ----?   
If it's going to be a contract you might as well be practical about it and nail down the terms and know exactly what is expected and what you have to be or do to hold up your end.  Also spend some time on the "escape clause" with a pre-nuptial agreement signed, sealed, and delivered. 
If you are going to sell yourself this way, you might as well be clear-headed. 
Ideally, everyone should know better than to treat love and its commitments as a business deal, but a majority of people in the modern world think of it as such, and if this is the way you are content to live your life, then go all the way and admit that its just a business deal--- a single party contract for sex and other services. 
People shudder and look at you with incredulity and pity when you insist on this kind of put-it-in-writing mentality and well they should.  It is horrifying to contemplate whole lifetimes spent alone and supposedly "married" at the same time.  It is sad to know that people are slogging along in business partnerships and calling them love relationships.  Sometimes they even convince themselves that what they have is "love".  
Yet, the truth is.... I know literally hundreds, if not thousands, of good men and women who have been snookered into "business deal marriages" without admitting or knowing what they were getting into, and they have all suffered the results: nasty, vindictive divorces, huge losses of income and property, broken families, chaos, messed up careers, and often deeply scarring emotional wounds for them and their children. 
It's a blessing in disguise that my friend escaped before the wedding instead of after.   It's a small disaster compared to what happens when one of these marriages-that-aren't-marriages fail----often with a couple little kids hurt forever.
People who operate like my friend's fiancee figure they can exit anytime they like with no big consequences. If they see a better deal on the market, they have no qualms about going after the other options. They just merge with the larger more profitable corporation with or without full disclosure to Joe Back Home. 
After all, their emotions aren't involved.  Sex is just business, too.  Nothing personal.
These love-as-service-contract providers also figure that they are owed whatever they can get of their former partner's assets, because obviously, they didn't get whatever unspoken and usually dimly defined desires they had in mind when they signed the paperwork.  
He didn't become a billionaire. 
She gained fifty pounds. 
They lost the house, because he lost his job. 
She was lonely because he worked too many hours, and Jimmy "just happened". 
99% of these marriages were never marriages and relatively few ---maybe 15%---- grow into anything like a marriage over time. 
So---- if you are going into a business deal in a market where over 40% of all ventures fail and of the remaining 60% only about 15% actually succeed to a reasonable degree----- why aren't you facing the facts and the odds and signing those pre-nuptial agreements?  Figure out how you are going to come out before you go in. 
Actual love is a different matter entirely.  
The Apostle Paul did a yeoman's job of defining actual love in I Corinthians 13. 
Every young adult should memorize his definition of love by heart so that they have at least some conscious idea of what love is---and, by implication, is not.  
True love often requires us to suffer and always requires us to be vulnerable to suffering.  Ruth following Naomi into a foreign and unknown land with no guarantees of any kind.  Joseph forgiving his brothers.  Jesus on His cross.
Love exposes us to the most outrageous kinds of betrayal and suffering and shame, opens the door to endless sacrifices and self-denial and losses.    
Oh, and don't forget, most of us also suffer all the slings and arrows of raising a family on top of all of love's other challenges. 
That's a lot to accept on an empty stomach in a society that judges success according to things you possess instead of what's in your heart. 
No wonder that so many people have simply given up and settled for a services contract.
No wonder, either, that few people ever experience actual love, and when they do, it is likely to come to them in the most completely unexpected ways and places. 
I've known people to find it from rescuing stray animals, or as in my own case, as the result of rescuing stray people.  Quite a few soldiers experience it in combat, when their souls reach out to their suffering and dying brothers in arms.  Some people experience it as the result of near-death encounters.  
One moment, you are standing there, an ordinary man or woman, bound up in your own petty little thoughts and feelings, your constant wants and needs, your endless self-concern and self-critique----- and the next, you are at peace.  All your needs and fears are gone.  Inexplicably, you are lifted up in the image of the living God, and in that moment, you experience and know what actual love is.
You can and will bear anything, just as surely as you know that you need nothing back at all.  No return necessary.  
You know that it is love, and that it will be love, because of and in spite of everyone and everything else that exists.  It simply is.  
I remember thinking--- "So this is the way God loves us." And the waiting silence echoed, "Yes."
Of all the things that love isn't and can never be, love is not a contract for services. It is not a quid pro quo.  It isn't a list of fulfilled and unfulfilled expectations. It is not a lie or a misunderstanding or something that "just happens".  True love is a willful and profound decision, one that you make in your soul, and it is a decision that requires you to risk it all.  Forever. 
All the things that happen, all the ups and downs, the successes and failures and dramas and betrayals and miseries of life cannot change it or stop it or reduce it to down to a contract.  Even death cannot and does not stop love.  

So when someone gives you a flimsy excuse for why they lied to you  and betrayed your trust or tells you that you aren't worthy of their love because of this or that failure, fault, or adverse circumstance, be sure that you are highly favored and protected by God, and that all things work together for good for you.  He has His hand over you---- despite the pain and disappointment you may feel, your time, your life, and your love will not be wasted as a slave to a service contract. 
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Contributors - Green Climate Fund


Clinton-Lynch: National Security Risk


NSA Won’t Release Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Transcript on “Golf” and “Grandkids” – Due to “National Security” Risk

Snakes on a plane.

Reporter Christopher Sign of ABC 15 in Phoenix, AZ broke the story on the secret meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona in June.
Loretta Lynch leaving plane after meeting with former President Bill Clinton on tarmac in Arizona

Loretta Lynch leaving plane after meeting with former
President Bill Clinton on tarmac in Arizona

Christopher Sign said the FBI told local reporters they could not take in photos or video of the meeting.

Hillary Clinton told “Meet the Press” later that week that the controversial meeting between her husband and Attorney General Loretta Lynch was “purely social.” Hillary insisted they talked about their grandkids and golf during their meeting on the tarmac.

Now this…

The NSA now says it will not release details of the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch due to the “national security” risk.

Freedom Outpost:
A citizen researcher from Florida is attempting to have the recording of the infamous Bill Clinton/ Loretta Lynch tarmac tape released to the public, but apparently the National Security Agency claims they won’t release it due to “national security.”

The man researching and seeking to have the tape released is Florida orthodontist Larry Kawa.  You may remember him because of Judicial Watch’s filing of a lawsuit on his behalf to obtain a week’s worth of Hillary Clinton’s emails regarding Benghazi.

It’s being reported now that the NSA has declared the recording of the conversation that took place between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix, Arizona on June 27, 2016.


By Anna Von Reitz

I am sitting at my desk in tears.  I have been laughing until it hurts.  The same people who were calling me a "Vatican Agent" last week are calling me a "Muslim Apologist" now.  How droll! 
I am an apologist.  My Master was an apologist, too: "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." 
Under the circumstance, apologizing to and for everyone--including myself--- seems like a uniquely appropriate thing to do. 
I apologize for all those who have been lied to, and so, have been manipulated and misled and committed terrible sins and crimes as a result.  I apologize for all those who have been forced by circumstance and coercion to do things they didn't want to do.  I apologize for those who are simply ignorant, who don't know that what they are saying, doing, or thinking is evil.  I apologize for us all, including myself.  
Certainly, most of what we have done and are doing is completely wrong or wrong-headed in the sight of Our Father in Heaven.  It really makes me wonder what the churches have been doing the last 2000 years.  
The fact is that even with our best efforts our judgment is hopelessly faulty, and we often cause damage and injury to each other, both intended and unintended. We are beginning to emerge from the Two-Year Old With A Hammer mentality, but it is still an upward climb.  
Such simple lessons as:  "Judge not."  and  "Thou shalt not kill."  and "Love your enemies." still aren't sinking in and we still have an embarrassing number of professed "Christians" who aren't even close to giving any of that a try.  
And when I have the temerity to suggest there is evidence that the Muslims have been purposefully misled just as we have been misled by Satanists embedded in our midst, merely pretending to be Muslims, or Jews, or Christians---then I am an "apologist". 
By the way, people who place God in the center of their lives and pray five times a day and who really, really TRY hard to do what they believe their Creator asks of them, are probably not in as much need of an apology as certain other parties who say they are "Christian" but are estranged from God, never pray, never read the Bible, and make no discernible effort to put the actual teachings of Yeshua into any practical action in their lives. 
I am an apologist.  I do apologize.  I apologize to Our Father in Heaven and to Yeshua and to all the Prophets and Teachers who have struggled so hard and so faithfully--and at such terrible cost--- to lift us up and teach us.  
I apologize to the people we have harmed.  
I apologize for the people who have unknowingly or ignorantly harmed us.  
I apologize for myself because I realize I am too stupid --- just as we all are --- to fully comprehend the consequences of my thoughts and words and actions. 
All we can guarantee is our intent.  Let our intent be pure and good. 
As for the rest, if I see rumors that I am a Vampire or that I turned into a German Shepherd named "Polly", that I am a Clone, that I came from the planet Xenon, or that I am secretly Durga, the Great Mother,  I won't be alarmed or surprised anymore.  

Just realize, people, that there is only one Truth, though there are many Lies. 
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

It's Spring. Look at the Garden....

By Anna Von Reitz

When you look outside your window at the magnificent Creation beyond, what do you see?
Just one kind of flower?
Just one kind of tree?
One species of insect?
How many kinds of fish in the sea?
Our Creator loves diversity. He loves all the differences.
Isn't it silly to suppose that He values a violet less than a rose?
What is this craziness that people have, when they think and apparently believe, that one man is less than another because his skin is black?
Or think that a woman is less than man?
Or that the old are not as good as the young?
Sometimes I look at my garden with all it's different living plants, all their flowers and fruits and forms, and I see my Father's hand in them and know how He must delight in creating all these different variations.
I think about how they serve so many different purposes, too: to feed us, to delight our senses, to heal us from our ills, to fill our world with color and texture and fresh clean air.
If God were stingy or stodgy or lacking in imagination, why not just plug in a single big grey and black air conditioner and call it good?
Even the common grass beneath your feet is a miracle.
And even the grass you cannot create.
Love the Creator. Learn what He teaches. If you have eyes and ears and heart, then open them up.
Take joy in all your kinds and all your nations, in your rich palette of colors and forms, in your multiplicity of gifts and talents, in your own special, one-of-a-kind self, a creation both like and unlike any other.
Let gratitude and wonder overwhelm your soul and think: there are billions upon billions of stars in the sky, and not one of them the same as any other....
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Government Agency Goes Behind Trump's Back

'Government' Agency Goes Behind Trump's Back
to Give Muslims Something Most
America - have YOU HAD ENOUGH yet?

The TRUTH About 'Refugees'

EXPOSED: 'Refugee' Hoax BUSTED When Trump Fan Noticed
1 Little Detail!  Did You Catch It?

The TRICKS and LIES of the MEDIA

Fake news is being called out.
We will not be lied to any more.

Paul Joseph Watson released the full version of a photo depicting Muslim 'refugees' “drowning” as they attempt to cross over into Europe.

The cropped version of the picture is being used to generate sympathy for Muslim 'refugees'.

In the top right corner you can clearly see a man standing up-right in the knee deep water that the refugees are pretending to drown in.

This is how the mainstream media lie to us. They take a picture or video and modify it to change the meaning of the image to suit the narrative of the liberal 'elite'.

In this case the mainstream media cropped a photo to remove the man standing in shallow water. In the new context the Muslim 'refugees' appear to be drowning helplessly at sea!!!

In another water related lie from over a decade ago an NBC reporter pretended to struggle in deep water after a storm. On the Today Show the reporter was paddling a canoe in the “raging flood” waters when two men walk behind her!!!!

Today Show Canoe
NBC Today Show correspondant pretends to row a canoe in deep water during a storm, but it is only 6 inches deep. Funny

The men pass by in waders and boots revealing that the NBC reporter is paddling around in ankle deep water. The reporter, Michelle Kosinski, was rewarded for her 'stellar reporting' and is now a Senior Diplomatic Correspondent for CNN!!!

This is how the media controls the message we receive. There is no grand conspiracy where reporters are told to cover stories in a certain way for the powers-that-be. Instead, news executives seek out talent who are willing to go along with the narrative. If you prove your willingness to lie for the narrative you are promoted. The journalists who have integrity do not get far.

In another more recent example of fake-news manipulation occurred after the death of Sylville Smith which prompted riots in Baltimore.

Sylville’s sister made a impassioned plea to a crowd gathered around her. CNN reported that she condemned the rioting. They quoted the sister saying, “Don’t bring that violence here” while ignoring the follow statement “take that shit to the suburbs.”

"Burn Down White Suburbs"
Milwaukee Rioters Told by Sister of Dead Thug Sylville Smith  

Utilizing some tricky editing, CNN was able to completely alter the meaning of the statement to garner sympathy for the Black Lives Matters protesters who were rioting in Baltimore.

The media is attempting to control the way we think by only exposing half of every story. We need to continue to expose the media lies and reclaim the truth.

The Truth About 'Refugees'

Europeans Reject Muslim Immigration

Europeans Reject Muslim Immigration
 In HUGE Numbers

Unbelievable Story of Love


 Kitten Rejected For Being ‘Too Ugly’
Is Saved By 7 Year Old Girl
Perhaps a wonderful explanation of how our loving Creator God YHWH saw each one of us, and why He sent His beloved Son Yeshua to shed His precious healing and delivering Blood to 'heal' each one of us?

the Paris 'Global Warming' Boondoggle:


In 2015, former President Obama met with world leaders to discuss how to combat “climate change.”

Without approval from Congress, Obama agreed to force the U.S. to abide by energy regulations that in reality stifle economic growth and destroy American jobs. 
Not only was this agreement costly, but as experts pointed out, there was no true environmental benefit.

Today’s decision puts our economy first and marks another step forward in unraveling Obama’s destructive legacy. 

 -- Michael A. Needham, CEO, Heritage Action for America

Please join with fellow Americans and sign the petition  ........

Trump just unleashed fury of liberal Hell!


June 2 2017
The far-left’s heads are exploding because President Trump did the right thing in exiting the Paris Climate Boondoggle.
The crushing economic ramifications of the Paris Global Warming Boondoggle:

-- 6.5 million lost American jobs
-- Key industries crushed:  Iron and steel down
38%, coal down 86%, natural gas down 31%.
-- $3 trillion cost to
the economy in lost GDP
-- $7,000 lost income per household
This is President Trump's boldest act yet to DRAIN THE SWAMP and PUT AMERICA FIRST -- and the fury of liberal hell is being released against him.
Grassfire wants to deliver 50,000 petitions to the White House within 7 days, but to do so, we need your help. 

If you stand with the President, go to:  
and we'll deliver your message to the White House.
Steve Elliott, Grassfire,
Thank you, and God bless You!  And God bless America and make her GREAT AGAIN!


An Unknown Portal Has Been Opened - 2017
Published on May 24, 2017
It is known that CERN is now wrapping up operations and will be analyzing data from their numerous firings throughout 2016. They report of returning to even more powerful operations in March of 2017.

What is most interesting is that for a year now, the experiments have continued even though scientists like Stephen Hawking and others have considered the act of smashing atoms to find god, a potentially dangerous operation.

When particles are smashed into each other at the Large Haldron Collider near Zurich, Switzerland, a super magnetic tsunami is set forth that actually ripples around the world. It has been proposed that subterranean rock fissures undergo further fragmentation. Volcanic activity is allegedly activated after each powerful jolt, sending a deluge of magnetic pulses along fault lines beneath the Earth’s crust.

It has also been theorized that animal deaths have increased this year.

Animals like deer and antelope have dropped dead in large numbers. Many were found to be suffering from cerebral hemorrhaging. Incidents like these are often mysteries to be unraveled, with scientists sorting through various explanations — hunger, habitat loss, disease, disorientation for the mass deaths.

But in a swath of recent cases, many of the die-offs boil down to a common problem: the animals’ environments are changing, and they’re struggling to keep up.

It started in late May within four days a rare form of antelope called, Saiga, had dropped dead. The entire herd of about 60,000 Saiga had died. As veterinarians and conservationists tried to stem the die-off, they also got word of similar population crashes in other herds across Kazakhstan. By early June, the mass dying was thought to be over but just after firing up CERN again Back in August, you heard that a mysterious bolt of sheet lightning came up from the ground in Norway killing over 300 reindeer. After the bolt struck there were some of the deer that were still breathing, and many of them were bleeding from their ears.

The idea of a single bolt striking the group of over 300 is astounding, and yet it’s even less plausible that over bolts struck the same area, picking the animals off one by one.

So this bolt had to have been a super bolt of electromagnetic energy. This from the ground-up lightning strike is the sort that causes the most fatalities and injuries, because it has the potential to impact a much broader area than a direct hit. The NOAA says that while this is rare – it doesn’t mean it can’t happen but is highly unlikely.

Also, National Geographic has admitted that there are unprecedented animal die-offs that are killing billions and mass die-offs are happening all over the world. National Geographic wanted to review records of all these mass die offs from the past and seems to coincide with CERN activation.

This simple fact – CERN is just a quark cannon that deconfines and gives heavier mass to quarks, transforming them into the next ‘horizon’ of heavy mass, strange quarks, which have the potential to eat up planets like ours.

The inability to control the technology it has created will not be, nor is it mankind’s greatest mistake. The greatest mistake we can make and are making is to not question the beliefs and “proxy truths” that we have been ladened with that nonetheless defy common sense and human decency. It is also a big mistake to not seek, know, embrace, and embody the truth ourselves.

Much of the ambivalence and complacency around the CERN activities is due to the fact that half-truth and untruth is pretty much all we’ve been fed, so we’re comfortable when a scientist, doctor, politician, or anyone who appears to be in “authority” tells us something that doesn’t make sense, or even seems ill-advised.

The CERN collider is composed of some 9,600 super magnets – which are 100,000 times more powerful than the gravitational pull of Earth – that fire protons around a circular track at mindboggling speeds. A beam might rotate for up to 10 hours, travelling a distance of more than 10 billion kilometers, enough to make it to the far reaches of our Solar System and back again. Travelling just below light-speed, a proton in the LHC will make 11,245 circuits every second.

No less amazing are the magnet’s coils, which are made up of 36 twisted 15mm strands, each strand comprised in turn of 6000-9000 single filaments, each filament possessing a diameter as small as 7 micrometers. The 27km length of the LHC demands some 7,600 km (4,100 miles) of cable, which amounts to about 270,000 km (145,000 miles) of strand — more than enough to circle the Earth six times at the equator. According to the CERN website, if the filaments were unraveled, they would “stretch to the Sun and back five times with enough left over for a few trips to the Moon.”

The pull upon the Earth is obviously extraordinary; some say that one false move could split the Earth in two.

Here - hold my diet coke